The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
There's only one way that obvious troll is still active: It's actually @rollitup

Any other organization with even an iota of honor would have shit canned that troll days ago. It must be @rollitup trying to pump up the hit counter on the site for the advertising dollars while at the same time having a good time at our expense just for the LOLs.

Nothing else makes any sense.
Who will you idiots argue with after they grant your wish and ban all the scary men that dont agree with you?
That's not to say that pokerjay is right or ok,theres definitely something off about this one lol.
But he's a Russian troll or wait now its rollitup playin with us?
You're not smart.


Well-Known Member
Who will you idiots argue with after they grant your wish and ban all the scary men that dont agree with you?
That's not to say that pokerjay is right or ok,theres definitely something off about this one lol.
But he's a Russian troll or wait now its rollitup playin with us?
You're not smart.
What was your previous username?

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Who will you idiots argue with after they grant your wish and ban all the scary men that dont agree with you?
That's not to say that pokerjay is right or ok,theres definitely something off about this one lol.
But he's a Russian troll or wait now its rollitup playin with us?
You're not smart.
He said " men " LOL


Well-Known Member
California is a liberal state with compassion for the poor, so they flock there from heartless red states. Conservatives have none compassion for the less fortunate.
Vote republicans out
Compassion for the poor? By hiking up taxes and housing so that people are having to sell everything and live in RV’s? By putting boulders and spikes down so the homeless can’t sleep? Oh right, you make sure they have clean needles, that’s compassionate. Lol San Fran is run but nothing but Democrats and look at how quickly that place has turned to shit....literally :clap::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Compassion for the poor? By hiking up taxes and housing so that people are having to sell everything and live in RV’s? By putting boulders and spikes down so the homeless can’t sleep? Oh right, you make sure they have clean needles, that’s compassionate. Lol San Fran is run but nothing but Democrats and look at how quickly that place has turned to shit....literally :clap::mrgreen:
San Francisco is top ten is the most desirable places to live in this nation

how is your little hometown of hawley Alabama doing?


Well-Known Member
Compassion for the poor? By hiking up taxes and housing so that people are having to sell everything and live in RV’s? By putting boulders and spikes down so the homeless can’t sleep? Oh right, you make sure they have clean needles, that’s compassionate. Lol San Fran is run but nothing but Democrats and look at how quickly that place has turned to shit....literally :clap::mrgreen:
Yes clean needles are republicans out


Well-Known Member
What gives here? What interest would an ignoramus like Trump have in this? I think Vlad wants it and Donald must be looking for a Rat hole to run to, good luck with that! Uncle Sam is gonna destroy Vlad after this bullshit, he must know what is coming, he should be terrified, so should all Russians.

Trump administration expected to announce exit from 'Open Skies' treaty
By Ryan Browne, CNN

Updated 9:50 PM ET, Tue October 8, 2019

Washington (CNN)The Trump administration is expected to soon announce that it plans to exit the "Open Skies" treaty, a US official tells CNN, a move that has already drawn condemnation from Democrats in Congress.
The treaty, which was signed in 1992 and went into effect in 2002, allows 34 member states to conduct unarmed surveillance flights over one another's territories. According to the State Department, the treaty "is designed to enhance mutual understanding and confidence by giving all participants, regardless of size, a direct role in gathering information through aerial imaging on military forces and activities of concern to them."
In a statement, a State Department spokesperson said they were aware of Democratic lawmakers' letters regarding the treaty.
"We do not comment on Congressional correspondence. We continue to implement the treaty and are in full compliance with our obligations under this Treaty, unlike Russia," the spokesperson said.

The White House and Pentagon have not responded to CNN's requests for comment on the matter.
Democrats have been quick to criticize the impending announcement.
"Pulling out of the Open Skies Treaty, an important multilateral arms control agreement, would be yet another gift from the Trump Administration to (Russian President Vladimir) Putin," the top Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs, House Armed Services, Senate Armed Services and Senate Foreign Relations committees wrote in a letter to Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
"Not only is there no case for withdrawal on the grounds of national security, there has been no consultation with the Congress or with our allies about this consequential decision. Any action by this administration to withdraw from critical international treaties without the approval of the Senate is deeply concerning," wrote Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island, Rep. Eliot Engel of New York and Rep. Adam Smith of Washington state.

The Russian Embassy in Washington wrote a tweet Tuesday expressing support for the treaty, saying: "We consider the #OpenSkiesTreaty to be an important instrument in ensuring European security on the same level as the 2011 Vienna document on confidence- and security-building measures."
In 2017, an unarmed Russian Air Force aircraft flew over the US Capitol, the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency and Joint Base Andrews at a low altitude as part of the treaty.
The US has in the past accused Moscow of imposing restrictions on flights near its exclave of Kaliningrad, an area between Poland and Lithuania where the Russian military maintains a robust presence.
CNN's Paul LeBlanc, Jennifer Hansler, Jon Ostrower, Peter Morris and Noah Gray contributed to this report.
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Well-Known Member
I found this tweet from 2015. I believe this is one of the Saudi billionaires that MBS shook down via black water security (Erick Prince brother of Betsey Devos)?



Well-Known Member
Just a average day in the life of a tRUmp supporter.



Well-Known Member
Just a average day in the life of a tRUmp supporter.

View attachment 4405617
Alpha male.


Well-Known Member
Who will you idiots argue with after they grant your wish and ban all the scary men that dont agree with you?
That's not to say that pokerjay is right or ok,theres definitely something off about this one lol.
But he's a Russian troll or wait now its rollitup playin with us?
You're not smart.
It's not that people disagree with the stupid ideas you espouse, it's your whole antisocial attitude.
Poker is a person with mental health issues, or he is a Russian troll, that's real simple for normal folks to see, you not so much.
Active Member - Profile hidden and past posts, use search engine to find past posts
Joined and came here and experience in politics for someone who joined Jan 13, 2019

You do believe black, Hispanic and Muslim citizens have the same rights as everybody else?
That brown people are just as good as you are ?
Not hard questions to answer, will you or will you deflect?
Do you still support Donald Trump?
another easy question * just answering this one probably answer the rest, perhaps.

Nothing to talk about until we know the answers to the above, and the reasons if required. I believe it's your intention to cause harm and suffering to these people. Am I wrong? Remember your past posts, others here will. Troll and sock puppet or legitimate participant, your call.

Also, did you apologize for your antisocial behavior with DrAmberTichrome, insulting a lady ain't gonna get ya any respect among men.


Well-Known Member
Compassion for the poor? By hiking up taxes and housing so that people are having to sell everything and live in RV’s? By putting boulders and spikes down so the homeless can’t sleep? Oh right, you make sure they have clean needles, that’s compassionate. Lol San Fran is run but nothing but Democrats and look at how quickly that place has turned to shit....literally :clap::mrgreen:
So Munkey, what do they do for junkies in your home town?

Lot's of folks using hillbilly heroin down south, white trash fur the most part. Houses are cheap where ya live because ya live in a shit hole that nobody wants to live in, with your kind as neighbors and stinking the trailer park up with racism and such.


Well-Known Member

San Francisco is top ten is the most desirable places to live in this nation

how is your little hometown of hawley Alabama doing?
Trump is still around 80% support among whites in Alabama, no cure fur stupid. Figure that most of the white male population should be nutted. Problem solved, short term pain, long term gain. They don't like the constitution anyway and they figure it's OK when Donald breaks it, so they should not have a problem with their own public castration, as a punishment for racist speech or acts.. I kinda like the idea, eugenics too and saves money on prisons. Yep heavy fines and free public surgery, it worked fur slaves and it will work fur the descendants of former owners and crackers too! Mandatory minimums Buck, $10K fine and 2 nuts. :wink: This would have worked much better than reconstruction! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe make it part of some reparations program and give some black men the chance to wield the knife! It was constitutional to nut a slave for almost a hundred years too.
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Well-Known Member
Compassion for the poor? By hiking up taxes and housing so that people are having to sell everything and live in RV’s? By putting boulders and spikes down so the homeless can’t sleep? Oh right, you make sure they have clean needles, that’s compassionate. Lol San Fran is run but nothing but Democrats and look at how quickly that place has turned to shit....literally :clap::mrgreen:
I think they more meant that the rural cities/suburbs throughout the country that the people lived before they became homeless were the shitty ones for not helping their people at home. They end up in cities because they got ran out of everywhere else.

But unless they needed to be sure nobody slept there to be safe it is a shitty thing to put spikes down to hurt people. We need to do a better job as a country/world at providing a way for everyone to live a safe healthy life.


Well-Known Member
You ain't scary, just stupid to most others here, I don't consider you to me a man either. Men apologize to lady's they have publicly insulted over nothing. Say yer sorry little boy, grow up and be a man.
Shut the fuck Up!!! You have been rambling on about nothing for weeks
Go guzzle maple syrup and stfu