I messed up

I kinda fucked up and used MG soil and now am experiencing nitrogen Toxicity. But I am just curious, can I transplant it into a different soil like Fox Farm or something and flush it out good? but my plant about a foot and half tall so would the transplant hurt it too much or stress it out
I kinda fucked up and used MG soil and now am experiencing nitrogen Toxicity. But I am just curious, can I transplant it into a different soil like Fox Farm or something and flush it out good? but my plant about a foot and half tall so would the transplant hurt it too much or stress it out
Im sure a transplant wouldn't hurt it. How old are the p!ants?
had the same problem man, i change to a bigger pot(same earth) and i flushed them with pure distiled water ph 7, they made a huge recover in 1 week. i had 15 like that just 2 didnt recover
I kinda fucked up and used MG soil and now am experiencing nitrogen Toxicity. But I am just curious, can I transplant it into a different soil like Fox Farm or something and flush it out good? but my plant about a foot and half tall so would the transplant hurt it too much or stress it out
Its unlikey you have nitrogen toxicity, unless you added nitrogen yourself, it wont be in the grow media in toxic levels, especially if your plant grew a foot in said growing media, cannabis is a big feeder compared to most general plants, sure your growing media may be more ideal for veg rather than flower in that case you can repot, cutting your potting mix with 50% pumice sand or perlite, without disturbing the roots in repot, i think you may have over potted it in to a too large pot initially and possibly over watered it, you should let the potting mix dry out between watering cycles, but im stabbing in the dark with no photo and little info.

add a photo and ill let you know the real problem its not your MG soil/potting mix, now you must remember that we all come from different parts of the world and im assuming MG is a potting mix brand you have in your country. my guess MG stands for something like magic grow, no idea as we dont have that brand here
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Its unlikey you have nitrogen toxicity, unless you added nitrogen yourself, it wont be in the grow media in toxic levels, especially if your plant grew a foot in said growing media, cannabis is a big feeder compared to most general plants, sure your growing media may be more ideal for veg rather than flower in that case you can repot, cutting your potting mix with 50% pumice sand or perlite, without disturbing the roots in repot, i think you may have over potted it in to a too large pot initially and possibly over watered it, you should let the potting mix dry out between watering cycles, but im stabbing in the dark with no photo and little info.

add a photo and ill let you know the real problem its not your MG soil/potting mix, now you must remember that we all come from different parts of the world and im assuming MG is a potting mix brand you have in your country. my guess MG stands for something like magic grow, no idea as we dont have that brand here
Miracle Grow
You can submerge the root ball into water so the soil can come off easily with out causing much stress on the plant.
Thanks that video helps a hella lot I think I’ll try that and replant back into some Fox farm or some kinda soil actually suitable for growing cannabis
do the flush with destiled water ph 7 too!! that help me a lot. it cleans all the roots and soil it has, just a good drainage in your pot.
do the flush with destiled water ph 7 too!! that help me a lot. it cleans all the roots and soil it has, just a good drainage in your pot.
So could I use any soil for growing vegetables and herbs as long as it doesn’t have time released nutrients like Miracle grow?
So could I use any soil for growing vegetables and herbs as long as it doesn’t have time released nutrients like Miracle grow?
not any soil, im preparing mine after the messed up for the prepare soil, just search and investigate what kind of soil is good. it easier to manage nutrients too.
I kinda fucked up and used MG soil and now am experiencing nitrogen Toxicity. But I am just curious, can I transplant it into a different soil like Fox Farm or something and flush it out good? but my plant about a foot and half tall so would the transplant hurt it too much or stress it out
You didnt f@#k up if you dont make the same mistake in the future.. One day you can draw from you experience to answer a new growers same question.. And tbh you will be obligated to do so... LOL
Appreciate it
I know you have seen all of the PH talk in these forums but. They dont stress the importance enuff. Make sure your ph is adjusted for your grow.. Ph for hydro/soil less grows are different from soil grows.. If your ph is off you can experience what looks like u dont give them enuff nutes, but in reality the plants cant use what your feeding them because some nutes can only be processed at certain ph levels. 5.6-6.3 is the range.. "Going by the new book i baught"


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