The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

DIY just owned you like a slave, pussy boy
From the timing of his posts, he's got a hot poker up his ass tonight. I'm having so much fun I can't even get around to rolling a joint Buck! Rob Roy is in fine form, monkey hunting too :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Life is good, I got trolls!
Yet another slam dunk impeachment article, another day another scandal. This alone should bring him down and put him in prison.
Trump asked Tillerson to interfere in DOJ case against Giuliani client: report
BY MARTY JOHNSON - 10/09/19 07:10 PM EDT

President Trump pressured then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to help convince the Department of Justice (DOJ) to drop a criminal investigation against an Iranian-Turkish gold trader who was also a client of Trump's current personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, Bloomberg reports.

Tillerson refused Trump's 2017 request, saying it would be illegal to interfere with an ongoing investigation. He repeated his stance to then-chief of staff John Kelly in a hallway conversation in the White House.

At the time, Reza Zarrab, the trader in question, was being prosecuted by a New York federal court on charges of evading U.S. sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program, according to Bloomberg. As a result, Zarrab hired Giuliani and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey.

Giuliani reportedly reached out to U.S. officials numerous in attempts to solve his client's situation outside of the court system.

The report comes amid growing scrutiny over the president's dealings with foreign leaders, especially in light of a recent whistleblower report that raised concerns over a phone call Trump held in which he pressed Ukraine's president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son. The scandal has also implicated Giuliani, whose own dealings in Ukraine have drawn the attention of lawmakers in recent weeks.

The report also comes shortly after Trump announced he was pulling U.S. troops out of northeastern Syria ahead of an expected Turkish offensive against Kurdish forces there. Presdient Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on Wednesday that he had formally launched the invasion.

Zarrab's release was reportedly of high priority for Erdogan until the trader decided to cooperate with New York prosecutors.

Tillerson has openly said that Trump asked him multiple times to do things that would break the law, according to the news source.

Eventually, Zarrab pleaded guilty and reportedly testified against Mehmet Hakan Atilla, who was in charge of international banking at Halkbank, a state-owned Turkish bank.

Erdogan, Zarrab asserted, knew and supported the laundering effort on behalf of Iran, according to the new outlet. The Turkish President has denied these allegations vehemently.

The White House, Kelly and Tillerson all declined to comment to Bloomberg.
No Kangaroo Court: Trump's Refusal To Cooperate With Congress Constitutes Obstruction

In an 8-page letter to Congress, the White House laid out the administration's plan to openly obstruct the impeachment inquiry against the President
dyi is nuts. He’s not right in the head. Too much sauce
You pretend to hate trump while getting caught starting sock puppet accounts with his re-election slogan as your username and you dawn over what a manly man he is

and you think your act is working

you are mentally ill. You are not fit to pass judgment on us sane people, you russian retard
Rudy Giuliani’s two henchmen were trying to flee the country when arrested
They were Russians too!

The two foreign-born men who have been helping President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani find dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden and his family were indicted and arrested early this morning while at Dulles Airport just west of Washington, D.C.

According to MSNBC, the men, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, were on an outbound international flight attempting to flee the country.

“These charges filed by the United States attorney office for the Southern District of New York, the federal prosecutors here in Manhattan,” reported NBC News correspondent Tom Winter. “They’re going to appear in Virginia first because they were arrested at Dulles Airport last night. Literally, as you were just speaking, more information from my colleague Joe Valiquette, the two were arrested on an outbound flight, so they were on their way out of the country when they were arrested according to Joe. One of the other individuals taken into custody in San Francisco, and it’s not clear yet, whether or not he has been taken into custody. So we’re still working on that. Both of these two businessmen were on their way out of the United States last night.”
Can we stop saying that tRUmp supporters are just your average working man, turns out the term deplorable was spot on.

tRUmp country, who the fuck wants to go to Alabama to begin with. Their state song must have the banjo music from the movie Deliverance.

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Maybe they could hold Black fest, or Afro week, or some other name that would drive "good ole boys" wild. Try to get black people in America to attend in Alabama, make it a party, with great music too! Get as many of the 60 million black , or brown citizens as you can, and as many armed to the teeth as you can too, show your respect for the liberal state gun laws. Even 5 or 10 million black people in Alabama would probably cause wide spread mental collapse among the white racist population, and no doubt several would crack under the strain of overwhelming fear, and start shooting people, you could almost guarantee a minimum of three mass murders, by white terrorists in Alabama during Reparations reminder week, with several million brown folks in attendance*.

A caravan of 5 million armed black people heading for Alabama, for some fun and good music, at a planned (
law suits etc) music festival. Most of the white population would shit a brick, there would be road blocks and free lance check points run by armed private white militias. The black entertainers and musicians will draw millions, they are after all, the best in the business.

Time to get in their face and go where they live, stop playing defense with traitors, ya got the wind at your back now, time to go on the offensive.
Alabama population 5 million 20% black, America 60 million *+ black, next year Mississippi and so on, repeat as required. Buy some union soldier blue uniforms and wear them, muskets and all, they like to reenact old battles and there is always a shortage of blues, give'em some blues I say! Besides it will give them an excuse to wear the red MAGA hat with the grey uniform and replace the grey kepi

*(Google) Alabama's African American population is 1,251,311, and it accounts for 26.2 percent of the state's population and 3.2 percent of the nation's Africa American population according to the 2010 census. Alabama is steeped in black history.

4.90 million- Alabama Population 2019. According to US Census projections for 2019, Alabama's population is estimated to be 4.90 million

As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority. African Americans are the largest racial minority, comprising an estimated 12.7% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans are the largest ethnic minority, comprising an estimated 17.8% of the population.

What percent of the US is black 2017?
On that date, according to the projection, the black population would constitute 17.9 percent of the nation's total population.Jan 10, 2017
AROUND 60 MILLION CITIZENS, that is political clout and it needs to be harnessed properly for the benefit of these citizens.
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Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump? aggregates results from all the major polls and assigns weights according to historical accuracy and methodology of each poll. It's about as good an unbiased source on statistical analysis of political trends as there is. The figure below shows a strong inflection favoring impeachment across the political spectrum ever since the Ukraine news hit. Overall, about half in this country support impeachment. It's the Independent voters that will make the difference in this issue. Republicans have lost their way and are headed for the dustbins of history. There is no hope for the crop of right wing fascists currently in control that party. Still, though, with 50% against impeachment, Trump's going nowhere but he is heading in the wrong direction if he wants to win in 2020.

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