Yellowing and browning edges

This gal is roughly 21 days into flower The problem started about a week ago I noticed slight browning/discolorationon afew ofthe leaf edges. This plant had never received a feeding so I went ahead and gave it weak dose, around 1300ppm of megaceop
Fast forward 4 days and well the pictures tell you everything. Water/nutes all phed to 6.3 -6.4 I add 1 tbs/gal of unsulphured mollasses
They're growing in a mix of happy frog/ffof/coco/vermiculite and perlite I did notice after the firstfeeding the leaves began to "claw" simply not enough feeding? Scared to over do it as this is ththe gem ofthe bunch* also just noticed the top half of the plants has purple underneath the leaves??*


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Well-Known Member
Ya NewB, you fed her too much. Look at the leaf color being quite dark green. Early sign of too much N. Np need to flush but let her dry out and give a few straight waterings before beginning at lower dose. Maybe 600 ppm and work up from there.

I did that to some light feeding sativas my last run. She will long as you back off.

How much vermiculite did you put in? That stuff retains moisture. Not at all similar to perlite ...and with good do not need it.
Ya NewB, you fed her too much. Look at the leaf color being quite dark green. Early sign of too much N. Np need to flush but let her dry out and give a few straight waterings before beginning at lower dose. Maybe 600 ppm and work up from there.

I did that to some light feeding sativas my last run. She will long as you back off.

How much vermiculite did you put in? That stuff retains moisture. Not at all similar to perlite ...and with good do not need it.
Haha thanks for the quickreply I'll give her a flush once shes do for another watering in a couple days unless she gets much worse, not much vermiculite probably only 10% of the batch
Just a digital ppm meter water reads around 300ppm out of the tap water/Mc solution was given at 1500ppm so I'm guessing that would be around 1200-1300 ppm of mega crop? I fgured if I have to actually weigh the nutes I might as well use a ppm meter. I might be absolutely wrong though


Well-Known Member
In my post...there was a typo I couldn't edit. I do not believe your situation warrants a flush for now.

I believe the plant will grow through long as you're conservative from now on.

1300 ppm is not a weak dose. I start seedlings at 250 ppm, veg at 500-600ppm and rarely go over 800 ppm in bloom and plants do great.
In my post...there was a typo I couldn't edit. I do not believe your situation warrants a flush for now.

I believe the plant will grow through long as you're conservative from now on.

1300 ppm is not a weak dose. I start seedlings at 250 ppm, veg at 500-600ppm and rarely go over 800 ppm in bloom and plants do great.
Right on I'm hoping they will recover, any suggestions on these? Same conditions as the last just higher ppms I had been feeding it a consistent 2000 ppms for about 12 days no problems until 4 days ago as well leaves began to yellow and the veins stayed green Sorry to ask something else about completley different plants* I know you said you dont usually go over 800 but Iwas having consistent defecicncies that were fixed within 2 days after a 1900 ppm feeding



Well-Known Member
Read this carefully...because I am not trying to insult you.

I do not believe your statement about dosing. I think you believe it to be true...but something's going on that you may have missed.

If you were showing deficiencies at what...800 ppm? Just seems unlikely.

Those heroic doses (2000 ppm) are a waste of money and sometimes damaging to plants.

The ppms I listed for myself were absolutely true. Grown like that using Maxi-bloom for over 10 years.

And like I said...I burnt a Malawi/Thai at 700 ppm because it was such a light feeder. That occurred a month into flowering.

You need to find a better source for nute info...or you will continue to have problems.
Good luck,
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Read this carefully...because I am not trying to insult you.

I do not believe your statement about dosing. I think you believe it to be true...but something's going on that you may have missed.

If you were showing deficiencies at what...800 ppm? Just seems unlikely.

Those heroic doses (2000 ppm) are a waste of money and sometimes damaging to plants.

The ppms I listed for myself were absolutely true. Grown like that using Maxi-bloom for over 10 years.

And like I said...I burnt a Malawi/Thai at 700 ppm because it was such a light feeder. That occurred a month into flowering.

You need to find a better source for nute info...or you will continue to have problems.
Good luck,
Thank you I was just very misinformed I suppose, I know one of them to be a light feeder but the others are a completley different strain I'll try the route of weighing the nutes vs the ppm meter thank you for the help its is much appreciated


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with a good ppm meter. I have a Bluelab truncheon. I didn't say anything about weighing.

You would benefit from more reading on nutrients. This is a sort-of step-by-step with nutrient strengths and other's a good newb read...
