Grandma's Secret Garden 5.0 Grow Box by Dealzer


Has anyone used this box and if so could you give any feedback? This seems really ideal from me due to I only want to grow about 2-4 plants at a time. However, I want to learn more about this item beside what the site could provide before buying and also if anyone has has success with this box, thanks.

There is one unboxing video from the company on youtube I wasn't not sure if I could post that link, thanks again for any feedback.
the price is really not that bad especially since other boxes start around $1,000. Its not the price I am worried about I would really like to know how it performs.
How is it going to perform? Like crap. A small box with a crappy light, a couple small fans, a $10 water pump and $10 air pump. It doesn't matter if others start around $1000. They're likely overpriced crap as well.

From their website:

"Grows 4 large plants. Tall plants bend down naturally to fit in the grow box."
"Dimensions: 36" Tall x 20" Wide x 16.5" Deep"
"Mars Hydro LED grow light (equivalent to 150w HID)"

You can't grow one large plant in that box. "Tall plants naturally bend down." What?

I don't use LED lighting but from what I hear you need about 15 inches above the canopy. That takes up a bunch of that 3 ft height.

The only people buying that thing are new growers that don't know any better.
I appreciate your honesty and feedback, anything you would suggest? I just want something that is not super huge (can be tall) for like 2-4 plants, can be plugged into the wall, and has amazing odor control. odor control is my biggest concern.
Has anyone used this box and if so could you give any feedback? This seems really ideal from me due to I only want to grow about 2-4 plants at a time. However, I want to learn more about this item beside what the site could provide before buying and also if anyone has has success with this box, thanks.

There is one unboxing video from the company on youtube I wasn't not sure if I could post that link, thanks again for any feedback.
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I could sell milk to a cow... use a couple buckets and be humble
I appreciate your honesty and feedback, anything you would suggest? I just want something that is not super huge (can be tall) for like 2-4 plants, can be plugged into the wall, and has amazing odor control. odor control is my biggest concern.

A 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 grow tent equipped with an exhaust fan, carbon filter, and light of your choice. You might not find everything all in one box and will have to buy different components and put it all together yourself but you will soon regret purchasing that grow box if you do.
I appreciate your honesty and feedback, anything you would suggest? I just want something that is not super huge (can be tall) for like 2-4 plants, can be plugged into the wall, and has amazing odor control. odor control is my biggest concern.
This does not even come with odor control of any kind; just a couple shitty pc fans. A small grow tent or even a custom diy plywood box with an inline exhaust ducted to a carbon filter will kill the smell and help pull off heat. I bet Grandmas box stanks like dank....
That hydro setup is total trash. You could DIY something much better or make it easy on yourself and grow in regular old soil and compost. Grandmas box only performs as well as granpa's gardening skills allow...
My advice
Go HID if you cant afford a top of the line led.
2x2 tent is fine but a bit small, i got one but wish i went 3x3 minimum.
Odor control is not optional.
First time growing, stick with dirt.
DIY where you can, it will save you money.

edit.... 2x2 only fits one plant comfortably