Clone only strains

For general use, I use Avid/Floramite/Forbid in rotation. If another type of arachnid/insect repellant is needed, Ill use it.

Miticides in general aren't the best option to kill insects. Mites are Arachnids. But the above 3 chemicals cover a lot of ground.

Ive not had to use them in years though. 2011 probably was the last time.
heres the thing. the clones ive gotten ,(that were buggy) im sure came from a clean room. so i guess they can be infested some where on the ride or what ever. so for insurance, i spray with the oil and keep them seperated like some one else mentioned.
this stuff is great for young unflowered plants. if they are starting to flower. get some lady bugs, they are cheap and effective