Aurora Indica: Should it be this simple?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it, you could've taken those pictures anywhere and they could've gotten on your camera anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Dude... you left the weed pics on the camera... that your religious sister... took on a religious trip?!?!?!


I hope she's so religious that she is naive as to what marijuana looks like.


Well-Known Member
Haha that particular sister tried to grow weed once! Now, that was a less than half hearted grow out in the open. (It was ended by a cat that chewed the plant to bits) and she knows that I smoke up though. I think I would be safest if she found it because she would have realized that I wouldn't want her using my camera even in the best of possible situations. The worst would be that my mother, who is also on the retreat wants to show off 'her new toys' and finds something green. Lets just hope she is unfamiliar with the look of weed. If not, well... one reply gave fantastic advice to deny all knowledge of a grow and insist that a friend must have taken them. I also have to work until my dark period so there are no adjustments or checks that I will risk doing until tomorrow morning. Oh well... Looks like every friday will be this way...

When I can , though I will take some pics with my cell phone.. can't go that long without having some pics of the grow.


Well-Known Member
That is correct! I started veg on the first and began flowering on the 20th. I like the neat and clean number. I would wake up some idle saturday morning scratching my brain to bits to remember how many days it has been since October 23 when it is the middle of November and harvest is coming soon. I think I will only start grows on the first of the month and start flower on a day that is a multiple of 10.... I like my brain intact.

Oh, bxke1414, the pics you shall have!


Well-Known Member
Well it is the close of day 5 of flower after 20 days of veg. I noticed the the growth kind of tapered off and figured that it might have been time for a transplant and boy was I right! It would have been a fantastic idea to have the LST going all the way along the length of the pot but I couldn't do that. I transplanted to a cylindrical 5 gallon pot and I used a chicken manure-based fertilizer mixed in with the soil. I used hyponex soil. It is very sandy and with a few pea-sized pebbles and I added perlite so there is probably going to be a ton of root growth. which is my smiling moment for the day (aside from the next couple of hours)... I was transplanting and kind of worried about poor root structure... It turns out that there was a thick mat of roots that permeated every inch of the soil. I swear I picked up every bit of dirt in a single go and it was the size, shape, and weight of a wrapped-up newborn! The plant seemed to tolerate it well and I will check my plants again on Monday evening because I have to work a double tomorrow.

I will see you cats on Monday then.


Well-Known Member
I don't really know if we have a nursery by that name where I live. I wish we did. I just pick up all of the growing supplies I need from various superstores like Walmart(pots and tools), Lowes (lights), and ACE Hardware (everything else).

Now as a special treat I wanted to do something that would be considered by some as a very risky move what with weed being illegal and all. I hope that you guys are all as cool as I think you might be and don't turn this self pic to the cops. Here goes...


LOL I just had to put that up here when I came across it at Vol. 12


Well-Known Member
nah I don't get home from work until about 1130. My sister is coming back in a couple of hours though... Also is the fact that once I get the camera I can't use it until monday after school because of the night cycle starting at 840am.... But soon...

It seems that you are a frequent observer of my little grow...


Well-Known Member
Ahh! well you will be happy to know that my camera has just arrived at home all safe and sound. I will probably have time to up load those pics that I had been wanting to put up on friday. It is Mostly just the LST work that I did before I transplanted to a 5 gallon pot I'm hoping that the roots didn't suffer too much and that growth is now back on track.


Well-Known Member
Well I have my camera returned to me and in the exact same condition it was taken. Wasn't even turned on the whole weekend! Well enough about that This is day 7 of flower after 20 days of veg. I have seen something on my plant that is rather disturbing but I will put everyone's attention to it in due time. I have seen that there was very little shock that could have occured following the transplant becasue there is now another jolt of growth. Secondary and tertiary nodes are popping up all over the place!

I opened the area up just a few moments ago and the smell was unbelievable! The odor is definitely strongest 1 hour before lights on. I deferred any branch training until I get a bit more length on the main stem. The sad thing is that there is now so much side growth that I'm having a hard time figuring out where to put the wires along the stem. The beginnings of all of these bud sites and points of growth are all taking on that characteristic light green that I see in all the pics on this site and that is a relief because I worried about light leaking in around the sides of my light barrier. Apparently my concerns were moot and I might have a lot of buds coming my way.

The final concern for the remainder of this grow is that Johnnie might just be a John... I took a picture of a stem that has both internodes sporting secondary growth and at the joint of one of the leaves to the stem I see two little growths that look a little fat to be stipules... Will someone please have a look at this and tell me if this is a ball sack or just my imagination. I might just be in denial. Here it is: DSC00244.jpg

Well, onto the other pictures!
DSC00234.jpg DSC00235.jpg DSC00237.jpg DSC00238.jpg

These first four are from last week and the rest are from less than an hour ago.

Hope you all enjoy and are able to allay my fears about the plant's sex.



Well-Known Member
Give it another day or so, it could be new growth. And thanks for the pics! My 3rd plant showed female last night.


Well-Known Member
Congrats man! Is it an indica or a female and how long have you had it in veg and flower? LOL you can't dangle that kind of goodness in front of me and not deliver! LOL. I finally got my camera and I just went nuts with the pics! I even have more to show! A couple of hours after my post-test smoke break I decided to make those training adjustments and ended up taking a whole lot more pics. I hope I can keep this grow going well with the 3 lights that I have because I am having temps of about 90 now! That tarp keeps both the light AND the heat in! I guess I will get some venting tubes after school on friday. The growth had been touching the lights for a while and there are just a couple more minor burns on the same leaf. It is that one leaf that was sticking straight up. Now, I have the whole 8 inch plant down to about a 3 inch profile. I will have the pics up a bit later...


Well-Known Member
I just posted lots of pics in my journal, from researching and reading about Afghan Kush I think mine is very similar to that strain.