How do you preserve your seeds?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how everyone preserves their seeds for later use? I was reading and it seems most people say seeds are viable for a decent amount of time (like 3 years), but I would prefer to preserve mine just in case. Ive heard a simple method is to just throw them in a freezer that stays cold and doesn't thaw. I was thinking of organizing mine in some Tupperware then putting them in a chest freezer until I want to use them. Is there any downsides to this method or if you use this method, are there anything to watch out for?
The crisper huh? I always thought to freeze em. Out of curiosity, doesnt the constant opening and closing of the fridge cause issues with temp changes? Alrighty, ill give it a shot, thank you, everyone!
If you freeze them they will last maybe 100 years. In the fridge they should be good for at least 10 years, more like 20. If freezing you want them to remain frozen so pack some ice around the container of seeds or otherwise make sure they do not defrost. The seed hulls can get tough after many years so you might want to crack them before trying to germinate.

Air tight with as little air in the container as possible. You could fill the empty space with rice. The fridge will vary in temps but should not affect it if airtight. Burying the seeds under several feet of earth( 4 or more is ideal) is ok or storing in the basement or similar.
. . . . . . . . . The thing about freezing I do not like is the risk of them thawing while rooting through or looking at the collection.

Cheers :)
I keep mine in the freezer, and I do worry about thawing. My seed collection is up to 3 quart freezer bags now. I have those broke down in smaller bags which should be loosely by year, strain family and/or source. So the whole collection only needs to be out of the freezer for a couple of minutes if I have a rough idea of what I'm looking for. Lots of times I don't really know what I want to pop though. I just root around until something jumps out at me.
I keep mine in mini-fridge on colder labeled plastic vials. The vials are in those metal Christmas tins you get cookies and candy in...with a few bags of silica desiccant packs. Haven't popped any seeds in oldest seeds are 7-8 old. will be germing in a couple of months...hopefully my storage is working.
I store mine in a Amber 3ml Vial with decadent and cotton and then those go into a Amber mason jar with a decadent pack inside and then the jar is stored in mini fridge at 34 - 37 degrees .
I'm finding seeds at all my old stash places. Just the ones from the bud smoked there, but every couple of three months I go around and collect all of them and add them to the collection in the freezer. I might have 5-6 different bags of seeds from some strains.
I keep mine in mini-fridge on colder labeled plastic vials. The vials are in those metal Christmas tins you get cookies and candy in...with a few bags of silica desiccant packs. Haven't popped any seeds in oldest seeds are 7-8 old. will be germing in a couple of months...hopefully my storage is working.

Ive popped seeds as old as 20 year old seeds that aint been refrigerated etc i wouldnt worry about it im sure they will be fine
I like to use small airtight test tubes. Those can then go into an airtight container with some desiccant packs and then the refrigerator.
