What did you accomplish today?

I should have posted this a couple weeks ago but I was preoccupied. 50 years ago on 10-1-69 my wife married me 2 weeks before me leaving for Vietnam. She didn't tell her parents until after I left, they wanted her to wait. But I think we are gonna make it work out. Happy Anniversary Sweetheart, I'll love you forever....

9-18-2011 log cabin 012.jpg



I should have posted this a couple weeks ago but I was preoccupied. 50 years ago on 10-1-69 my wife married me 2 weeks before me leaving for Vietnam. She didn't tell her parents until after I left, they wanted her to wait. But I think we are gonna make it work out. Happy Anniversary Sweetheart, I'll love you forever....

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That's an accomplishment bro, congrats. (Mrs Ratt says the same)
I should have posted this a couple weeks ago but I was preoccupied. 50 years ago on 10-1-69 my wife married me 2 weeks before me leaving for Vietnam. She didn't tell her parents until after I left, they wanted her to wait. But I think we are gonna make it work out. Happy Anniversary Sweetheart, I'll love you forever....

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That's great.

My grandparents received a Plate on their 50th.

When grandma passed no one asked to keep the plate so I kept it.

When my mom and dad celebrated their 50th I had the names and date of my grandparents wedding inscribed on the back
and included the names and date of my mom and dad's wedding.

I may not make it to a 50th, unless you count the years collectively. ;-)

My sister has a chance so it is likely that her name would be added next.

Congrats and I hope you enjoy many more years together.:cool::clap:
last time i was in Jackson, this dude with bright bleach blonde dreadlocks offered me some "adaptagenic, reishsi mushroom kombucha"

kombucha is a disgusting concoction. have you seen the lovecraftian sewer monster it comes from - which is called the kombucha MOTHER?

keep fuckin walkin with that shit man I will be enjoying normal non-horrormovie beverages thanks
Well then what about Idaho falls?
Long story short some loud mouth drunk at the expo was carrying on about a vendors mower and would not leave or stfu. Few fellers basically got him to get on get(tucky talk).

He had created a scene and drew some attention as he was walking through the grass. As i was getting on a mower i watched him bee line across a newly sealed asphalt lot to the shitter. Well sitting on a mower with new tires i knew what i had to do. Since mowers and equipment were running in the distance i knew i could basically sneek up on him. And boy did i, full blast behind him about 10 feet away full speed, i yanked the sticks ( control arm on zero turn) back which puts the tires in reverse even while moving forward, and it let out the loudest tire screeching you've ever heard. That drunk fuck jumped about 5feet in the air while screaming like an 8yo girl. It caught everyone's attention. I became a legend for a short while. Wish i had it on tape.

Anywho, Wings and poppers for my dick kisserScreenshot_2019-10-19-15-07-10-1.png