Useful Seeds

Yeah that looks fire,

Might need to grab a pack.
Its worth it. I'm considering grabbing another pack and putting it in long term storage. When fully cured, she smells like pure citrus with a hint of musk on the back end. She tastes like fresh sweet Myers lemons and the high is incredible. Its a sedated soaring high, perfect if you enjoy watching TV or listening to music, or meditate (im told as I do not meditate). But, not so debilitating that if you need to get up and pay the pizza guy you can do so. Im trying to get some quality photos of her for Useful. She's an amazing representation of an Appalachian with Citrus from the BOO coming forward. Super impressed, id put it at or above bodhi quality.
Squeeze main stem where you want height to be, with pliers if need be and bend her over, don’t worry, it’ll be ok, then support that top part of plant for a couple weeks and boom. You aren’t that far in. Trust me, plus I swear you get bigger buds, lol that’s why I did with that dragons blood x choc d I had. This was a four foot plant I took down to two feet, finished with 4 oz, 1/5 oz larf, bunch of trim and material. Just saying, I think you are good to bend her over and tie her down.looks good as always bud, cheers! View attachment 4401306
Plus u can use tape.. Tape a fan leaf and attach it to something in the direction u want to go.. Or garden tape and thumb tacks.
Medicinal based question here: Does anyone here deal with nerve pain? Is there a strain in Usefuls arsenal that has the potential to help? I know it all works different for different people. This is going to be a difficult winter and I should have asked long ago. So far, the free Landos Stash has been the most optimal... thank you to the person who donated the free seed! BOG is great but short lived. OC x CD doesn't really touch it, but I think I should have let it go an extra week. I haven't tried BOO yet, and Sunshine Daydream x Jabbas Stash does pretty well too. I know it isn't about higher percentage of THC, it's a collaborative affect. I'm just poking for some Useful advice from a place of misery, my own misery. Trigeminal neuralgia is not very forgiving, but does go into remission. Currently awaiting my next break.
Nerve pain right here... I have what my dad called tic-la-rue..??? I've heard them called suicide headaches.. Basically 2percent of the planet gets them.. I had to take nuerotten? Then hop into a hot shower and either meditate or pray to Jesus.. Hot showers at a friend's house can be a bit weird at times.. So I never went to far from home..
The meds aren't addictive and have no opiates at all.. Nuerotten is something I had to take everyday because it's effects aren't instantaneous.. Like depression meds are. Hope this story helps. My issue was a nerve that ran along my upper mandible.. It didn't hurt from poking the area but just a soft brush with my hand on the area and blame... A slight breeze on my face.. Samething.
GG4 X CD on right,MONEYBUSH on the left... Forgot what day of the flip it is... I thought that they might hermie on me but they didn't!!! Think I will lower the lights a little more... Maybe help hit the lower branches... this is as far as I've ever been with photos... Last year at this time my plants were in scrog netting and then i went on "vacation"... Anyway,this is looking REAL GOOD right now!!!15717624339724074213195627803762.jpg15717624869738977438440539463149.jpg15717625447431363403637401057954.jpg15717625831087281412984137775108.jpg
What is the best Useful strain in terms of raw potency, i wonder?
I honestly think that depends on the person, the growing ability, and personal preference of the consumer. I only have experience with 1 @Useful Seeds strain and im absolutely thrilled with it (Appy x BOO aka the Citrus Donkey Dick). But a breeder I can compare is Bodhi (I apologize for taking the shine away); some of his crosses I havent cared for, whereas patients and customers absolutely loved it. The best they've ever had, whereas I felt like I didn't even get buzzed. Different mixes of cannabinoids and terpenes will react differently to everyone's individual endocannabinoid system with some having better BBB penetration than others. This is why I believe that some of these old school strains (RKS and some of the Hazes) were so potent. The mixtures allowed the consumer to have that "ceilingless" high due to the greater BBB penetration without supersaturating the receptor site. Unfortionetly though, through selective breeding, it seems that the human touch might have bred those out unknowingly. With the main objective of breeding strains with the highest THC content, we might have removed specific terpenes or cannabinoids which can no longer be bred back into the plant. But with all of that being said, I am a big fan of Useful's Appy x BOO; she grows THICK spears, smells incredible, and is straight up fire.
I honestly think that depends on the person, the growing ability, and personal preference of the consumer. I only have experience with 1 @Useful Seeds strain and im absolutely thrilled with it (Appy x BOO aka the Citrus Donkey Dick). But a breeder I can compare is Bodhi (I apologize for taking the shine away); some of his crosses I havent cared for, whereas patients and customers absolutely loved it. The best they've ever had, whereas I felt like I didn't even get buzzed. Different mixes of cannabinoids and terpenes will react differently to everyone's individual endocannabinoid system with some having better BBB penetration than others. This is why I believe that some of these old school strains (RKS and some of the Hazes) were so potent. The mixtures allowed the consumer to have that "ceilingless" high due to the greater BBB penetration without supersaturating the receptor site. Unfortionetly though, through selective breeding, it seems that the human touch might have bred those out unknowingly. With the main objective of breeding strains with the highest THC content, we might have removed specific terpenes or cannabinoids which can no longer be bred back into the plant. But with all of that being said, I am a big fan of Useful's Appy x BOO; she grows THICK spears, smells incredible, and is straight up fire.
dam that shit got deep AF
lol, hazes being potent, that is kinda funny, lol. I feel the same way you do, but about hazes and skunks, lol. They aren't around anymore because they don't check all the boxes, no matter how many are lookin for RKS. But the haze comment is funny, the reason you don't see many hazes is because they aren't strong enough and these days, many other options for speed weed, than them old long flowering weak buzz, airy hazes, lol. Lots of selective breeding brought out the best of many strains, lol. Mentions two breeders, lol. Grow a few more to compare to, then get back to us. Also, grow some of Usefuls, ChemD or Choc D crosses and get back with us when you do that. @BDGrows
Haze weed I have had has been extremely strong but some are low yielding and others have foxtailing bud structure and most flower 10 or more, mostly more, weeks. Current “Bag Appeal” dictates dense hard nugs as well. I feel that is why not much Haze weed, at least commercial. Visual and audio distortions and other worldly feelings may be too much for kids these days.
Lost an old Dutch Haze seed line here years ago. Scared most my friends though.
lol, hazes being potent, that is kinda funny, lol. I feel the same way you do, but about hazes and skunks, lol. They aren't around anymore because they don't check all the boxes, no matter how many are lookin for RKS. But the haze comment is funny, the reason you don't see many hazes is because they aren't strong enough and these days, many other options for speed weed, than them old long flowering weak buzz, airy hazes, lol. Lots of selective breeding brought out the best of many strains, lol. Mentions two breeders, lol. Grow a few more to compare to, then get back to us. Also, grow some of Usefuls, ChemD or Choc D crosses and get back with us when you do that. @BDGrows

The one thing Haze is known for is its potency so I am not really sure why you would say that? They aren't around as much anymore because like a lot of great sativas they were not highly sought out due to growing difficulty, low yields for time spent, and length of flowering time. Those two things make Hazes and other long flowering sativas undesirable to growers during prohibition. Especially cash croppers large and small.
A lot of Haze also has shit bag appeal compared to the dense frosty as fuck offerings that are so plentiful now.
But not being potent is not what haze would be known for. In fact to a lot of people it is known for the exact opposite.

Cheers :)
lived on west coast and tried every kind you could find, from SSH to OTH, etc. Prolly just my system. The headspinners don't do much for me, we always referred to it as chick weed, it was the good tasting, not too strong stuff for when chicks were around. Left the headthumpers to the gents, lol. JME Don't see much of it in the clubs, see it in crosses, tho. Again, JME. Peace
In my humble opinion it’s difficult to take people that speak in superlatives seriously. There’s just not much room for the most, best, worst, ugliest, prettiest, etc. nor are there any finalities in breeding of cannabis. It’s not like any of the genetics are lost, they are bottlenecked. Selection pressure and large scale selection will be able to unravel the genetic pool given time and purposeful selection. That being said every other aspect of this topic is strictly defined as opinions and personal preference which is subjective at best. The only diverse remedy is to remove prohibition and let humans that love the herb exercise their passion! I think it was Derry from Barney’s farms that said that the “goulash people were making with modern cannabis genetics would eventually have to be dealt with.” I suppose it’s about time, those who care to, are, and in time others will too. There are many right here doing things like this, trying to make cannabis personal to themselves.

lol, I’m high....... Hahahaha