Wouldn't it be ironic if a bunch of armed cracker Trump secessionists led to a real and permanent assault weapons ban?


Well-Known Member
Any form of "gun control" which is enforced by armed agents of the state is ironic.

If guns are outlawed, what's left of free speech, will become extinct too.
We have sensible gun laws in Canada and free speech too! Hate speech is outlawed here and it will be in the states soon, they will fine you thousands of dollars and send you to prison, or take your house when you don't pay.

After what you assholes and the NRA tried to pull off with Trump and treason, you'll be lucky to own muzzle loaders after 2020. Gerrymandering, voter suppression and dark money are finished in 2020 as well. Read up on H.R. 1, 2019*, it's just the start. Racism is a national security threat and will be treated as such, you have not yet begun to whine about the deep state. As for your guns, you guys are right about needing to kill democrats, use them or loose them, cause unless you kill these patriots they are gonna kill you and every evil thing you stand for. When ya kick the GOP giant in the nuts and bring it to it's knees, ya cut it's throat and leave it to bleed out.

* The For The People Act of 2019 (H.R. 1, 2019) is a bill introduced and passed in the United States House of Representatives to expand voting rights, limit partisan gerrymandering, strengthen ethics rules, and limit the influence of private donor money in politics.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
WTF man, you basically saying that a 30 year old can fuck a "mature " twelve year old. How fucked in the head are you ? We made laws to stop your pedophile beliefs
I'm saying what other people capable of consenting do, isn't my business or yours.

Preventing people who are capable of consenting to something that involves all consenting parties, from doing so, is the flip side of forcing somebody who hasn't consented. In both cases, the intervener (people like you) are shitting on consent....like a rapist does or like a plantation master did to his sex slaves. Why is respecting other people who are capable of consenting to something , "fucked in the head" ?

So, now you're the "dick police" ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
We have sensible gun laws in Canada and free speech too! Hate speech is outlawed here and it will be in the states soon, they will fine you thousands of dollars and send you to prison, or take your house when you don't pay.

After what you assholes and the NRA tried to pull off with Trump and treason, you'll be lucky to own muzzle loaders after 2020. Gerrymandering, voter suppression and dark money are finished in 2020 as well. Read up on H.R. 1, 2019*, it's just the start. Racism is a national security threat and will be treated as such, you have not yet begun to whine about the deep state. As for your guns, you guys are right about needing to kill democrats, use them or loose them, cause unless you kill these patriots they are gonna kill you and every evil thing you stand for. When ya kick the GOP giant in the nuts and bring it to it's knees, ya cut it's throat and leave it to bleed out.

* The For The People Act of 2019 (H.R. 1, 2019) is a bill introduced and passed in the United States House of Representatives to expand voting rights, limit partisan gerrymandering, strengthen ethics rules, and limit the influence of private donor money in politics.
About how many mushrooms would you say you ate before you wrote this convoluted and nonsensical mess ?


Well-Known Member
That's just it, I wouldn't attack you. My example was an example, meant for you to extrapolate.

Apparently you are okay with some people having assault rifles and following thru with threatening to attack anybody that isn't designated as privileged to have an a
That's just it, I wouldn't attack you. My example was an example, meant for you to extrapolate.

Apparently you are okay with some people having assault rifles and following thru with threatening to attack anybody that isn't designated as privileged to have an assault rifle though.

If some people are "allowed" to have something that you aren't allowed to have, you don't have the same rights. If you don't have the same ability to defend your rights as the people trying to strip you of your rights....you will lose other rights. It's not a possibility....it's an inevitability.
As far as I'm aware, there's a difference between privileges and rights

Yes, law enforcement/govt/military have the privilege to have assault rifles, I'm ok with that, it's their job. I'm not jealous about it or feel any less of a free person because of it.

I have the privilege or am "allowed" to operate an 80,000 lb commercial motor vehicle on public roads because I have a CDL, it's my job. That doesn't mean that someone who doesn't have a CDL has any less rights or freedoms than what I do.

No one is taking rights away from me or you as long as we can be civilized and responsible with our rights. It's not that hard to be a part of civilized society.

*I don't how I double quoted you, but I can't be bothered to fix my post. I've had a long day at work and I'm too lazy right now


Well-Known Member
About how many mushrooms would you say you ate before you wrote this convoluted and nonsensical mess ?
Do you racist clowns think your the only ones who are pissed off in America? Do you think for one minute if the democrats and patriots win it all in 2020 (Donald is making this very likely) that they won't go after the things and people who betrayed their country? The supreme court has decided very little on the second amendment and I figure banning semi automatic weapons (including pistols) would be constitutional. If the government can ban large caliber weapons and full automatics, they have the authority to ban everything except muzzle loaders, as the founders intended. A lifetime weapons ban for those convicted of hate speech and crimes will hit them good old boys real hard.

Donald is creating your future for you everyday, you are the ones he will end up "getting", not the brown folks. Between Trump, the lunatic GOP base and H.R. 1, it will doom the republicans for a decade or longer. You ain't seen nothing yet, the deep state is gonna fuck you guys silly, Uncle Sam is not gonna be in a very nice mood at all after getting his asshole fucked by Putin, Trump, the GOP and the racist base. There will be no next time for you guys, when Donald is done, so too, will you. Pelosi will own Pence and he has been told not to resign, if he wants a future pardon from the next POTUS (his only way out), Pelosi is gonna make the GOP own it right up to Nov 2020

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
As far as I'm aware, there's a difference between privileges and rights

Yes, law enforcement/govt/military have the privilege to have assault rifles, I'm ok with that, it's their job. I'm not jealous about it or feel any less of a free person because of it.

I have the privilege or am "allowed" to operate an 80,000 lb commercial motor vehicle on public roads because I have a CDL, it's my job. That doesn't mean that someone who doesn't have a CDL has any less rights or freedoms than what I do.

No one is taking rights away from me or you as long as we can be civilized and responsible with our rights. It's not that hard to be a part of civilized society.

*I don't how I double quoted you, but I can't be bothered to fix my post. I've had a long day at work and I'm too lazy right now
There isn't supposed to be a standing army in the United States according to the Constitution.

So you're okay with people who swear to protect the constitution, ignoring it and using "assault rifles" to threaten people who won't comply with orders to disarm, in order to prevent people from threatening others with guns ?


Well-Known Member
Rob Roy says he's an acclaimed constitutional scholar and we must concede that he is right about this.

OK, so he didn't say "acclaimed". Not making this claim is the one factual bit of his post.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Do you racist clowns think your the only ones who are pissed off in America? Do you think for one minute if the democrats and patriots win it all in 2020 (Donald is making this very likely) that they won't go after the things and people who betrayed their country? The supreme court has decided very little on the second amendment and I figure banning semi automatic weapons (including pistols) would be constitutional. If the government can ban large caliber weapons and full automatics, they have the authority to ban everything except muzzle loaders, as the founders intended. A lifetime weapons ban for those convicted of hate speech and crimes will hit them good old boys real hard.

Donald is creating your future for you everyday, you are the ones he will end up "getting", not the brown folks. Between Trump, the lunatic GOP base and H.R. 1, it will doom the republicans for a decade or longer. You ain't seen nothing yet, the deep state is gonna fuck you guys silly, Uncle Sam is not gonna be in a very nice mood at all after getting his asshole fucked by Putin, Trump, the GOP and the racist base. There will be no next time for you guys, when Donald is done, so too, will you. Pelosi will own Pence and he has been told not to resign, if he wants a future pardon from the next POTUS (his only way out), Pelosi is gonna make the GOP own it right up to Nov 2020

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Rob Roy says he's an acclaimed constitutional scholar and we must concede that he is right about this.

OK, so he didn't say "acclaimed". Not making this claim is the one factual bit of his post.
Your engilsh is improving!


Well-Known Member
There isn't supposed to be a standing army in the United States according to the Constitution.
Shit Rob you mean your the only one to notice this? You mean the US army is not legal? Why they should have arrested every second world war vet when the stepped off the troop ships after winning the war. You figure this legal base has never been covered?

How come the supreme court disagrees with you?


Well-Known Member
There isn't supposed to be a standing army in the United States according to the Constitution.

So you're okay with people who swear to protect the constitution, ignoring it and using "assault rifles" to threaten people who won't comply with orders to disarm, in order to prevent people from threatening others with guns ?
The world is a lot different, it might have not crossed their mind that a missile could be launched from a different continent and that there would be need to maintain a military.


Well-Known Member
There isn't supposed to be a standing army in the United States according to the Constitution.

So you're okay with people who swear to protect the constitution, ignoring it and using "assault rifles" to threaten people who won't comply with orders to disarm, in order to prevent people from threatening others with guns ?

I am just too tired tonight to go in circles with you.

You win this round, Rob.

I'll probably be back in the morning for round two.

I just want to drink this bottle of beer and eat some leftover goulash and go to bed

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Shit Rob you mean your the only one to notice this? You mean the US army is not legal? Why they should have arrested every second world war vet when the stepped off the troop ships after winning the war. You figure this legal base has never been covered?

How come the supreme court disagrees with you?
The Supreme Court once backed slavery. They are a politically appointed body designed to protect government, and judges suffer from god complexes. Best to ignore them.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I am just too tired tonight to go in circles with you.

You win this round, Rob.

I'll probably be back in the morning for round two.

I just want to drink this bottle of beer and eat some leftover goulash and go to bed
You're excused, this time, but if this keeps happening you're gonna need a note from your mother.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The world is a lot different, it might have not crossed their mind that a missile could be launched from a different continent and that there would be need to maintain a military.
The military's primary function is to exist for the protection of and transfer of wealth to the privileged class and military industrial complex siphoning.

About how many times has the Pentagon been audited ? Not that an audit can excuse the existence of it.


Well-Known Member
They are a politically appointed body designed to protect government, and judges suffer from god complexes. Best to ignore them.
You couldn't ignore the judge who sentenced you. The courts interpret the constitution and make sure laws are in concordance with it and are applied in accordance to it, yer sure some constitutional scholar Rob. Not just in America either Rob, but wherever English common law is used as the basis for the legal system, places like Canada for instance.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You couldn't ignore the judge who sentenced you. The courts interpret the constitution and make sure laws are in concordance with it and are applied in accordance to it, yer sure some constitutional scholar Rob. Not just in America either Rob, but wherever English common law is used as the basis for the legal system, places like Canada for instance.
Courts "reinterpret" the constitution and run protection for the advancement of government. I have first hand knowledge of that, but don't care to elaborate at this juncture.

Can you show me where the courts were supposed to "interpret the constitution" in the constitution ?


Well-Known Member
The military's primary function is to exist for the protection of and transfer of wealth to the privileged class and military industrial complex siphoning.
You forgot the defense of the country Rob, it's the raison d'être for the Army, Navy and Air force. The government is in charge of economic policy, not the army, the police enforce the government's will on the populace and the voters determine what that is, at least in my country.


Well-Known Member
I'm saying what other people capable of consenting do, isn't my business or yours.

Preventing people who are capable of consenting to something that involves all consenting parties, from doing so, is the flip side of forcing somebody who hasn't consented. In both cases, the intervener (people like you) are shitting on consent....like a rapist does or like a plantation master did to his sex slaves. Why is respecting other people who are capable of consenting to something , "fucked in the head" ?

So, now you're the "dick police" ?
OMFG. a 12 year old CHILD is not mature nor ready for a sexual relation with a 30 year old man you perv. I guess if you had a neighbor and you knew he was fucking kids you would say nothing ???? I would call the police every time I saw a child come over to his house. I would also confront the sick fucko.
Say one day your sons bless you with a granddaughter. At age 12 she starts fucking a guy of age 30, because he buys her nice clothes that daddy does not, you would say ?...


Well-Known Member
Courts "reinterpret" the constitution and run protection for the advancement of government. I have first hand knowledge of that, but don't care to elaborate at this juncture.

Can you show me where the courts were supposed to "interpret the constitution" in the constitution ?
It's all spelled out in the constitution and most of it is technical Rob

First result in Google Rob, top of the page.
The Court and Constitutional Interpretation. ... As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.
The Court and Constitutional Interpretation - Supreme Court of ...
https://www.supremecourt.gov › about › constitutional