Clones are not growing


Well-Known Member
So i have started clones about 10 days ago in rock-wool cubes with rooting hormones and they are still not showing any signs of growth, about 2 days ago i remove the humidity dome completely since they where not showing any more signs of wilting when off for long periods of time, i figured this was good sign but still cannot see any roots coming out the rock wool and no new growth. They look very healthy though, so at this point am i just inpatient or their is something that is stopping roots from growing out the rock wool?


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Just wait it out, i had some that took 14 days to root while a different strain rooted in 6 days, i always use one drop of bleach to a quart of water for misting
the clones in that picture look very small, when they do root, they will take a while to get out of shock I think, at least thats my experience with the tiny clones. It should start to grow in 1-3 more weeks :(
So i have started clones about 10 days ago in rock-wool cubes with rooting hormones and they are still not showing any signs of growth, about 2 days ago i remove the humidity dome completely since they where not showing any more signs of wilting when off for long periods of time, i figured this was good sign but still cannot see any roots coming out the rock wool and no new growth. They look very healthy though, so at this point am i just inpatient or their is something that is stopping roots from growing out the rock wool?

You have to treat r/w like dirt meaning you wet it you let it dry some repeat. What your doing is you have them in r/w and I assume you have a sprayer spraying the cube all day and night. Which would be fine if you had roots popping out since you dont your drowning them. If your spraying them then shut it down till you see roots poppin on all the cubes. You can top feed the ones that get roots first till the others get roots and the humidity in the tub will keep the roots already poppin hydrated enough till all pop roots .

That and sometimes they take a long time to root.

Whats the ppm of the water and whats the temp of the water?
You have to treat r/w like dirt meaning you wet it you let it dry some repeat. What your doing is you have them in r/w and I assume you have a sprayer spraying the cube all day and night. Which would be fine if you had roots popping out since you dont your drowning them. If your spraying them then shut it down till you see roots poppin on all the cubes. You can top feed the ones that get roots first till the others get roots and the humidity in the tub will keep the roots already poppin hydrated enough till all pop roots .

That and sometimes they take a long time to root.

Whats the ppm of the water and whats the temp of the water?
Using the town water i never measured the ppm which i probably should do and water temp i dont know exact but its warm/cold, i have stopped the sprayers for all of them i will check every now and then for rock wool to stay moist but i wont restart them full time till i see roots growing, thanks for advice, i sure hope i haven't drowned the clones, they look healthy though no signs of wilting as they did before when i would take of the humidity dome for long periods of time now its always off and they look happy, just no new growth or signs of roots. Wondering if i should just start new clones and give up on them since its been about 12 days now
Make sure temps aren't too cool, that really slows them down.
temps in grow room are pretty cool at about 65F when lights on i haven't checked when lights off which i should do, i plan on buying a small heater with thermostat to control temps more since winter started and grow room isn't completely closed off since i dont have exhaust fan yet which would help keeping the heat from escaping.
Drop the rockwool cubes. You are probably suffocating the cuttings. Use neoprene rings/discs for cloning.
Using the town water i never measured the ppm which i probably should do and water temp i dont know exact but its warm/cold, i have stopped the sprayers for all of them i will check every now and then for rock wool to stay moist but i wont restart them full time till i see roots growing, thanks for advice, i sure hope i haven't drowned the clones, they look healthy though no signs of wilting as they did before when i would take of the humidity dome for long periods of time now its always off and they look happy, just no new growth or signs of roots. Wondering if i should just start new clones and give up on them since its been about 12 days now

You need to know the ppms.. + ph And the water is too cold!!!!

Your mixing two different styles of cloning. If you go the neoprene pucks as the other poster mentioned You take the cuts put them in the pucks then put then in the cloning system with the sprayer. I use a 3.5 gallon bucket for mine you have a tub. Then you can let the sprayer go 24/7 till roots get going then put them in what ever medium grow style your going to do. aero bucket cloning is what I think its called if you wnat to look it up. This is have to start with a happy healthy mother use clean r/o water or equivelant use clonex rooting solution and add that to 250 ppms exactly (for me thats 1 shot 35ml) and the water temp 73 degrees phed to 6.0. You need to check ph daily! I go the extra step and dip my cuts in a rooting hormone before I put them in my cloner. I get that at my hydro store its their own product its a liquid not a gel and you have to time it so its just right epxerience here as it can burn up the cut if it sits too long in it for me its 15-20 seconds depending how thick a stem I have to work with. Then it goes into the cloner that is spraying on it as if it isnt spraying your basically dipping the cut in this juice till you start the sprayer for how ever long which means I burnt them up. Its like vita grow rooting compound if you want to look that up but anyways thats what I do. You dont need the rooting compound but it helps alot.

In the r/w with the dome there are videos about how to prep r/w before you use them look it up. Im not explaining this step which is huge so watch a few videos about it. You take your cuts dip them in rooting hormone the gel type them place them in the r/w hole then you pick of a little piece of r/w and gently tuck it in the hole to take up the extra space there so stem has good contact with the r/w. Mist plants one time and mist dome place dome over plants. You dont mist plants again, you just mist dome from now on give that a few days taking dome off twice a day to get fresh air replace dome then on day four you start cracking dome a bit more each day. If they wilt you put dome on till the recover then you can get a feel for what needs to be done with the cracking of the dome. You should be able to take dome off around day 7 or 8 im thinking basically your weening the plant off of the humidity which was keeping it turgid. repeat steps as necessary. R/W needs to be 73 degrees also so maybe a heating mat is needed with a temp controler for the mat they sell these it isnt that much cash.

For light in the aero cloner I use a utility light I got from the big box store which is just a clamped dome thing and a 25 watt curly cfl grow bulb placed 6 inches above cuts. For the r/w I use 2 two foot t=5 bulbs placed one inch over my dome. I use the rectangle domes that are the higher kind there are tall domes and short domes at the store I use the taller ones. that fit my trays. You watch some videos about cloning you can see what I use in most of them...anyways. I run the lights on the cuts 24/7.

So that and the ppms - ph and the water temp needs to be on point.

And dont pull out the cuts you have out of the r/w to see if you have roots and try to put them back that stresses them out so dont do that. Your cuts can stay looking great like they are till they day they die. I dont think they will root cuz you have been drowning them and the ppms are whatever and the water is just way too cold. I suggest starting a new set but let these go if no roots on day 20 you probably wont get roots. Some are slow rooters ....thats why I use the rooting juice in aero or gel if I do r/w. Dont dip in the factory container if you use these products take some out dip in that then discard the unused product .contamination issues.

Also they sell aquarium heaters if you need to get the water temp up in the tub. I drilled holes and secured it into a pvc tube so it doesnt have a chance at burning the tub/barrel. I use these in my 55 gal barrels in the cold months.
hope that helps.

And dont use copper tubeing or anything like that in your water
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and I do basically this to condition my r/w kind of harly explains it better than anybody I dont use that conditioner product that has the b vitiamins in it and what the mama video does. I use ph down and add my clonex or a veg nute when I soak so the r/w is charged with a nutrient before I place my cuts in them 250 ppms I soak for an hour and make sure the ph is 5.8 before I take them out and use them.

Watch this video and look at the roots when they grow the slime on the roots at the beginning and the brown color of the roots means the water was too hot. I actually have a wort chiller in my cloning bucket and use a water chiller to keep my aero cloner at the correct temp

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