Random Jabber Jibber thread

Santa Rosa did not treat me well either. That places ruined me as well! I was working at A gang banger junior high school on an emergency teaching Credentialing and attending College there in
Sonoma and i was never so stressed out in my life working with those monsters. I was good to them too! I was teaching art and really tried to focus in on their passions. So I taught them sophisticated contemporary tagging and graffiti. I brought in spray paint and let them spray paint the room up with cool images. We made low rider cars out of clay. But I had major problems with the other teachers and then principal was a bitch. My supervising professor threw me out of the program because the artwork at the student show wasn’t hung properly and l I didn’t answer his phone message on time to fix it. So when I was called to his office 2 weeks before graduation he told me I wasn’t getting my teaching credential. I was crushed. My husband got in his face and said some harsh things to him about it. We moved shortly after all that fell apart. then 3 years later we are living in Boulder Colorado and my husband got a ticket. When his background was pulled up there was an outstanding warrant for him on a felony verbal threat in Sonoma Ca! By my teacher! So he was held up in the Boulder jail for three months because California wanted to extradite him back . They came and handcuffed him on a plane and he went to the Sonoma county jail for 2 weeks . Went to court, it got dropped to a misdemeanor and he did like 2 weeks community service. Yeah Santa Rosa is fucking Evil.
Wow that sucks! What a fucking little bitch that teacher is.
Wow that sucks! What a fucking little bitch that teacher is.
He was a pompous rich sleazy jerk who lived in The Santa Rosa Hills in a big mansion. I’m guessing his house probably got burned down with that big fire they had. He had an impressive art collection in his house of evil African masks and a trophy wife that was a previous student he seduced who was a real primadonna.
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when i lived in Mn. i had a tornado chase me up the interstate. i got to an overpass, parked under it, and got out, up as high on the wall as i could get, in between the girders on the bottom of the bridge. it about flipped my car over, and almost drug me out from under the bridge. IT was chasing ME, and i barely got away. THEY want to chase IT?.....hope they catch it....
when i lived in Mn. i had a tornado chase me up the interstate. i got to an overpass, parked under it, and got out, up as high on the wall as i could get, in between the girders on the bottom of the bridge. it about flipped my car over, and almost drug me out from under the bridge. IT was chasing ME, and i barely got away. THEY want to chase IT?.....hope they catch it....
A degree in meteorology, experience and a portable doppler radar probably helps out.

I still wouldn't do it though. I wouldn't fly a propeller plane into the eye a hurricane either.

Glad somebody has more balls than me.

I have nothing but respect for those who do.