Using food grade H202 (35%) in hydro reservoir

I don't change my reservoir. About 4 PPM is strong and will do the job. I have been able to get away with less.

With pool shock 0.1 grams in 10 gallons = 1 PPM free chlorine.

A little goes a long way. Don't get the super shock, just plain HTH pool shock.

Sorry, Man, but I'm gonna need you to spell it out for me. I get that you're probably adding 0.2-0.4 g Ca(ClO)₂ / gal, but how often? And you never change your rez through your entire grow?! How many gallons in your system, and how big is your grow space? Thanx for any help.
I buy it online, 5 or 6 (I forgot) gallons as a time and it comes out to $30 a gallon I think. I don't really use it in hydro anymore but it's nice to have around for cleaning and stuff..

I found the same high prices online and was shocked by how cheap it was at gr hydro. I almost questioned if it was legit until I chemical burned my finger tips from a single drop that hit the bottle from the measuring syringe. Index finger and thumb went pure white. Not a good look for me.
Pool shock too,
I though about buying h202 for more oxygen..
And i was not sure if the Pool shock is realy 100% safe in this use.

I make my on solution with pool shock
1 Gramm for 1 Liter water and then i juse 0.5ml for each 1 Liter in the the reservoir
100liter res. 50ml soulution
Every 72 hours ;)

The only thing that can make me Problem is heat At the roots, max 25° ,
26° and up is 100% Problem... roots root

To say its cheep isnt true , its like for free
Ca(ClO)3 has always been attractive due to it's general availability and low cost, but unlike peroxide, I don't know if I should be concerned with oxidation by-products that would build up with repeated application of Pool Shock.

I'm a pool shock guy myself. It's soooo easy, cheap and effective. I paid $10 for a container 6+ years and never even made it through half a bottle before I moved houses and tossed the old stuff.

I'd appreciate some detail regarding your grow space and protocol for Ca(ClO)3. How much, how often, the volume of your rez, and the area of your grow space? How often do you change your rez?

Greenner: said:
I make my on solution with pool shock
1 Gramm for 1 Liter water and then i juse 0.5ml for each 1 Liter in the the reservoir
100liter res. 50ml soulution
Every 72 hours

I get that your adding 50 ml of your stock soln to a 100 l rez every 3 days. Do you change your rez during your grow; if so, when?
With pool shock 0.01 grams per gallon of H2O provides 1 PPM of free chlorine. 2-4 PPM is enough to do the job 0.015 - 0.020 grams per gallon is a good place to be adding it regularly.

Add a couple times a week and every res change.
With pool shock 0.01 grams per gallon of H2O provides 1 PPM of free chlorine. 2-4 PPM is enough to do the job 0.015 - 0.020 grams per gallon is a good place to be.

Add a couple times a week and every res change.

and how often do you change your rez?
In DWC I changed every week to 10 days depending on the growth stage. When they are in that max mode (late stretch thru mid flower) I changed more often.
In DWC I changed every week to 10 days depending on the growth stage. When they are in that max mode (late stretch thru mid flower) I changed more often.

Yeah, ok. That explains it. Changing with that kind of frequency would go through nutrients like crazy.

My protocol for my 20-gal, 3-plant rez, has been 2 rez changes: the first at the beginning of flower and another midway through flower (although, I'm skeptical the second change is helpful to any significant degree) and then 50 ml of 35% H2O2 twice a week. But with the price of H2O2 rising I picked up a used, $60 1/10 hp chiller from CL, so I think I'll run that to keep the rez temp at 16.5'C - 18.0'C and pour in a bottle of 3% H2O2 at every rez change before nutes are added. Should keep me good.
My DWC system had two plants per row, six per room, with 6kW overhead and 3600 watts side lighting. System was auto topped off by RO filter. I had them in totes but when they were at peak my PPM's would drop by about 120 in a day. So I was always adding back nutes however without knowing what was being consumed more than other elements I played it safe and just changed them out. One could look at the plants and see whats lacking and replace that but I didn't wanna mess with that.