I don't think trump picked up a single vote or state since 2020, I figure he has lost tens of millions of votes and a half dozen or more states. I believe this will be a disaster for the GOP down ticket too, from the white house to the state house right down to dog catcher this has got to hurt in 2020. America elected Obama twice and the middle third of the country is democratic or will be by election day, election turn out in 2020 will be historic and I figure the majority of people are gonna vote democratic right down the ballot from the top to the bottom. If the republicans acquit Trump he is gonna go nuts between then and election day, and the democrats will have additional public impeachment investigations at least.
As it stands now I don't see Trump or the GOP having much of a chance in 2020, I figure they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. No sensible person could vote for them, and no patriot would Patriots only have one choice this time and into the foreseeable future, the democrats. An interesting statistic to ponder is that only 46% of democrats describe themselves as progressive, the fight between left and right is taking place inside the democratic party. The GOP's no longer has an ideology, their only concern is serving Trump's interests and surviving his tweets, Trump owns the GOP base and Putin owns Trump, it's really very simple. Trump might as well lead them to disaster in 2020, the reckoning will come, with him or with out him.