Watering with fish tank water?


I’m starting an indoor grow tent, 2x4x6. I have a 60 gallon fish tank with an Oscar that poops a lot lol. I’ve read online people saying that it can be a good idea to use fish water as it will help fertilize. If I do this, should I be using water soluble ferts less? Or cut them out all together? Any advice or sharing of your own experiences would be greatly appreciated. First time growing any since I was a teenager and I’d like to do things properly this time around

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
Yes, aquarium water is loaded with nitrate and other ions. Some people deliberately water their plants using an "aquaponics" system... you might still need to give a shot some low nitrogen fertilizer from time to time.


Well-Known Member
I’m starting an indoor grow tent, 2x4x6. I have a 60 gallon fish tank with an Oscar that poops a lot lol. I’ve read online people saying that it can be a good idea to use fish water as it will help fertilize. If I do this, should I be using water soluble ferts less? Or cut them out all together? Any advice or sharing of your own experiences would be greatly appreciated. First time growing any since I was a teenager and I’d like to do things properly this time around
Nice, he should be good size in a 60 gal. I had a Red and a Tiger in a 55 and one was pretty huge. And ya that's "Good Shit", and should have some good bacteria in it if you're tank is healthy. Might smell a bit though.


Well-Known Member
I’m starting an indoor grow tent, 2x4x6. I have a 60 gallon fish tank with an Oscar that poops a lot lol. I’ve read online people saying that it can be a good idea to use fish water as it will help fertilize. If I do this, should I be using water soluble ferts less? Or cut them out all together? Any advice or sharing of your own experiences would be greatly appreciated. First time growing any since I was a teenager and I’d like to do things properly this time around
Nothing wrong with using Aquarium water after changes, I have a fish tank and have done it myself.

You dont have to change your normal nutrient program , the nitrates, nitrites and urea levels are generally extremely low in aquriums (or your fish would be dead) its a healthy supplement. Use the tank change water there is no harm, and maybe a little good bacterial boost , when you wash your filter out in tank water , water that to your plants too.
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Nothing wrong with using Aquarium water after changes, I have a fish tank and have done it myself.

You dont have to change your normal nutrient program , the nitrates, nitrites and urea levels are generally extremely low in aquriums (or your fish would be dead) its a healthy supplement. Use the tank change water there is no harm, and maybe a little good bacterial boost , when you wash your filter out in tank water , water that to your plants too.
Thanks I’ll def be doing that