Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?


New Member
The average criminal isn't that smart. I know our garage door has fallen off the hinge one one side before so you have to be kind of careful when you open it. I could see how someone could get trapped in our garage. There are no windows so if they were stuck they wouldn't be able to figure out where the lights were or anything.


Well-Known Member
The average criminal isn't that smart. I know our garage door has fallen off the hinge one one side before so you have to be kind of careful when you open it. I could see how someone could get trapped in our garage. There are no windows so if they were stuck they wouldn't be able to figure out where the lights were or anything.
Yeah, in general criminals are not the brightest crayons in the box. What I can't figure out is why there are so many of them. One would think that people would learn from seeing so many others make mistakes.

Deviant Motion

Active Member
Are you attempting to patronize me? I wouldn't hold anything against cops if they didn't fuck with me and my friends and typically make a mockery of all that the job is supposed to do in a way that affects my life. race, sexuality and all the other personal things mean nothing to me. Noody has yet mentioned any way that their own life has been emptied of friends or in any way been affected because of gay people. Untill someone has real evidence to use that has to do with personal freedom or something that really affects their own world then there is no way you can compare my hate for cops with someone elses hate for gay people. Also, gay people are just gay because of whatever and can't really help it.. same with race. The cops choose their own path.


New Member
Maybe if we reverted back to some punishments like, you get caught stealing they cut your hand off. Maybe a finger the first time, then the rest of the hand the second time. I doubt there would be a third time.

I also think killers should be put to death the same way they killed their victims. If you beat someone to death, you get beaten to death too, none of that humane execution crap. If it's good enough for the victim, it's good enough for the criminal.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if we reverted back to some punishments like, you get caught stealing they cut your hand off. Maybe a finger the first time, then the rest of the hand the second time. I doubt there would be a third time.

I also think killers should be put to death the same way they killed their victims. If you beat someone to death, you get beaten to death too, none of that humane execution crap. If it's good enough for the victim, it's good enough for the criminal.
Eh, I think the cutting off a hand thing is a little too much for theft.

I think something along the lines of 25 - 50 - 200 lashes with a cat o' nine tails, or some other corporal punishment.

On the other hand, the idea about making the murderers suffer the same way their victims did, I like.


New Member
Well I said the first offense you lose a finger, the second one you lose the hand. We can go a finger at a time if you'd like, but that would be 5 thefts and then a 6th to lose the hand. That's a lot of leeway don't you think?

I have always thought killers should die in the same manner they killed. Nothing pisses me off more than a killer who is crying about their civil rights. When they took another person's life that is the same thing as signing away their own civil rights.

A few weeks ago that guy was whining because he thought he shouldn't get executed because he was overweight and that would cause it to be hard to find a vein to inject him. I guess he forgot how he brutally raped, tortured and killed 2 college girls and that's what landed him on death row. Everytime thay talked about that guy on the news I wanted to get in my car, drive to the prison and kill him myself.

If he was admittedly overweight they could have put him on a 1000 calorie a day diet and made him walk 5 or 10 miles a day on a treadmill to get in shape for execution. Luckily his lame excuse didn't work and they killed his ass, just like he deserved.


Well-Known Member
Well I said the first offense you lose a finger, the second one you lose the hand. We can go a finger at a time if you'd like, but that would be 5 thefts and then a 6th to lose the hand. That's a lot of leeway don't you think?

I have always thought killers should die in the same manner they killed. Nothing pisses me off more than a killer who is crying about their civil rights. When they took another person's life that is the same thing as signing away their own civil rights.

A few weeks ago that guy was whining because he thought he shouldn't get executed because he was overweight and that would cause it to be hard to find a vein to inject him. I guess he forgot how he brutally raped, tortured and killed 2 college girls and that's what landed him on death row. Everytime thay talked about that guy on the news I wanted to get in my car, drive to the prison and kill him myself.

If he was admittedly overweight they could have put him on a 1000 calorie a day diet and made him walk 5 or 10 miles a day on a treadmill to get in shape for execution. Luckily his lame excuse didn't work and they killed his ass, just like he deserved.
It always brings a smile to my face to here a story that has a good ending :-)


New Member
he wasn't all that fat, I think he weighed 225, if he was 6 feet tall that really isn't all that far over. it wasn't like he was one of those people that need moved with a fork lift and a flatbed truck.

Nah, it'd be more of a nightmare, dreaming about some fat guy getting executed, that's disturbing.