Quantum Boards Grow

:shock:........I meant the pats though, lol
It was a little shocking to see the ravens march up and down the field against that defense. Before that game the defense had scored enough points to give the pats a winning record even if the offense had not scored a point all season.
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You can put some ornaments on those bad girls in a month...... Just in time for the holiday.

Good game tonight, I know Brady will be watching..... Strong contenders
So really using the 2 hlg320h-1400b it consumes 720 watts at the wall to replace a gavita 1220 watts at the wall. Not to mention the gavita 4x4 par map is crap near the edges, as in less than 300
Heat is always the same the only thing that matters is how many watts in, if you run 1000w hps it's the same heat as a 1000w qb build. That's called the first law of thermodynamics.

Watts to BTU/hr conversion table
Power (watt) Power (BTU/hr)
1 W 3.412142 BTU/hr
10 W 34.121416 BTU/hr
100 W 341.214163 BTU/hr
1000 W 3412.141633 BTU/hr

They have a PPF of

  • PPF:>2000 μmol/sec

And yes they are expensive because they produce a ton of w/e is grown under them.
Nah. The qb's release a lot less heat. First law is that the energy in is the same as the energy out. HID's are a lot less efficient. This wasted in energy is what is converted to heat.
The website also says "don't use anything but our super-duper magic blend in the Hydro-Wick". Any thoughts?

Very late to this, but that is bullshit. Pretty much any material will wick water. Some better than others, however keeping the wick inert is the most critical element in a SIP. I’m obsessive about keeping my substrate out of my wick. Often using several layers of landscape fabric to separate them.

Hey Beavis, that dude is talking about his wick. Heheheh.