Ozone damage!


Well-Known Member
What causes ozone damage?
my system is just a dwc right now.
the netpots and just sitting ontop of my air stones with no lid protecting the roots from the light.
Now it is time for me to transfer to my bigger system, but i have family over and they won't be gone til friday or so.

but i went in today and 1 of the leaves is lookin like

Yes i have looked at the growfaq, obviously.
but it only says its a Mg deficiency.

can anyone tell me what caused my plant to start doing this?
and how can i prevent it?

definitely looks like a mag deficiency, i would swap the nute for fresh and set at the correct cf & ph,also lights and roots don`t mix,cover up away from light or you will start having problems with your roots.


Well-Known Member
man isnt that the pic from the grow faq? doubt you have ozone problem mor elike ph problem causing lockout-what is your ph?


Well-Known Member
woah bra, no need to be snooty. obviously the other guy didnt know that. unless you have a generator next to your plants than it is not ozone damage, genius. With 400+ posts and member since 2007, you cant figure it out? r u 5-0? I was gonna try to help you but forget it. good luck.