How to make cannabis ejuice?


Well-Known Member
Planning on making cannabis ejuice.
If you have att guide for this i would be very thankful.
Still have som questions. I have ordered VG and PG. I read somewhere that THC doesn't dissolve good in VG is this True?
Can heating up PG give a solution which can cause cancer?
Planning on making cannabis ejuice.
If you have att guide for this i would be very thankful.
Still have som questions. I have ordered VG and PG. I read somewhere that THC doesn't dissolve good in VG is this True?
Can heating up PG give a solution which can cause cancer?
VG and PG
will not work ............the VG u can use to make tinctures .........PG the oil will just sperate and layer

blow your stuff .......winterize it and then use this

best the old stuff could do was about 2/3 oil 1/3 that stuff any higher and would sperate
VG in vapes makes the Smoke
PG in vapes gives a troater hit to it will barly any smoke
Thank you very much for the guide.Justugh cheemo says this method is perfect. But you mean it doesn't work at all? Can max liquidizer work with buds?
I've only used the wax liquidizer on shatter. sure works great, nice and clear. I'm going to give the method in the video a try, would be nice to eliminate the step of making shatter first and then mixing it.
KrazyG is it possible to mix this solution with an ejuice? How strong is this cannabis vape juice. (Much stronger than smoking the buds?) Is it possible tog calculate the amount of thc in this vape juice?
Kind regards!
KrazyG is it possible to mix this solution with an ejuice? How strong is this cannabis vape juice. (Much stronger than smoking the buds?) Is it possible tog calculate the amount of thc in this vape juice?
Kind regards!
Tbh I just use my normal ejuice 50/50 and have no problems.The first mix I did I followed the vid but the mixes after that I added more bud. The stronger mixes are a harder buzz but it does take a while to hit ya, when it does hit it's a whammy!

I haven't got a clue how to calculate the thc content. The vape is equal to smoking a joint the main bonus is you can't smell the weed but you can taste it.
Vaping too much can leave you feeling a little nauseous.
10ml of vape lasts me about a month but I prefer joints, the vape is good for when I'm out and about.
best thing to do is buy a shatter liquidizer. its more work than its worth to sctuslly make a proper e juice. as soon as you add vg it usually will seperate ive tried and tried. if you do just use pg. and i believe u need different grades of pg like pg 1 pg 3 pg 4 and pg5
i cooked a bunch of stuff into 50/50 pg/vg.. didnt really know what I was doing
any idea on a good way to use this stuff anyone?
i cooked a bunch of stuff into 50/50 pg/vg.. didnt really know what I was doing
any idea on a good way to use this stuff anyone?
toss it and count it up to learning curve

if it was just VG u could use as tincture but the PG is mixed in at this point u can toss it (do not feel bad i spent 2500 figuring out how to do this before it was posted here i am first vape case arrest in maryland 2014 )

best thing to do is buy a shatter liquidizer. its more work than its worth to sctuslly make a proper e juice. as soon as you add vg it usually will seperate ive tried and tried. if you do just use pg. and i believe u need different grades of pg like pg 1 pg 3 pg 4 and pg5

you are right it is a mix peg 100 300 500 in the liquidizer .....the different ones keep the oil from separating different chemical weights

KrazyG is it possible to mix this solution with an ejuice? How strong is this cannabis vape juice. (Much stronger than smoking the buds?) Is it possible tog calculate the amount of thc in this vape juice?
Kind regards!

if u had the oil tested and knew what the makeup of it was then u can tell what the str of the mix would be but with out that it is impossible to tell to many variables to account for

closest eyeballing think 1 gram of oil is 700mgs of THC (this is if u pick it and blow it with 70% milky glands) if u mix 2/3 oil 1/3 liquidizer 450 500mg thc ( this is strong and will send weekend warriors to outer space )