Damn lmk where you tossed it ill go pick it out the ditch. That shit looks delicious.

Why did you let her go ??
Do you recommend anywhere anyone selling a cut of that ??
I got her on a trade years ago. I had something and dude from cali hooked it up. He was really weird about it though. I promised him to keep it to myself and not let it get out. I honored my end of the bargain.

If you grow her big, its all flops. If you top her too much it, its all flop. I had to flower her at about 12" tall, and still needed support.

Bottom line.. It does not yeild. I dont sell seeds and can enjoy top notch but i'm in it for the money. People don't pay 3k a lb for quality OG anymore when they can get decent for 1600 to 2k anywhere and everywhere. If she had a bit more structure, I could probably do better, same with TK. They are very very close. I personally like the sfv better but the tk had more yield, still very poor though.
I got her on a trade years ago. I had something and dude from cali hooked it up. He was really weird about it though. I promised him to keep it to myself and not let it get out. I honored my end of the bargain.

If you grow her big, its all flops. If you top her too much it, its all flop. I had to flower her at about 12" tall, and still needed support.

Bottom line.. It does not yeild. I dont sell seeds and can enjoy top notch but i'm in it for the money. People don't pay 3k a lb for quality OG anymore when they can get decent for 1600 to 2k anywhere and everywhere. If she had a bit more structure, I could probably do better, same with TK. They are very very close. I personally like the sfv better but the tk had more yield, still very poor though.
What about that old cut of crippy you had? Still got? Was it just your basic OG, similar to tk,ghost,sfv?
I got her on a trade years ago. I had something and dude from cali hooked it up. He was really weird about it though. I promised him to keep it to myself and not let it get out. I honored my end of the bargain.

If you grow her big, its all flops. If you top her too much it, its all flop. I had to flower her at about 12" tall, and still needed support.

Bottom line.. It does not yeild. I dont sell seeds and can enjoy top notch but i'm in it for the money. People don't pay 3k a lb for quality OG anymore when they can get decent for 1600 to 2k anywhere and everywhere. If she had a bit more structure, I could probably do better, same with TK. They are very very close. I personally like the sfv better but the tk had more yield, still very poor though.

Yeah real og is floppy and low yielding but what an amazing smell and flavor she has.

Im trying to find the og cut we lost. Got it back in 2004/2006 no name just OG
Floppy Gulf ball size buds. She would finish fast too. 56days it’s color is same as one you posted. Dark green leaves 3 blades.
I hope to find it again but im worried its been lost in the mix.
What about that old cut of crippy you had? Still got? Was it just your basic OG, similar to tk,ghost,sfv?
The crippy was a little different. It lacked smell and taste compared to the others. Very strong indica like buzz with super hard, dense nugs. I got rid of that too. I have a whole new list coming soon of new modern crosses that are "supposed" to crush the old school legends. We will see if that's true. Many of the cuts I received on an honor system. I am a man of my word and if I tell you I wont hand it out, I don't. Sometimes I wish I would have kept some "in the circle" but even the circle has fucked me over a few times. I had AJ's sour D cut and gave it to a friend who gave it to a friend who gave sold it for 10 bucks a clone. It just took the rareness out of it and it was everywhere and grown by people who ruined it. You know how it goes. Quality is one thing but the elite factor is there too. You want the goods, but exclusiveness also. I've been doing this a while and legalization has changed the game. I'm trying to keep exclusiveness, quality, and maintain a price point that makes it worth it for me, and my customers. Its easier said than done lol.
The crippy was a little different. It lacked smell and taste compared to the others. Very strong indica like buzz with super hard, dense nugs. I got rid of that too. I have a whole new list coming soon of new modern crosses that are "supposed" to crush the old school legends. We will see if that's true. Many of the cuts I received on an honor system. I am a man of my word and if I tell you I wont hand it out, I don't. Sometimes I wish I would have kept some "in the circle" but even the circle has fucked me over a few times. I had AJ's sour D cut and gave it to a friend who gave it to a friend who gave sold it for 10 bucks a clone. It just took the rareness out of it and it was everywhere and grown by people who ruined it. You know how it goes. Quality is one thing but the elite factor is there too. You want the goods, but exclusiveness also. I've been doing this a while and legalization has changed the game. I'm trying to keep exclusiveness, quality, and maintain a price point that makes it worth it for me, and my customers. Its easier said than done lol.
Yeah I totally understand and agree if a friend gives you one of his babies and ask you not to share her you got to honor that. But man its so difficult for me to toss plants even ones im not fond of out of sentimental memories attached to the person that gifted it or scored it with.
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I miss this cut more than anything ever.... I have landrace Iranians that nobody on this side of the world has and I still miss the cut the most.. I think Swerve destroyed the market with his Afghan Male SFV crosses.... flooded the game with fakes and now the real deals are just to precious for the masses .. the nose and flavor would burn your nostrils in the most pleasant way
I miss this cut more than anything ever.... I have landrace Iranians that nobody on this side of the world has and I still miss the cut the most.. I think Swerve destroyed the market with his Afghan Male SFV crosses.... flooded the game with fakes and now the real deals are just to precious for the masses .. the nose and flavor would burn your nostrils in the most pleasant way
Shame you dont have her anymore
legalization has changed the game.
True, I've never wanted and NOT wanted something so much. I didnt really give it a lot of thought in the beginning, had I, I would have realized the inevitable. The pros and cons dont even seem to balance out anymore, which I'm in the east so things are not so bad yet, but it's coming and theres no way to have it like i want it, not for the growers anyway. Most of the folks around here are just consumers so they only see it from one angle. But I'll ride this train till I run out of track.