That time of year

So im gonna be setting up seperate veg and flower tents and i only have a budget of 1500 bucks so for now there will be no hlg lights or gorilla tents or any of that higher end stuff so if ya have comments or suggestions which i hope ya do please keep that in mind.
So im gonna be growing in my basement which in the summer it stays around 65 and around about 60 in the winter.
I do know there was a few times this summer humidity was really high like around 80-90% hell sometimes over 90 but the last few weeks its been like 35.
But the veg tent will be a VIVOSUN96"x48"x72" Indoor Grow Tent, Roof Cube Tent with Observation Window and Floor Tray for Plant Growing

i kinda plan on splitting it into 2 4x4 tents kinda so i could have other types of plants on the other side of the tent for my garden.
But im gonna get 2 of the MARS HYDRO TSW 2000W Led Grow Light 4x4 Coverage Full Spectrum Grow Lamps for Indoor Plants Veg Bloom with Updated LED White Growing Light with Timer

Gonna use TerraBloom 6" Inline Duct Fan, Quiet Energy Saving EC Motor with 0-100% Adjustable Speed Controller. 350 CFM, 40W. Ventilation for Grow Tents, Odors Exhaust, Heating and Cooling Duct Booster.

and tera bloom 6x16 carbon filter although im not too concerned about smells.
TerraBloom Air Carbon Filter, 6" x 16", Activated Charcoal Scrubber for Inline Duct Fans Up to 400 CFM. for Grow Tent Ventilation Kits, Hydroponics, Odor Removal
Not sure if this will work in the tent or not but i found a humidifier/dehumidifier combo
The measurements say its12.2 x 8.2 x 17.3 in and its a 30 pint. Inofia 30 Pints Dehumidifiers for Home Basements with Continuous Drain Hose Outlet and 4-Pint Water Bucket, Intelligent Humidity Control for Bedroom Bathroom Garage and Rooms up to 1056 sq. ft.

that 2 big?? not big enough?? i was planning on putting in there as well a Inkbird Humidity Controller IHC200 Humidistat Mushroom Greenhouse Pre Wired Outlet Dual Stage Humidifier Dehumidifier

Im not sure what medium i wanna use yet but i like the flavor i get from soil.
I saw this video and was wondering if anyone have tried these??
Otherwise i was just thinking about using ffof and 10 or 20 gallon smart pots and only 5 plants.
As far as the flower tent im thinking Yield Lab 60" x 60" x 78" Grow Tent with Viewing Window - for Indoor, LED, T5, CFL, HPS, CMH - Hydroponic, Aeroponic, Horticulture Growing Equipment
And Lights
MARS HYDRO TS 3000W LED Grow Light for Indoor Plants Large Commercial Grow Lighting Full Spectrum Plant Growing Light IR Sunlike Led Grow Lamps for Hydroponic Greenhouse Veg Bloom 4x4 5x5 ft Dimmable

Same inline fan and carbon filter.

Well i think thats all for now im gonna be growing la confidntial from marijuana seeds nl prices were really good so if anyone has used them before i would like to hear your experience with them. I was wanting regular seeds hoping too find a male for later on down the road.
Also i was looking at for my fem seeds if anyones used them as well i would like to hear about that.
As far as growing mediums im a fiddler i like to get in there and move stuff around so im leaning towards soil.
You picked well unless you intend to run CO2, in that case there is a different model that actually reads CO2 PPM.
Ok awesome im not planning on using c02 until probably this summer when its a little warmer i think im just gonna get 1 of those all in one co2 kits with the tank and all you would need. Quick question tho being as I've never used co2 im under the impression that its only for veg. Just because dont cha need high temps for it.
Ok well i guess im going to make a few changes I guess
I wanna add a co2 kit for the flower tent and im gonna keep it simple and just use all titan controls products mainly because the autopilot i really want seems like its been out of stock forever bit this one seems comparable.
So im keeping the same tents and lights
But decided to get the Saturn5 thanks too renfros suggestions and some research on here. amazing site btw once you figure out how to word things.
For the veg tent i'm not gonna have a humidity controller seeing as the humidifier/dehumidifier pretty much has 1 built into it and is supposed to turn on and off at whatever you set it, I decided not too get 1. Was that a mistake???

But as I've said im looking at the 8x4 tent as if its two 4x4 tents. I guess i just did that for lighting purposes but now im wondering if i would need 2 fans and filters for the veg tent now lol??

Or will the 6 inch fan and can filter be enough to move enough air around I know I said im not 2 concerned about smell in another post somewhere but yea
my wife says I AM that concerned about the smell lol.
sooooo for the 96x48x72 veg tent will the 6inch fan and filter be good or do I need one larger???

I guess I'm just a little confused on that part I guess for some damn reason.
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So your plan for veg seems fine.
For flower you have listed a 5x5 (60x60") but only one mars ts3000 which is 450w. That might be just enough for 4x4 or probably more like 3.5x3.5 ft in flower.

With LED you want to be running 80s at least, your saying your basement is 60degrees in winter and your not going to get a 20 degree rise from running only a 450w LED in that tent. I get maybe 8 degree f rise with a lesser powered fan running on idol speed.

Then your talking co2 which to benefit from you would want another few degrees higher temp.

In my mind you would be better off sticking a 1000w hps or dual cmh in that flower tent. Unless you want to stick heaters down in the basement but why pay to heat a room and get no light for it when you can slap in a bulb and do both jobs at once and save yourself some money.
On the same point in a cold basement it would be more simple to go with cmh in veg too.
thanks I've gone and made a few changes and decided too go ahead and just get a co2 kit and controller and all that just for the flower tent for now. and probably get another for veg tent this summer.
So your plan for veg seems fine.
For flower you have listed a 5x5 (60x60") but only one mars ts3000 which is 450w. That might be just enough for 4x4 or probably more like 3.5x3.5 ft in flower.

With LED you want to be running 80s at least, your saying your basement is 60degrees in winter and your not going to get a 20 degree rise from running only a 450w LED in that tent. I get maybe 8 degree f rise with a lesser powered fan running on idol speed.

Then your talking co2 which to benefit from you would want another few degrees higher temp.

In my mind you would be better off sticking a 1000w hps or dual cmh in that flower tent. Unless you want to stick heaters down in the basement but why pay to heat a room and get no light for it when you can slap in a bulb and do both jobs at once and save yourself some money.
On the same point in a cold basement it would be more simple to go with cmh in veg too.
ok thanks a lot for replying there's a lot of stuff and my mind is always racing lol. I was aware of the flower issue you spoke of and was planning on adding a smaller light as well down the road when flower time came idk maybe add a smaller hps maybe??

Im in the process of tarping up the area around where im gonna have my tent there was a pretty good draft going through the door into my basement but I just fixed that issue. So in doing that and being halfway done with the tarp I also turned up my heat just to see If anything happens I doubt it but I guess it'll help once I get that area done and throw a decent heater in there it should be fine then. thanks hope to hear more from ya guys and gals and that never ending shopping list that continues too grow the more I read.
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So glad i started posting in here lol.
So i was helping a friend clean out a shed and found 20 of these Plymouth foam panels they were reflective so i figured wth I'll just throw them on the ground and maybe they'll keep the ground insulated a little, but now it has me thinking about getting some more and lining the walls
But damn that would put me in basically a 9x16 grow area which i was tarping off anyway soooo yea im intrigued now.
Maybe some suggestions???
and possibly not even use tents now?? well except for flower. But my ceiling down here is a little weird its only partially finished. 80inches in some spots barely 74 in others made a little lower even from the foam stuff.


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Well i got the rest of the tarp up and have most of the room sealed pretty good and gonna grab some more reflective insulation type stuff for the rest of the wall. I Got a 30 buck space heater and that has gotten the area up too 72 so far but its been holding there for awhile. I noticed when my furnace turns off it only drops maybe a degree. so yea i guess im gonna just go ahead and grab a little bigger heater probably but my humidity is down even lower now too 28.
alrighty so im ditching the veg tent and just gonna go ahead and use the the tarped off area for veg, I still need 1 more tarp tho and then that will give me a 6x8 veg area and im very confident I will be able to keep the temps at whatever they need be now so no need for another heater. im gonna start ordering stuff tomorrow I think. so ik those lights I want covers 4x4 maybe but idk I guess that'll work for now until I get them in the flower tent any way.
I change my mind like a fish drinks water good thing im not rushing and just throwing stuff somewhere im actually planning and and plotting this time. Ive had a few successful grows before but not like this 1 will be.
So now i have the 6x8 almost all sealed off just using tarps for now but im always trying to make it better so there will be upgrades. I ended up ordering 3 of the mars tsw 3000s
2 for the 6x8 veg room
I have a little space heater in there and heat easily can get up to and hold at 80 so not too concerned anymore about temps so ordered 1 of the inkbird temp controllers.
But humidity is a concern for right now anyway. Really dry down there like 30 -28%
Idk i found a little humidifier in my garage so left that on see what happens it'll be on a few hrs by the time i get home.
Alrighty so i got the temps up past 87 now in veg room humidity around 20% now though.
I put a 5 gallon bucket near the heater yesterday morning along with the little humi idk lol I'll just be happy once my other 1 gets here.
So i guess its time to start focusing on ventilation. I ordered a 6 inch fan and filter already so i guess im just looking for ideas and suggestions guys.
Thanks in advance for your replies
Hope all your guys day goes well
Ok so i have 1 of the rooms up and running and have the temp set and holding at 80 for day and 75-73 night. Humidity 65-53)
(Still kinda an issue im watching alot)
been around 50-54 but had alot of rain so it was 65 this morning once lights came on
2 mars tsw 2000s
6 in inline fan with controller on lowest setting exhausting out into basement.
( i have the other grow area about 5 feet away so have the exhaust going into that space. Still not sure what im gonna do for the other room.)
6x16 carbon filter
Kind of an old pic im gonna have to get down there to get some better.
So im gonna be using soil
fox farms ocean
im hearing i shouldnt need nutes for about a month so gonna have too look around and find some compatible pretty quick i guess.
So i guess im gonna have to start a new thread somewhere pretty soon until i come back into this 1 to finish the other room so hope too hear some comments and suggestions. I still have minor upgrades and fixes to do in there butttt its a start i guess.


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So im gonna be trying too keep it cooler in tgere than normal just alittle so now i keep temps for day at 77-8 an night at 5-7 degrees cooler. Humidy is not an issue anymore its at 67 now so that'll work for me and this situation.
So I gave myself 2000 bucks to start with and so far im only over maybe 100 so that allowed me 2 build both rooms and get most of everything I wanted and needed ill have to go over receipts to know for sure but I guess I've moved on to environmental controls now with only some minor issues to fix going forwards far as the actual rooms, so here we go.
6x8 pretty good sealed room
lights five feet 6 feet in flower room
Im not too sure on how the rapitest 4n1 analyzers
what to make of the light analyzers reading.
I've never dealt or even thought about one before
but I guess I multiply whatever the #is x 1000 and it gives me candle foot hours idk whatever the hell that is lol but I gotta look more into it when I get time but I've noticed its 7ish orangish I think closest too the lights and 3ish/purple color farthest.
All temps and humidity #s are at canopy level and with lights on.
(70-4 humidity at night in veg room and flower around 50% temp stays 70 in both which for now I don't have exhaust running at night in veg room but during the day it runs for 5 min an hr and drops Humidity 5-7%)
Im also monitoring near the lights and humidifier for veg and by filter for flower room but for me canopy levels are most important.

In the veg room temp is 75 and humidity 70 (lights just came on hr ago) no heater or anything ( im trying too see today how much the lights raise temps throughout the day for now and in both rooms its the same except for flower room Humidity is 48) I know I wanna get a dehumidifier for the summer so gonna be getting a large 1 for flower time which is months away.
I plan anyway on vegging awhile. im in no rush for product or anything being as I go to a dispensary and am never out so this is more of a hobby for me
20-25 buck tall oscillating fan from Walmart or wherever store
it only has 0, 1, 2 3 as far as speeds lol im finding 2 works best.
oh yea almost forgot there's also a humidity dome in the veg room with a heating mat and 5 not sure what size pots but they all fit comfortably in there as well temps the around the same as room with humidity about 10% higher around 80-85%
so im just waiting on seeds now
I ordered on the 24th from marijuana seeds nl and got email confirming payment and shipped on the 25th. I didnt get anything special or tracking or any of that.
whatever the basic shipping method was that's what I did so im wondering how long it'll take?? I've seen on here although it was a posts from 2016 that people in the states were getting them in about 7 days although not sure on their shipment details as far as if got tracking or whatever or what state but I would imagine anyways that its better or at least the same lol. well that's all for now
you appear to redesign your space as often as I do, interesting reading and will tag along for the rest.

i haven't tried that seedbank but average from european sites is 2-3 weeks for me.
you appear to redesign your space as often as I do, interesting reading and will tag along for the rest.

i haven't tried that seedbank but average from european sites is 2-3 weeks for me.
I am a tinkerer
I actually moved the lights around because the way my flower had 2 be set up
I had to turn 1 light sideways and the other basically a half turn the other way lol and found that i had better light coverage the way the 2nd was positioned so yea its better now.
Found out its a better setup the way light closest looks.


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