Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?


Well-Known Member
LMAO! :lol: A sense of humor DOES exist. 8)
No on 8!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Yay!!!! :D
Are you attempting to patronize me? I wouldn't hold anything against cops if they didn't fuck with me and my friends and typically make a mockery of all that the job is supposed to do in a way that affects my life. race, sexuality and all the other personal things mean nothing to me. Noody has yet mentioned any way that their own life has been emptied of friends or in any way been affected because of gay people. Untill someone has real evidence to use that has to do with personal freedom or something that really affects their own world then there is no way you can compare my hate for cops with someone elses hate for gay people. Also, gay people are just gay because of whatever and can't really help it.. same with race. The cops choose their own path.
I am able to make the distinction between that which is chosen and that which is not. Quite a few pages back I put up supporting scientific evidence that homosexuality is not only NOT chosen, but that there are very real observable differences in brain structure between homosexuals and heterosexuals.

So, I've actually been discussing this issue with some of the locals. And I have come to a conclusion: If we cannot, legally, afford homosexuals the same rights, liberties, and enjoyments as those who are married as "husband and wife", then we must change the laws pertaining to civil unions and domestic partnerships. Because a LOT of people are really stuck on this "yeah, but marriage is a man + woman = children thing, that's just how it's always been." And I understand and accept that marriage has always been a religiously based covenant between a man and a woman. But, tradition gives no one the right to remove rights from people who've committed no crimes.

Thusly, the sticking point seems to be upon one word -- marriage. Change the word and a lot more people seem to accept the idea of homosexuals bonding and naming next of kin (not all, but a lot). However, the word has a legal definition and meaning that is more and beyond that of civil union or domestic partnership (and has nothing to do with power of attorney). This is the only other way I see to resolve this issue. Don't want to change the definition of marriage? Fine, then change what CUs and PDs encompass.

How's that? :D


New Member
The real sticking point is the Insurance Industry. It is they who have amassed the campaign against gay marriage.
It's about money, not ethical traditions. The traditions complaint is the caboose, the money concern by the Insurance Industry is the Locomotive engine.
Choo Choo!!! $$$ ( <--- isn't it always?)



New Member
Years ago I had neighbors that were 2 gay men. They were the nicest guys, very friendly. One night, one of them suddenly dropped dead of a heart attack. His name was the one on the property even though they had purchased it together. The family of the guy that died made the partner clear out and they sold the place right out from under him. I really thought that was wrong. I know the family did not accept the fact that their son was gay, but come on, what they did to the partner was just so wrong.

I just don't see the problem with gays being allowed to marry and have the same rights. I thought we were "all created equal" ? I guess some people are more equal than others.


Well-Known Member
Years ago I had neighbors that were 2 gay men. They were the nicest guys, very friendly. One night, one of them suddenly dropped dead of a heart attack. His name was the one on the property even though they had purchased it together. The family of the guy that died made the partner clear out and they sold the place right out from under him. I really thought that was wrong. I know the family did not accept the fact that their son was gay, but come on, what they did to the partner was just so wrong.

I just don't see the problem with gays being allowed to marry and have the same rights. I thought we were "all created equal" ? I guess some people are more equal than others.

all "men" are created equal. women should be in the bedroom pumping out my offspring. :bigjoint::bigjoint::lol:


Well-Known Member
Oh my, someone's feelin' froggy today. You left out the barefoot bit. :lol:
The real sticking point is the Insurance Industry. It is they who have amassed the campaign against gay marriage.
It's about money, not ethical traditions. The traditions complaint is the caboose, the money concern by the Insurance Industry is the Locomotive engine.
Choo Choo!!! $$$ ( <--- isn't it always?)

Yes, it is always, and the insurance industry is.. good lord, it's just mind-boggling what they've got their fingers in. And, this is the only "imposition" I've been able to come up with, and frankly I don't see it as an imposition. They're not being insured for free, it would simply be just like any other family's insurance. This would make no imposition on me or anyone else, financially. But, make every individual buy individual insurance, and oh boy those profits rocket! Funny how people focus on oil industry profits, but never once pay a mind to insurance industry profits. It's actually a pretty good gig, even during Katrina and fire years.


New Member
yes and the fruits of you labor looks delicious. I can smell my plants, they're coming along, but it's going to be a while. I like your bong, how long have you had it? We have one for 3 or 4 months and then it gets broke so we have to go to the bong store. The owner always give us a "frequent customer" discount.. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yes and the fruits of you labor looks delicious. I can smell my plants, they're coming along, but it's going to be a while. I like your bong, how long have you had it? We have one for 3 or 4 months and then it gets broke so we have to go to the bong store. The owner always give us a "frequent customer" discount.. :mrgreen:

i had that one 6 months or so then i broke it. it's super-glued and holding at the moment. bongsmilie


New Member
We had a ceramix one that the top got knocked off so we glued it back on and wrapped electrical tape around it's throat over the crack. Named him Clint Eastwood. (Hang 'em High) He ended up falling to his death from the desk during a stunt. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Quick fix for a lot of things:
cyanoacrylate (super glue)
acrylic nail catalyst (it's the same stuff dentists used to use to make teef, too).

Place small drop of cyanoacrylate on surface to be bonded, making sure it's a TIGHT fit. Apply a drop of catalyst to the glue. Watch it smoke and BOND. If you're using it on ABS plastic, be careful, it can melt the plastic (don't ask how I know).


New Member
back to business....Let's not be naive. Just because it looks like the Western world is about to get its first black intellectual president, just because the nation's most influential and populous state could very possibly decide, finally and forevermore, that two adults of the same gender can get married without the cruel hammer of religious ignorance crashing down upon their heads, well, this can't possibly be a sign that racism and homophobia, two of our three most revered national pastimes (don't forget the sexism!) are going away anytime soon.


New Member
I guess if you consider Hoover to also be an intellectual, I'll let that pass.

Of course, I know you didn't mean that the rest of the world doesn't have a problem with "ism's". We just address ours in a more open manner. Long way to go all the world over I'm afraid. The entire Muslim world for starters.

I'm sure Hoover will take care of that..... :-o
