The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump

Or perhaps this little tidbit... But then again, facts don't matter much to the Trumpers.
Toobin calls this testimony moment a 'bombshell' revelation
CNN's chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin discusses a portion of Bill Taylor's testimony where he talks about a phone call between President Donald Trump and Ambassador Sondland. Toobin calls it a "bombshell" revelation that Trump cared about Biden not about Ukraine.
Yeah, the economy sucked. It was so easy to find a house for cheap and there was plenty of boat slips to park a boat in. Now my house value has gone up almost 100k and I had to wait 2 months to find a slip to put my boat in after I had a transmission repaired. I've never seen so many people spending money as I have in the last 2 years
I have 2007.

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It starts with Phil Gramm and financial deregulation. Read from there.
He was the guy who made it illegal for the government to even ask for a better deal from the pharmaceutical companies when buying in bulk! Phil is one of the people responsible for Americans paying 10 X more for their drugs than Canadians. Phil and the rest of the GOP is responsible for tens of thousands of American deaths, those who could not afford their medication died because of corruption.
But republicans are supposed to be the money experts! Ohhhh wait, maybe they're experts at ripping off Americans and assigning the public debt for the money they've stolen? Yes, they are experts at that. It's annoying that you can literally empirically prove how horrible republicans are with money, but for some reason, the average idiot still wants their fiscal policies.