Canopy reports larger loss, less revenue, declining margins

Thanks man. We went to the city for her to get a biopsy but they couldn't image it well enough with ultrasound to guide the needle. She has metal rods in her back so she can't have an MRI. Another CAT scan and tri-image ultrasound in March. Meanwhile the cancer grows and they do shit. :(


Sorry to hear the shitty news.
If she is finding the high far too intense you can buy empty gel caps, fill with your oil, and use them as suppositories. I have known a fair number of folks with cancer who do this. It gets the oil into the system without the high .

Cheers :)
What about GWPH, does it keep diving? Can you buy the same ingredients found in Epidiolex from a dispensary?
You can make your own FAR BETTER GROWN YOURSELF ...:weed::hump::idea::idea::idea::idea::idea:bongsmilie
Thats the TRUTH and GW doesnt want ANYONE TO KNOW they charge 150 for a half gram of thc and cbd.. :lol:
ITS SHIT......


lets here the ITS NOT REGULATED BS line or its not SAFE or its not medical made at home BS :lol:
PLEASE BING IT! ON! :weed::hump::idea:

been at this for YEARS and YEARS and PHARMA CAN SUCK THE HIND! on this one
ANYONE CAN DO WHAT THEY CAN!!:clap::clap::hump::hump::weed::weed::clap::clap::D:D:D:idea::idea::idea::idea:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
Sorry to hear the shitty news.
If she is finding the high far too intense you can buy empty gel caps, fill with your oil, and use them as suppositories. I have known a fair number of folks with cancer who do this. It gets the oil into the system without the high .

Cheers :)

She doesn't seem to be having a problem with the high but not sure how potent the oil is. She's taking a rice sized dose at night and about the same in the morning. I told her to go with 2 at night and the morning one and keep pushing the dosage as she can take it. There's also a couple of supplements she should be taking before the dose to keep the liver enzymes busy so the THC can work on the tumors in there unchanged. Specific to liver cancer. I'm going to be getting some of that for her too.

30—40minutes before dosage:
80 mg Apinenin
200mg Amentoflavone(Ginko Baloba,Amentomax)

She's not really enthused about taking it up the ass. Never was. perv.gif

Juicing raw cannabis is an excellent way to increase intake and avoid the high. Juicing is medicinal without all the extra work making concentrates.
Lots of benefits to be had for sure. But a completely different animal when compared to the benefits of concentrates. There's no psychoactive ingredients in fan leaves, lots of Omegas though. Intake both to cover all your bases. Cannabis juice can be bitter so mixing with carrot or other fruit or veg helps.
She's not really enthused about taking it up the ass. Never was. View attachment 4421796


works at 80% effectiveness that way and just so ya know I took one for the team to find out It was for an Air Canada pilot who didn't want to get stoned. HAd to KNOW before I could SAY as I only heard about this and well ya never know unitl you try..
He was taking a gram a day up the wazzoo by the first week.!

put the coco nut caps in the fridge and they will harden up. Freezer works better .. when she is ready pop one out onto a piece of clean paper from the cap and insert fast or fairly quickly lol and why the freezer works better until yer good at it or I mean she is ....It's ONLY COLD FOR A FEW SECONDS then it goes away. :idea::D
Try and convince her
..It gets to her liver faster this way and less the goodness isn't lost by your liver synthesizing it...

you can take a pencil and roll tinfoil around it..remove the pencil and fill with coconut oil and RSO.....this way you can cut off a big or small a piece as needed.

hope this helps
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works at 80% effectiveness that way and just so ya know I took one for the team to find out It was for an Air Canada pilot who didn't want to get stoned. HAd to KNOW before I could SAY as I only heard about this and well ya never know unitl you try..
He was taking a gram a day up the wazzoo by the first week.!

put the coco nut caps in the fridge and they will harden up. Freezer works better .. when she is ready pop one out onto a piece of clean paper from the cap and insert fast or fairly quickly lol and why the freezer works better until yer good at it or I mean she is ....It's ONLY COLD FOR A FEW SECONDS then it goes away. :idea::D
Try and convince her
..It gets to her liver faster this way and less the goodness isn't lost by your liver synthesizing it...

you can take a pencil and roll tinfoil around it..remove the pencil and fill with coconut oil and RSO.....this way you can cut off a big or small a piece as needed.

hope this helps
I'm just praying he doesn't show us any pics of the operation.
Is the oil your own oil. Or did you need to buy it?
Yes as GB says the more the better.

It's oil I made from some well aged kief. Used 10g of it soaked in cold ISO evaporated most of the ISO then put the rest into a 50ml beaker and heated to 250 to finish the evap and decarb the oil. Watched the bubbles diring the decarb until done. Only got 3g.

After I get back from BC I'll distill some Coleman's Camp Stove fuel to make naphtha and make a decent batch from all the kush I recently harvested. That shit is $25 a can now but I distill the oil mix to recover most of it for re-use.

Was on the Phoenix Tears site today checking out the original RSO method and Rick says to use pure indica of 20% or higher for the best meds. The Kush I just grew must be pretty high indica %age but time to source something really heavy for the wife. Should be enough to last her until new stuff is ready around March I figure. Most of what I have in storage is sativa leaning but should still work.

works at 80% effectiveness that way and just so ya know I took one for the team to find out It was for an Air Canada pilot who didn't want to get stoned. HAd to KNOW before I could SAY as I only heard about this and well ya never know unitl you try..
He was taking a gram a day up the wazzoo by the first week.!

put the coco nut caps in the fridge and they will harden up. Freezer works better .. when she is ready pop one out onto a piece of clean paper from the cap and insert fast or fairly quickly lol and why the freezer works better until yer good at it or I mean she is ....It's ONLY COLD FOR A FEW SECONDS then it goes away. :idea::D
Try and convince her
..It gets to her liver faster this way and less the goodness isn't lost by your liver synthesizing it...

you can take a pencil and roll tinfoil around it..remove the pencil and fill with coconut oil and RSO.....this way you can cut off a big or small a piece as needed.

hope this helps

I'm sure if it turns out to be a bad cancer she'll go for it. At this point we don't know anything for sure and if the next scan looks bad I'm pretty sure they'll go in there and remove the node that has the tumors. Just hoping it's some weird benign thing and not some aggressive cancer that metastasizes by the time they get to it.

We're both gonna quit the cigs and the sugar. We both have a sweet tooth tho she hasn't got any teeth anymore so doesn't have to worry about that. Vitamin and mineral supplements, juicing etc. Lots of things to do.

In the case of liver cancer it's vital to have the liver enzymes busy working on those supplements before dosing otherwise they metabolize the THC before it can work on the tumors. A fat containing snack before dosing is usual for other types of cancer. Going to get her on the molasses/baking soda thing as well. Real maple syrup works well too.

naptha....the one thing i dislike about can be made 1000 percent cleaner...alcohol a much better safer solvent...
better yet a press and zero solvent.....or if you get to know an oil mfg who uses high pressure co2...thats the cleanest I have seen...
I think an email to say Kush-oil co. and you maybe able to see if they offer any services for medical patients...
If explained to them what you need this for....I would ask if its possible to courier your bud to them to run for you....I'm sure a small charge would apply....since a co2 system is pretty costly.
This is just a suggestion....for 100 percent purity
naptha....the one thing i dislike about can be made 1000 percent cleaner...alcohol a much better safer solvent...
better yet a press and zero solvent.....or if you get to know an oil mfg who uses high pressure co2...thats the cleanest I have seen...
I think an email to say Kush-oil co. and you maybe able to see if they offer any services for medical patients...
If explained to them what you need this for....I would ask if its possible to courier your bud to them to run for you....I'm sure a small charge would apply....since a co2 system is pretty costly.
This is just a suggestion....for 100 percent purity
I used white gass the first time just like rick Simpson did..and even though I used Naphtha it was hard finding clean shit...
I used 99% Isopropyl alchohal or Grain if I can get it cheap but no one wants to sell pure grain cheap..
if ya dont like it that way you can buy a press and make rosin :)

They try and keep people from making there own by saying not to use solvents.? Then ban GAS at 5 galons a tank Ban PROPAINE..It could blow you up! same reasoning.... BS and GREED is what its about
.ISO is SAFE when used correctly Its kinda like owning a BBQ or FURNACE or ANYTHING that can blow up:idea::idea::idea::idea::idea:
I'm sure if it turns out to be a bad cancer she'll go for it. At this point we don't know anything for sure and if the next scan looks bad I'm pretty sure they'll go in there and remove the node that has the tumors. Just hoping it's some weird benign thing and not some aggressive cancer that metastasizes by the time they get to it.

We're both gonna quit the cigs and the sugar. We both have a sweet tooth tho she hasn't got any teeth anymore so doesn't have to worry about that. Vitamin and mineral supplements, juicing etc. Lots of things to do.

In the case of liver cancer it's vital to have the liver enzymes busy working on those supplements before dosing otherwise they metabolize the THC before it can work on the tumors. A fat containing snack before dosing is usual for other types of cancer. Going to get her on the molasses/baking soda thing as well. Real maple syrup works well too.

Baking soda will not decreas or increase alkalinity...I tried and got tested for it... .although it is suggested by some .
.From what I have read just doenst work that way..
Baking soda will not decreas or increase alkalinity...I tried and got tested for it... .although it is suggested by some .
.From what I have read just doenst work that way..

The thing with that therapy is to use no other sugar in your diet as cancer feeds on sugar. Then first thing in the morning you take a dose of the mix and as the sugar is bonded to the carbonate the starving cancer cells gobble it up and also ingest the carbonate. Supposedly it causes them to become alkaline and kills them. Cheap so worth the effort I guess and some peeps swear by it for various cancers.

One argument I've heard often is that the body does a good job of maintaining it's pH on it's own and it does but if you consume a lot of foods that promote acidity then the body uses up carbonates in the blood to raise the pH. If that's not available it leaches it from the bones which leads to thinner bones. That's something I have so to help with that I take a CalMag/D3 supplement and add 1/4 tsp baking soda to my large mug of RO water along with 1/4 tsp of pink Himalayan sea salt. I go thru one of those every day. As I drink a lot of coffee I'll take a bit and swirl it around my mouth now and then to neutralize any acids created by mouth bacteria consuming sugar to help protect what teeth I have left.

I realized recently that as we've switched to the pink salt the wife isn't getting any iodine in her diet. I've been taking iodine as a supplement ever since the Fukishima incident and even before. She's been gaining weight the last year or more tho still not heavy and it may be because her thyroid is sluggish due to lack of iodine so will be getting some proper stuff for her. She has a problem taking pills so going to get her blending everything up in a smoothie she can take every day. I bought some regular iodized salt and told her to start using that instead of the pink stuff too.

As much as I want to believe that cannabis will fix this I want to explore and utilize everything in the playbook that can help. We already eat a lot of broccoli, cauliflower, garlic and onions with the last two home grown by her.

I just wish we knew more about what's going on.

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naptha....the one thing i dislike about can be made 1000 percent cleaner...alcohol a much better safer solvent...
better yet a press and zero solvent.....or if you get to know an oil mfg who uses high pressure co2...thats the cleanest I have seen...
I think an email to say Kush-oil co. and you maybe able to see if they offer any services for medical patients...
If explained to them what you need this for....I would ask if its possible to courier your bud to them to run for you....I'm sure a small charge would apply....since a co2 system is pretty costly.
This is just a suggestion....for 100 percent purity

I personally don't believe there's enough solvent left to cause any issues. I would be much more concerned about pesticide residues but as I don't spray my flower it's not a worry. I'd love a CO2 rig but that ain't happening at home.

I kinda doubt that KushOil is going to do custom extractions but it's worth checking out I guess. Might need a couple pounds to make one batch for them tho where at home I'll be doing a qp at a time most likely.

Thanks for the tip!








think above :idea:




... did you figure out the other yet? ;-)


There is more too :o lmfao

I'll let you digest this for a bit and maybe you can start a thread on resident frauds and sock puppets lol ... that way we don't derail @westcoast420 's thread

Just look up @mauryjane - that one is obvious

The way I see it, out of all the regular posters in the Canadian section, you may be the only one singing the same verse. :wink:

IMO, the rest of the chumps are singing a different song lol

BTW ... I don't think that "fuck you hahaha" was directed at the original post ;-) ... I'll just post the info and let you decide lol

@gb123 ... reread my post on the other thread and tell me what you think :

Well, since your sock brought this to the top, and you cried hard enough to have my original response deleted, I'll humor you in a civil manner ... And the only ones pretending are your greedy, fraudulent, ass and the fukwads you shill for

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So I dont read the friggin wannabes posts lol..easy to miss unimportant shit
specially from a bunch a wanna bes