Week 6 1/2 of flower first cfl grow help


Two of my plants are starting to brown and look really dry. Should I start to flush those to plants?? All three of my plants hermied most likely to do with light leaks but I decided to finish the grow anyways because it's my first grow and I won't be able to do another for awhile. some nugges are obviously seeded☹ the pictures are of the two that are browning



Looks a bit like nutrient burn. What type of soil are they in and what have you been feeding them?
They are in a mix of some moisture control soil from a hardware store and dollar store soil. I have been feeding them the recommended amount of some two part fertilizer on Amazon every time they need water. I just gave them pure pH tested water without any fert an hour ago should I just keep doing that untill the end of the grow?

R Burns

Well-Known Member
Got a few wks left. I would def start tapering off the nutes. Looks like you may have been going at em heavy. Maybe just plain water from here.


Well-Known Member
What makes you think they've seeded? Looking pretty good to me. 3 weeks minimum to go and yeah taper off the nitrogen..


What makes you think they've seeded? Looking pretty good to me. 3 weeks minimum to go and yeah taper off the nitrogen..
I've picked multiple batches of nanners of all three plants and can see a few seeds on some nugs.

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
. I have been feeding them the recommended amount of some two part fertilizer on Amazon every time they need water.
Dont feed every time you water in soil, Generally you water, water and feed... so every 3rd time you water you apply nutrients.. they dont look horrible at all, finish those girls out and learn from youre mistakes this grow, apply the changes to the next grow the keep the education going :)


Well-Known Member
Two of my plants are starting to brown and look really dry. Should I start to flush those to plants?? All three of my plants hermied most likely to do with light leaks but I decided to finish the grow anyways because it's my first grow and I won't be able to do another for awhile. some nugges are obviously seeded☹ the pictures are of the two that are browning
The pistils are supposed to turn brown.