Weed barons anonymous


New Member
hi everyone .....my name is bugs and i'm a recovering wannabe weed baron. i've been clean and stoned now for several days.......it's a long road but i'm willing to take the journey..........anyone else out there willing to admit they coulnt grow hard-ons in a whore house?????

feel free to share.....we've all been there.


Well-Known Member
LOL hard-ons in a whore house.
I don't know about being a wannabe weed baron, but while we're on about funny stuff, i see America has sorted out their oil crisis.
They bought 5 million tons of sand from the Arabs, and they are now drilling for their own oil.

Weed Baron

Active Member
Dear Sir,

I have won the battle!

Please refrain from using the title "WEED Baron" again in the future or you shall see a swift rebuke from the Baron hood of WEED.

Good Day Sir! :finger:


New Member
Dear Sir,

I have won the battle!

Please refrain from using the title "WEED Baron" again in the future or you shall see a swift rebuke from the Baron hood of WEED.

Good Day Sir! :finger:
i'm glad you made it to this thread my friend....we all know your a phony now......sit down, relax.....your amongst friends. you dont have to live a lie anymore



Well-Known Member
Weed barons are a huge problem in every cannabis forum. I've seen some absurdly stupid advice given out on various threads here.

It's easy to spot the WBs if you know how to grow. Unfortunately, it's the new, inexperienced, growers who fall prey to the shithouse grower.


New Member
Weed barons are a huge problem in every cannabis forum. I've seen some absurdly stupid advice given out on various threads here.

that's my favorite kind....:mrgreen:

It's easy to spot the WBs if you know how to grow. Unfortunately, it's the new, inexperienced, growers who fall prey to the shithouse grower.
i don't know man....i know a few organic growers that would either tell you that's the best kind of grower or get mad at you for insulting the almighty organic grower. :roll:.....just sayin, some have complexes. don't we all?....lol

I, weed baroness Stoney, do proclaim thou shalt pisseth in the potteth...
only when your drinking citrus fruits because the acidity is good for the plants......gees i thought everyone knew that.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i don't know man....i know a few organic growers that would either tell you that's the best kind of grower or get mad at you for insulting the almighty organic grower. :roll:.....just sayin, some have complexes. don't we all?....lol
As should be obvious by my userid, I am an organic grower.

An organic grower is not a shithouse grower. A shithouse grower is the same as a shithouse lawyer. Plenty of advice, mostly bad. No credentials.

Very similar to a Weed Baron. Plenty of grow advice, but never brought in a harvest.


Well-Known Member
An organic grower is not a shithouse grower. A shithouse grower is the same as a shithouse lawyer. Plenty of advice, mostly bad. No credentials.

Very similar to a Weed Baron. Plenty of grow advice, but never brought in a harvest.
Huh Yep Bugs is a weed baron!!

Speaking of weed barons did you scare your buddy away Bugs?

Oh and i started to harvest :)

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
As should be obvious by my userid, I am an organic grower.

An organic grower is not a shithouse grower. A shithouse grower is the same as a shithouse lawyer. Plenty of advice, mostly bad. No credentials.

Very similar to a Weed Baron. Plenty of grow advice, but never brought in a harvest.
dude i must be a weed baron too cause i never harvested yet and i have plenty of advise.

by the way, i just enjoy growing and manipulating. ill enjoy it more when i harvest, but im in no rush. fuunnnn!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ya i didnt even get to say by.......really quite sad. we are all at a loss
Yea i hear ya Funny you really don't pay attention to all the threads because he was always there answering questions. There are already threads with wives tails and voodoo methods in them.

I don't think i have the patience to try to keep them somewhat true and going the right direction.

We will have to see who comes out of the closets to become the next guru in hydro. It should be interesting.


New Member
Yea i hear ya Funny you really don't pay attention to all the threads because he was always there answering questions. There are already threads with wives tails and voodoo methods in them.

I don't think i have the patience to try to keep them somewhat true and going the right direction.

We will have to see who comes out of the closets to become the next guru in hydro. It should be interesting.
i do pay attention....shit i live on here when i'm home but i leave every 2 days for 2 days so i always have to play catch up.

on the other note.....i hear ya.....i dont think i can help anyone out on those threads so i stay out of it, let some weed baron (i mean the real kind) take over and heal the world.


Well-Known Member
i do pay attention....shit i live on here when i'm home but i leave every 2 days for 2 days so i always have to play catch up.

on the other note.....i hear ya.....i dont think i can help anyone out on those threads so i stay out of it, let some weed baron (i mean the real kind) take over and heal the world.
Ok i get it but as someone has to play devils advocate here. I i get it you want me to take the heat........ Why do i always have to go in first ?