the colour of my nutes change how and why?


New Member
im running DWC full canna aqua range plus all additives (rizo,cannazym,silica,cal/mag.....i make the buckets up with 15 liters of water and add silica(2ml) first then cal/mag(1ml p/l,then rizo(20ml) then cannazyn(20ml) then the a&b(10ml of each) nutes,all good=850ppm in 15 liters of water then i just dilute the mix to the ppm i want 350ppm at the this ok to just water it down?

my curious mind is asking why i put in the cal/mag(bio diesel) and the color of the water goes a bronze,the other nutes i put in are clear EXCEPT for the part b of canna aqua which is redish,after 3 days or so the bronze color is gone and the water turns a redish pink color!

common sense tells me its absorb the cal mag first and it all gone and only the a&b are present due to the color being redish,the ppm dropped slightly maybe 30-50 ppm by this stage...

witch tells me it is feeding and taking up nutes but what nutes at what time in what order???? hungry to know every drop my girls need at each stage and im not sure what i should be adding or not at this stage ive had cal/mag issues before maybye the LED ive heard affect cal/mag take up so yeah i want to dial this all in...they are Blue dreamatics(automatic) 4 weeks old starting to show pistils...any guidence in this would be so much appreciated.....

.also ive found the the brown slime forms in the air pocket between the water and the lid to cause a humid wet area for slime to thrive the water can be cool but if the air dont circulate it can be like 5 or more degrees higher,i use a computer exhaust fan to rid the hot air and cover the lid with no heat conductive material white a thing i want to pass up to my other DWC growers.....
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Well-Known Member
witch tells me it is feeding and taking up nutes but what nutes at what time in what order???? hungry to know every drop my girls need at each stage and im not sure what i should be adding or not
Hey @auto_bot -- welcome to Roll It Up. I don't think you can know just what they are taking. I don't think the color changes you are seeing can tell you either. The idea is to add back the same ratio and keep your ppm and pH in the range. Some change the water more frequently so they feel more control. Others never or rarely change their water. Lots of variables.

Change the water debate covered in this thread: