Newbie Needing Help

This is my very first time & it was luck it sprouted at all after almost being EATEN TWICE by my dog (so it’s short.. I think)!! I’ve only got the 1 plant & it was dumb luck I got a couple seeds to begin with... I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me what stage it’s at?? I just started 12/12 but not sure if I did right thing...



Well-Known Member
Looking good!! :weed: how long since you sprouted? Are they showing sex yet? I'd suggest pulling the top off to stimulate side branching andsplit the main stem.


Well-Known Member
All you do is fold back the baby leaves on the top-most growth point and pinch off the very tip. That is the growth point where cell divisions occur- pull that off and the plant is forced to branch. If you don't pinch off enough, it's called FIMing the plant (fuck I missed). FIMing will continue to grow the main stem but slow it down via light damage/stress. Useful for height and canopy control.


Well-Known Member
If you have flipped to 12/12 flower I would not recommend Fiming. If it recovers it will extend the flowering time. It is most effective in veg.
I think it’s female..And it started sprouting in August but it was just about eaten by my dog twice!! Should I have started to change the light cycle??
All you do is fold back the baby leaves on the top-most growth point and pinch off the very tip. That is the growth point where cell divisions occur- pull that off and the plant is forced to branch. If you don't pinch off enough, it's called FIMing the plant (fuck I missed). FIMing will continue to grow the main stem but slow it down via light damage/stress. Useful for height and canopy control.
Thanks for the info!! Do you think I should have started to change lighting 12/12 ??