This is getting SO OLD! Mitezilla!


New Member
First let me thank anyone that takes the time to provide feedback.

Got spider mites in my last grow from an introduced clone and I can't get rid of them. I even bought a new tent and cloroxed everything from top to bottom in my room. (I did quarantine and sprayed several times before taking my clone into the room, but still got the crap.) Just so I don't get the "you need to clean up your shit speech"... I am a clean FREAK, my room is spotless with daily cleaning and always has been. I don't ever wear my shoes in the room and only go in after taking a shower. I know, ridiculous, but necessary when you live in the country and surrounded by bugs everywhere.
Tried water spraying, Neem, Pyrethrum, 86 Mite and Mold, Mighty Wash, DE and for God's sake just hit them with Floramite.

Of course this was not all at the same time. I worked on this for the past two months. Trying to keep my plants low so once I start flower they can have room to grow and still stay in the tent. I've manipulated the stems so they are still only a foot high. Pulled some bonzai shit on them. I just can't go into flower with mites and risk a take over and losing everything.

I finally pulled a leaf off of each of the plants last night and didn't see any live bugs, FINALLY. They have a little bit of tip burn but seem to be much happier than they were. I don't know if it's my paranoia, but with 1000x magnification I can still see the fuckers in their little eggs trying to breath. It's like little light reflections when they move. Hopefully what I've hit them with will finish off any if they do hatch.

My question is, how soon can I put them into flower and be safe with the previous spraying of the Floramite? I know it says 28 days, but that is how long the stuff stays active on the leaf. How long does it stay in your plant's system and will it transfer to the bud if I start my flower before the 28 days? I've got to get these girls in flower before they outgrow the tent. Pic attached.

Second question is, do you think that I'll be okay as far as height when I go go into flower? These are Marshmallow Kronic and Purple Dawn, both hybrids.

I just can't believe how these little bugs have made my life miserable for six months.

HELP! (Just imagine the sound of hair being pulled out.) Sorry so long.


Predator bugs!!! I live in the country and bugs not none to man and every other plant destroying bug found my greenhouse this year and only thing I could find that worked is spraying shit with soapy water (dawn dish soap) maybe mix a lil alcohol in with it and over populate the space with ladybugs or preditor mites. OVER POPULATE!!!! And put window screen behind any open fan (fans chop up ladybugs and spread parts) and on top of any of your light heatsinks. Been battling spider mites I think and what look like maybe leaf miners. I pick the infected leaves, spray plants with dawn and re populate predators. It’s working to the degree that I find a bad bug every once in a while but I have chickens running free and all kinda other crap and grow building is in backyard. I have an air lock type thing where u take off shoes clothes then into grow. I’m trying to flip to 12/12 went thru half of the 45 plant crop and didn’t (see) any bugs but will continue to fill grow with predators for insurance!!!!!!


New Member
Predator bugs!!! I live in the country and bugs not none to man and every other plant destroying bug found my greenhouse this year and only thing I could find that worked is spraying shit with soapy water (dawn dish soap) maybe mix a lil alcohol in with it and over populate the space with ladybugs or preditor mites. OVER POPULATE!!!! And put window screen behind any open fan (fans chop up ladybugs and spread parts) and on top of any of your light heatsinks. Been battling spider mites I think and what look like maybe leaf miners. I pick the infected leaves, spray plants with dawn and re populate predators. It’s working to the degree that I find a bad bug every once in a while but I have chickens running free and all kinda other crap and grow building is in backyard. I have an air lock type thing where u take off shoes clothes then into grow. I’m trying to flip to 12/12 went thru half of the 45 plant crop and didn’t (see) any bugs but will continue to fill grow with predators for insurance!!!!!!
At this point, I'm willing to try anything to keep them away. I pulled some leaves before the last Mighty wash and still found a couple of adults. How on earth do they survive all of the shit I've put on them, I don't understand. When I apply, I literally pull the individual leaves apart and spray in every nook and cranny and soak them down dripping wet. Nothing short of a dip. Even soak the top of the soil. I've got one more day to see if the Mighty wash worked, and at that point, I'm lost... I even ordered Forbid, but haven't used it, I'm too worried about the lingering effects. I just hate to start over... but really, my health is much more important. Sounds like you have almost the same scenario as I do. I'm missing the chickens, but actually plan on getting some in the spring. I'll try the soap, but can't let the predators loose in the house with my tent. I'll have ladybugs in my eyebrows at night. I'm also concerned that with the Floramite it might kill them off. I like the air lock idea, I'll keep that on my list. Thanks for the ideas! Peace.
Mix some suficant in ur spray. It lowers the surface tension of the water marking it flow into small areas or stick to the plant and bug better. Dawn or any soap will do this. I’m sure u have seen a bug or spider walk on water right??? Well not soapy water, they will sink! Spray a bug with soapy water and bug will drown!!! Also I read that mites don’t reproduce when there is less than 12 hours if light so when I start flowering I’m setting to 11 hours 30-45 minutes of light. Research how long it takes a mite to reproduce and hatch and spray in those intervals and I grab the branch while spraying and pull fingers thru it but in veg soaking the crap out it. I dip clones in soapy water out of tray and wash plant day before cutting clones. Get the predatory mites if the lady bugs will escape. At least they will leave the plant after eating all the mite and u won’t smoke them. I’m no pro at pot growing but grow veggies outside every year and have found that good bugs and soapy water is the ONLY thing they CAN’T get immune to. Going to try the pepper spray recipe on here to cuz it sounds painful and I’d like to torture the lil shits for eating my plants immunity prevention says to alternate killers cuz it only takes a week or to for them to evolve immunity. For me azamax,greenclean, mammoth, neem all worked to first time ONLY!!! Came back with force after each product.


Well-Known Member
I just killed all mine with green cleaner and an azamax root drench. Havent seen any in a month. Botanigard might work idk.


Well-Known Member
I also use green cleaner and azamax as the person above and recently started using iso at 50/50 with a wetting agent. if you keep up the treatments and then use as preventative you will get rid of them.


New Member
I just killed all mine with green cleaner and an azamax root drench. Havent seen any in a month. Botanigard might work idk.
Thanks ! I just ordered azamax. I have hit them pretty hard with other stuff, but haven't done a root drench. Its a derivative of Neem oil, right?


New Member
I also use green cleaner and azamax as the person above and recently started using iso at 50/50 with a wetting agent. if you keep up the treatments and then use as preventative you will get rid of them.
Many thanks Da! Really appreciate the help. I will get it in the water as soon as Amazon drops it off. Happy Thanksgiving.


New Member
Mix some suficant in ur spray. It lowers the surface tension of the water marking it flow into small areas or stick to the plant and bug better. Dawn or any soap will do this. I’m sure u have seen a bug or spider walk on water right??? Well not soapy water, they will sink! Spray a bug with soapy water and bug will drown!!! Also I read that mites don’t reproduce when there is less than 12 hours if light so when I start flowering I’m setting to 11 hours 30-45 minutes of light. Research how long it takes a mite to reproduce and hatch and spray in those intervals and I grab the branch while spraying and pull fingers thru it but in veg soaking the crap out it. I dip clones in soapy water out of tray and wash plant day before cutting clones. Get the predatory mites if the lady bugs will escape. At least they will leave the plant after eating all the mite and u won’t smoke them. I’m no pro at pot growing but grow veggies outside every year and have found that good bugs and soapy water is the ONLY thing they CAN’T get immune to. Going to try the pepper spray recipe on here to cuz it sounds painful and I’d like to torture the lil shits for eating my plants immunity prevention says to alternate killers cuz it only takes a week or to for them to evolve immunity. For me azamax,greenclean, mammoth, neem all worked to first time ONLY!!! Came back with force after each product.
Great advice Big, I'm going to do the azamax soil drench and have to wash off all of the leaves so I'll add a drop of Dawn to the water when I do it. So glad for the real folks in these forums that provide this so valued info. I would be sitting with a pot full of dirt without everyone's help. I love growing and also do containers in the summer with tomatoes, jalapeños and squash. Amazing the way "life always finds a way". I just need to go T-Rex on their little butts and get them out of my smoke. Thanks again, Happy Thanksgiving.


Well-Known Member
Yea azamax works better as a foliar but I mostly wanted it to kill any stragglers and whatever else was in the soil. Always have a good breeze on the plants too the ones that seem to always get hit are in the dead air zones. Ive read not to use dawn the green cleaner and azamax already have a surfactant in them. I used the lower dose think it was one oz per gal of the green cleaner with no damage.


Well-Known Member
Yea azamax works better as a foliar but I mostly wanted it to kill any stragglers and whatever else was in the soil. Always have a good breeze on the plants too the ones that seem to always get hit are in the dead air zones. Ive read not to use dawn the green cleaner and azamax already have a surfactant in them. I used the lower dose think it was one oz per gal of the green cleaner with no damage.
Green cleaner 1 oz per gallon. When I tried that I read some crazy rate that use up most of my green cleaner in just two applications. You sure you got that right.

Dish soap. rubbing alcohol and water 50/50 spray every three days, 100 percent coverage till no more mites. Then once a week.

Do a test plant first on the first application alone.

Well you really shouldnt use dawn but a natural clean dish soap, The more surfactant the better cant hurt anything.


Well-Known Member
I’ve had every problem you can have with growing except mold (knock on wood) including spider mites. Try lady bugs, that’s what I use in my crawl space grow. If lady bugs aren’t an option cuz of location or pesticides then use green clean and follow the directions. Use a good sprayer that u can shake while applying. Green clean helped me big time in my 9x5 tent and in my buddies 18x 1000 watt grow.

Lady bugs or green clean is the least expensive option.


New Member
Green cleaner 1 oz per gallon. When I tried that I read some crazy rate that use up most of my green cleaner in just two applications. You sure you got that right.

Dish soap. rubbing alcohol and water 50/50 spray every three days, 100 percent coverage till no more mites. Then once a week.

Do a test plant first on the first application alone.

Well you really shouldnt use dawn but a natural clean dish soap, The more surfactant the better cant hurt anything.
Pulled leaves off today and inspection shows NO LIVE ONES! HELL YEAH! But... there's always the ones you missed. So I'll wait a couple of days to see if I see any activity. They are ready for a break. I do still need to spray them off, so if I order the natural soap and wait 'till I get that then move forward. I'll keep this updated. Again, thank you Very Much for your help. Peace, and Happy Thanksgiving.


Well-Known Member
Pulled leaves off today and inspection shows NO LIVE ONES! HELL YEAH! But... there's always the ones you missed. So I'll wait a couple of days to see if I see any activity. They are ready for a break. I do still need to spray them off, so if I order the natural soap and wait 'till I get that then move forward. I'll keep this updated. Again, thank you Very Much for your help. Peace, and Happy Thanksgiving.
Right on ...natural soap isnt necessary just cleaner I guess. You did miss a few and you diid miss some eggs, no need to check in a few days.

Just spray them again.

Plain water kills adults. What sprayer do you use can you post a pik of it im curious.

You should look at foliar feeding some things a few times then you can kill bugs and feed your plant at the same time....the trick to foliar feeding is to keep the ppms low like 250-300 / be safe.
I used azamax as a root drench and spray still cut early cuz they wouldn’t die, just thinned out for a couple weeks and when I hung them, next day there was a mountain of mites on the cut stem I guess trying to go up but then thought.....HMMMM IM SMOKING AZAMAX I WONDER WHAT KINDA CANCER IT GIVES U??? So I don’t use bs that may or may not work but definitely enters ur blood stream. My body will tell me if I’m smoking pesticide or neem or something, I’ll feel like shit or joints will ache! I grow as organic as I can and have no bad feeling or achy joints
Green cleaner 1 oz per gallon. When I tried that I read some crazy rate that use up most of my green cleaner in just two applications. You sure you got that right.

Dish soap. rubbing alcohol and water 50/50 spray every three days, 100 percent coverage till no more mites. Then once a week.

Do a test plant first on the first application alone.

Well you really shouldnt use dawn but a natural clean dish soap, The more surfactant the better cant hurt anything.
Yes do a tester plant or leaf with the alcohol! I mixed 10-15 ml alcohol to my dawn water spray and burnt the crap out the lower tender leaves. Been dropping them like it’s fall, may have been the soap alcohol combo tho not sure.

And life cycle is 3 days to hatch, 5-7 days to adult, with in 2weeks numbers can be massive. I don’t c many people using soap, y is that? I kill wasp colony’s, scorpions, spiders, knock flys out of the air all with dawn and water, a couple teaspoons per quart, plus u can spray it off, U can’t spray all them pesticides off the plant.


Well-Known Member
First let me thank anyone that takes the time to provide feedback.

Got spider mites in my last grow from an introduced clone and I can't get rid of them. I even bought a new tent and cloroxed everything from top to bottom in my room. (I did quarantine and sprayed several times before taking my clone into the room, but still got the crap.) Just so I don't get the "you need to clean up your shit speech"... I am a clean FREAK, my room is spotless with daily cleaning and always has been. I don't ever wear my shoes in the room and only go in after taking a shower. I know, ridiculous, but necessary when you live in the country and surrounded by bugs everywhere.
Tried water spraying, Neem, Pyrethrum, 86 Mite and Mold, Mighty Wash, DE and for God's sake just hit them with Floramite.

Of course this was not all at the same time. I worked on this for the past two months. Trying to keep my plants low so once I start flower they can have room to grow and still stay in the tent. I've manipulated the stems so they are still only a foot high. Pulled some bonzai shit on them. I just can't go into flower with mites and risk a take over and losing everything.

I finally pulled a leaf off of each of the plants last night and didn't see any live bugs, FINALLY. They have a little bit of tip burn but seem to be much happier than they were. I don't know if it's my paranoia, but with 1000x magnification I can still see the fuckers in their little eggs trying to breath. It's like little light reflections when they move. Hopefully what I've hit them with will finish off any if they do hatch.

My question is, how soon can I put them into flower and be safe with the previous spraying of the Floramite? I know it says 28 days, but that is how long the stuff stays active on the leaf. How long does it stay in your plant's system and will it transfer to the bud if I start my flower before the 28 days? I've got to get these girls in flower before they outgrow the tent. Pic attached.

Second question is, do you think that I'll be okay as far as height when I go go into flower? These are Marshmallow Kronic and Purple Dawn, both hybrids.

I just can't believe how these little bugs have made my life miserable for six months.

HELP! (Just imagine the sound of hair being pulled out.) Sorry so long.
Forbid 4F (never in flower).

Too bad you used the Floramite, that shit stays around a long ass time ->