DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

and here @StevenBair so we don't hijack the thread:

all you need to know.
O may bad, I'm new to all this thread stuff. I'm coming out of the woodwork after 10 years of soil growing. That I'm good at. Lol. Ya, its 49% CALCIUM hypochlorite, the good stuff. Lol. Thanks again
the only secret to using shock is you need a digi scale accurate to 0.01 grams.

0.10 grams of HTH pool shock per 10 gallons of water is 1ppm free chlorine.

up to 5 ppm is safe for plants and humans

if you have rot, i'd run around 3 to 5ppm to get rid of it once or 2x a week. then for maintnenance, use 1 to 2 ppm once or 2x a week.

i don't like peroxide personally but many people use it successfully.

if you want to run beneficial bacteria ( i do now just to see how it works), pick up a bottle of Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide. same bacteria as Hydroguard but a million times more concentrated. and much cheaper.
Your info is so fucked up you should be banned from the internet. Southern AG is not the same as hydroguard, and pool shock sucks. It inhibits root growth on new clones. I've used it with a digital pool test kits and tried several formulations but it always sucked. It takes to much free chlorine to kill pathogens at levels that are toxic to plant roots.
Also uc roots is hydrochloris acid and is basically pasteurized chlorine that takes 1000s of dollars in equipment to make. It is definitely not the same as tht pool shock as people claim. It took me a week of research to even find out wtf hydrocloolus acid is.

You also mentioned heisen got root rot. That was actually the one time he got a bad batch of hydroguard and did a ton of experiments using pool shock and figured out how bad pool shock sucks.
That was awhile back and he has since beat pythium out 100 percent.

Southern AG is not the same as hydroguard
pool shock sucks. It inhibits root growth on new clones.
sorry moron but chlorine is a nutrient used by cannabis.

go back and read Growing Weed for Dummies and get back to me.
wtf hydrocloolus acid is.

Also uc roots is hydrochloris acid

hmmm, are you sure you're typing in the words. words matter.

sorry moron but chlorine is a nutrient used by cannabis.

go back and read Growing Weed for Dummies and get back to me.
Dude I would crush you on growing my worst day and your best. Go back to the politics section and preach what your good at cause growing ain't one of em. I have over 50 youtube videos on shit I've forgotten than you know. Wheres yours? That's what I thought. Later
I tried the shock and went back to bennies monday and today they look alot better and they are getting happy again. I'm continuing with my tea made with ancient forest, hydroguard, and a sprinkle of great white. GW world wonders on it's own in a pinch, so I learned in the past week. A little direct dusting of the roots and bang! All good.
I tried the shock and went back to bennies monday and today they look alot better and they are getting happy again. I'm continuing with my tea made with ancient forest, hydroguard, and a sprinkle of great white. GW world wonders on it's own in a pinch, so I learned in the past week. A little direct dusting of the roots and bang! All good.
at least you tried both ways: some find sterile easier, some find bennies easier.

there are many ways to get to the same finish line.
So back to the hydro slime, it's back and I'm done. Well black gunk filling my roots and skyrocketing my ph. I started indoor so I would have more time with my family and hydro is wasting my time. Wash roots constantly and switch solution, I'm going back to my organic ways to finish these 2 off. I think i need to ditch the AN and try hydro again with canna cyco DM or even GH. I really think AN nutes just are not compatible well with dwc. Seems like any nutes I give only feeds the black junk in my roots.
So back to the hydro slime, it's back and I'm done. Well black gunk filling my roots and skyrocketing my ph. I started indoor so I would have more time with my family and hydro is wasting my time. Wash roots constantly and switch solution, I'm going back to my organic ways to finish these 2 off. I think i need to ditch the AN and try hydro again with canna cyco DM or even GH. I really think AN nutes just are not compatible well with dwc. Seems like any nutes I give only feeds the black junk in my roots.

It seems to be a loosing battle once you have had the rot mate, I am in exactly the same boat tried beneficial and sterile and still have rot.
Wish I had stuck to coco DTW. Problem is it is a bit like repairing an old car, you spend so much money and you are in to deep so you have to keep at it.