Another sick plant... help!

Alright this plant came up September 7. Planted in FFHF. Been watered every other day with 2 feedings a week 1/2tbsp tiger bloom and 1 tsp of honey comb twice a week since flower. I have spring water and for several weeks it tested at 6.7-7ph so I stopped checking, checked again yesterday and 8.3. Temp goes from 60at night to 75 at day on 12/12



Well-Known Member
The light yellow edges on the leaves could be the start of a calcium/magnesium deficiency, and then the edges turn black. What kind of spring water?


Well-Known Member
I thought someone else would reply here. I can tell you that I didn't have a good experience when using spring water or well water. You just never know what you're getting...or not getting out of that well. Get some calmag from General Hydroponics and add it to your water. Start with 1 teaspoon in a gallon of water and see what happens on new leaves. Calcium/ Magnesium excess will almost do the same thing to the leaves but leave them orange and yellow... So start slow. Check your pH again because that is the first thing you need to know when looking at a sick plant. I use reverse osmosis water now and had a bad experience with well water myself. So you might want to get some bottled water instead and see if the well water has some problem. Good luck and let us know what happens


Well-Known Member
At what strength do you feed? You could get by with feeding at 0.7 EC + "background EC" of your spring water.

Feed--> feed--> water is how I feed in containers. With a flush of 3x the container volume before and mid flower. I flush with just water and then water normally with regular feed.

If you go by recommendations listed on the backside of the botttles, try half strength.


Well-Known Member
I would check to see how much Mg is imparted by your nutrients...I'm guessing not very much. If it's low or non existent, I would add a little epsom salt to your feed mix. Another suggestion is to not worry about the pH of your water...worry about the pH of your feed, being your feed is what makes it into the plant...not just the water alone. Good luck friend.


Well-Known Member
1/2 tbsp tiger bloom twice a week since flower.

We don't know if this is per gal but either way I'm going with excessive use of bloom nutes as one likely issue.
Now they are getting super dry and crispy. Light is mars hydro 310 actual watts 12” away. Could it be light stress?



Well-Known Member
Put your hand at the top of your canopy and leave it there. If its hot for your hand its too hot for your plants. Looks like heat stress but im no pro. Try raising the light and see what happens
It is a common mistake.
Synthetic bloom nutes like Tiger Bloom if used at all in soil should be introduced slowly during the transition from veg to flower.
She is not in full flower until the stretch is over.
Do you think that could be why the leaves are tacoing and getting crispy?