Nitrogen deficiency


I am already aware this is nitrogen deficiency on my ladies just curious as to if they will recover to their more green look rather than this yellow like color, I have adjusted my nutrients to repair them I've increased my grow to 30ml per 5g from 20ml which these got their deficiency from and have checked my soil ph which is good at 6.8ish anything else I can do to help them? They are week 3 flower is it too late to foliar feed some nitrogen mixed spray? Just wanna know my options to get them green again
(Sorry for poor picture only pic I have availible at the moment)



Well-Known Member
Magnesium makes the plant green, nitrogen makes it grow.
You should be cutting out most nitrogen at this stage.


Well-Known Member
As suggested you will want to start cutting back on your N at this point...not a lot, but certainly you should start curtailing it. Also as noted, you'll want to be sure you're addressing their Mg needs. I would refrain from foliar feeding, but you do you.


Thanks for the replies I misdiagnosed a mag deficiency for a nitrogen deficiency I have adjusted my nutrients accordingly and will keep an eye on them, will my discolored leafs return to their nice color or are they permanently burned?


Well-Known Member
i dont think its N deficiency .. plants would have a light green color with yelloing starting from the bottom
remind me some imbalance
not sure


Well-Known Member
What's that floor made of?
Good question..... The floor could be an idicator of cold.. If the floor is cold it could lead to a deficiency. It's never a great idee to have it on the floor like this onless you really are in the midle of the house and concreat is heated up. The flour can get really cool at night. And then deficiency like iron and other get locked out and roits are slowing down.. Get some of these egg crate light difuser to put them under.. This way your plant wont be in direct contact with ciment.. Sometime litle things as stupide has this go unoticed..


Well-Known Member
Wasen't saying you had iron deficiency.. Just saying cool roots cant create certain lock out.. Kinda the same way you look at maple trees in the falls.. They have all they need but the root just aren't as active as they were during spring and summer... Samething can happen to cannabis... If you've been feeding well everyday and the deficiency suddenly started. And you've started your flowering notvto long ago.. The temperature of the roots at night could be a factor.. Try to keep this in check..


Well-Known Member
Good question..... The floor could be an idicator of cold.. If the floor is cold it could lead to a deficiency. It's never a great idee to have it on the floor like this onless you really are in the midle of the house and concreat is heated up. The flour can get really cool at night. And then deficiency like iron and other get locked out and roits are slowing down.. Get some of these egg crate light difuser to put them under.. This way your plant wont be in direct contact with ciment.. Sometime litle things as stupide has this go unoticed..
Yeah I normally think concrete and cold floor go hand in hand, but in this case I wondered if with two rooms supposedly the same environment one could have more underfloor airflow due to the direction its facing or how exposed that side of the property is.