Burn or deficiency

Cannaboo Grower

New Member
Red Congo 1&2 / Chocolope 1 & 2. All germinated same time. 5 weeks old. 3gal living soil. Feeding remo nutrients slightly scaled back from directions. 500ml every 3 days. Being grown in 2x4 tent under Mars Hyrdo sp250 led. 18-20” above tallest plant.
Red Congo 1 - top tips yellowing and curling up.
Red Congo 2 - more of the same as 1 but more prominent and some lower tip yellowing.
Chocolope 1 - sad and droopy this morning maybe hasn’t woken up yet. I’ve tried fiming this one twice cuz it’s a run away and I have a specific training plan to fill this tent. Minor tip yellowing with burnt brown tips all over.
Chocolope 2 - top tip yellowing with minor lower tip. This is a stout bushy plant, tons of new growth internally.

Perspectives please......


Well-Known Member
They look like you are watering them too often.Do you feed nutes every time?You need to let them dry between waterings and only feed every other time.You will need to give more water each time,then wait for them to dry by weight of the pot.

Cannaboo Grower

New Member
They look like you are watering them too often.Do you feed nutes every time?You need to let them dry between waterings and only feed every other time.You will need to give more water each time,then wait for them to dry by weight of the pot.
In a 3 gal pot at 500ml is slightly above the 10% recommendations of water to pot size. They seem dry to touch and visual. At this stage I can lift but soon I won’t be able to due to my training plan once they reach height. At this stage with the scale I have I cannot weigh them plus do not know it’s baseline. Yes nutes mostly every time. This round I’m only giving them ph’d water.


Active Member
With FFoF you are probably feeding too early. My plants aren't much older but quite a bit bigger and I've used no extra fert other than what was in the soil.

Cannaboo Grower

New Member
With FFoF you are probably feeding too early. My plants aren't much older but quite a bit bigger and I've used no extra fert other than what was in the soil.
Good info thanks. I’m thinking much the same. Going to stick to ph’d @ 6 RO water. Most likely over feed vs over watering

Cannaboo Grower

New Member
So here’s an update. Looks like I’ve flushed them well as appears it’s deficiencies now. Been two weeks ish of only ph 6 water. Switching to my GO nutes. Thinking the remo is too much with real soil. Starting light with 300 ppm mix of marine thrive and camg ph 6.5. I’m giving them this mix in the morning and gone for 3 days.