Using you growing tent tent horizontal for more grow space(just a fast idea came while I smoke)


I wonder if anyone have ever use their tent horizontal.
I got a 120x120x200cm (4x4) tent
Just wondering what could happen if I use it as a 200x120 area and 120cm high.
i know it sounds crazy and I’m not necessary doing it after this grow but I though with the possibility of moving the light with a diy rial or something. And growing kind of a sog with short plants. I’m not looking to grow too many plants in my next grow but it can’t this idea to my head and I wanted to know if someone else done it or thought about it before
If anyone did a light mover I’m very interested( speciallyIn the one not in rial) even for 4x4 tent.
just a little movement would make me happy. I had some ideas but I’m really curious about what other do.
Yeah one of my mates did that , moved and used his garage but it was a rental property so he wanted it low profile, surrounded it in moving boxes and other junk and laid it on the floor. Increased his canopy and trained them low.

Takes more effort but can be done.
I suppose you could, but you run a risk. They are not designed for that. All poles being the same thickness, the center point of the longer poles would be weaker than larger ones. Further depending on design those longer poles are actually two that fit inside eachother in the middle. Another weak point. Personally I wouldn't risk it.
I suppose you could, but you run a risk. They are not designed for that. All poles being the same thickness, the center point of the longer poles would be weaker than larger ones. Further depending on design those longer poles are actually two that fit inside eachother in the middle. Another weak point. Personally I wouldn't risk it.

It would be fairly easy to construct a support for the middle part though. And, yeah, it would probably be neccessary. Or actually it might be better to construct somekind of a self standing support structure for the lights. I would put the carbon scrubber outside the tent to save space and hanging weight.
Yeah one of my mates did that , moved and used his garage but it was a rental property so he wanted it low profile, surrounded it in moving boxes and other junk and laid it on the floor. Increased his canopy and trained them low.

Takes more effort but can be done.
I spent so much time training my plants I’ll upload some pics later today when the light turn on.
I got pipe cleaners(200) and I use many of them to guide the stems✌️ I saw I guy in the app call bud, is kind of a Instagram for growers to share and get advice, but here is better I think.
thank you for the answer! I’ll try it out then.
did you friend had more than one light?
Depending on design the tent might not be able to support as much weight that way, but I see no other problems. My tent is 2'x4'x5'11". Four feet would be enough height and 1'11" more vertical space might be nice. I may very well try it sometime.
Yeah the weight I thought about it but of course I would do sth to don’t break anything✌️. Add support or sth. Thank!
I suppose you could, but you run a risk. They are not designed for that. All poles being the same thickness, the center point of the longer poles would be weaker than larger ones. Further depending on design those longer poles are actually two that fit inside eachother in the middle. Another weak point. Personally I wouldn't risk it.
Yeah I know what you mean✌️ I would reforce the long pipes before to hang anything. Believe me, I’m not up to break anything, I’m pretty careful when it comes to my plants and growing stuff✌️
Yeah I know what you mean✌ I would reforce the long pipes before to hang anything. Believe me, I’m not up to break anything, I’m pretty careful when it comes to my plants and growing stuff✌
Good! Glad to see you have some forethought. Saftey first is a must with indoor growing. If you strengthen it up a bit it could work.
This is nothing new. Friends grandpa, old timer from early 70s, told me of how they used to bend plants over at the base and tie them down, training them to grow horizontal along the ground. They end up delta-ing out where when you grab and shake the stem at the base it rattles outward a huge triangle field of bud. He says when you do this the buds grow straight up and get so big and heavy they need their own supports like individual plants.

Something to keep in mind. The person that told me about it, their last big grow utilizing this method was in the late 80's in a 'lattice house' alongside a hillside in the middle of a residential zone (Arroyo Grande CA), quite ballsy, but this was before cell phones and militarized police.

Doh I posted this response in the wrong thread, meant for the horizontal plant topic. Oh well.