The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump

The secret service agent on duty outside his supermax cell can shove his food tray through the grub hole, after everybody spits in it. He will be complaining that his mashed potatoes taste like shit and are brownish colored. Maybe his prison number will be 00045.

I figure that would be a preferable fate for the likes of Donald, no twitter in a supermax either.

maybe he'll kill himself like jeffrey did.
please, what did I do? Damn, guess I will find out in a month.

Edit: Regardless I am sorry if I caused you pain in the cranium being expanded in understanding why that picture is messed up, but I am happy you understand it now. But know this I don't turn people in for stuff, I know I can't stop trolls and don't try other than trolling the troll with actual information that blows it apart in real time.

What does that picture she posted even mean? How can someone be offended if they don't understand it?
i just want to say it's great to be back and want to thank @hanimmal for getting me a 30-day slowdown:clap: to @GreatwhiteNorth for giving it:clap: i'm sorry for posting this picture..i realize now how wrong it was to have an opinion and make a point:

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anyone else slightly offended that she is befouling the image of Greta Thunberg?....maybe a more appropriate avatar would be ...
The trial that will last a week and get tossed. He will still be president and she wont.
the only reason he will still be president is that the entire republican party have sold their souls, and are willing to sell out America.
their agenda is more important to them than truth, honor, respect, or basic human rights. and you support can you look at yourself in the mirror without being ashamed? My opinion of myself is the only one that matters to me. i can look in the mirror and see a lot of problems, but backing a treasonous party led by a criminal fuck isn't one of them....
the only reason he will still be president is that the entire republican party have sold their souls, and are willing to sell out America.
their agenda is more important to them than truth, honor, respect, or basic human rights. and you support can you look at yourself in the mirror without being ashamed? My opinion of myself is the only one that matters to me. i can look in the mirror and see a lot of problems, but backing a treasonous party led by a criminal fuck isn't one of them....
Remember when they wanted to hang Hillary over some stupid emails?

Do you think bigotry and sexism played a small role in that?
The view from Trump's asshole... May it fuel his paranoia!
Et tu, Lindsay! Cried emperor Trump as the knife went in...
Is a trap being set for Trump in the Senate trial?

Can 20 U.S. senators withstand the potentially irresistible temptation to reverse the results of the 2016 election and remove a president a number of them openly or privately dislike?

Since Donald Trump announced his intention to run for the White House on June 16, 2015, many of the entrenched elites across the various power centers of Washington and beyond have spent many of their waking hours trying to stop or unseat him.

The political charade of an impeachment “investigation” is but the latest example. But that impeachment charade could harbor the greatest threat to Trump’s presidency.

Over the past week, I have heard from three seasoned Republicans who fear that President Trump and the West Wing are seriously underestimating the potential danger of a Senate trial. Human nature and common sense dictate that, despite the well-meaning resolution circulated by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) condemning the House impeachment process, it's important for the White House to understand that the weight of history is settling upon the shoulders of these senators — some of them quite weak — and because of that pressure, private conversations are taking place and a trap may be sprung for the president in that trial.

A potential trap set by seemingly loyal Republican senators.

Those I spoke with, like others, worry that the impeachment process, especially a potential conviction in the Senate, will forever poison the integrity of our constitutional and congressional processes and put every future president at risk of having his or her election reversed for partisan and ideological reasons.

But such is the lingering animosity about Trump by many in the GOP establishment, and there very well may be enough Republican senators willing to topple the first domino and set in motion a chain reaction — no matter the consequences.

In a speech to the American Enterprise Institute in October, former governor and U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley put her finger on the greater issue, saying in part, “President Trump is a disruptor. That makes some people very happy, and it makes some people very mad. ... When I was in the administration, I served alongside colleagues who believed the best thing to do for America was to undermine and obstruct the president. Some wrote about it anonymously in The New York Times. Others just did it. They sincerely believed they were doing the right thing. I sincerely believed they weren’t. ... No policy disagreement with him ... justifies undermining the lawful authority that is vested in his office by the Constitution.”
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You'd respect him more if he obstructed congress?
As I said, I would respect him more if he had the guts to tell congress to fuck off.
THAT takes balls.
I have told cops, judges, bosses, wives and mistresses that when it's true.
Some things are just none-ya-business.
And your LEGAL sex life is one of them. The issue with him getting a BJ from someone other than his wife is a personal matter between him and his wife.

Ask Trump.
He got solid gold nads.
As I said, I would respect him more if he had the guts to tell congress to fuck off.
THAT takes balls.
I have told cops, judges, bosses, wives and mistresses that when it's true.
Some things are just none-ya-business.
And your LEGAL sex life is one of them. The issue with him getting a BJ from someone other than his wife is a personal matter between him and his wife.

Ask Trump.
He got solid gold nads.

It's quite funny Republicans had that same problem with Clinton, but then turn around and complain about Trump doing the same.

I can see why Republicans have changed their mind, but not about Democrats.
As I said, I would respect him more if he had the guts to tell congress to fuck off.
THAT takes balls.
I have told cops, judges, bosses, wives and mistresses that when it's true.
Some things are just none-ya-business.
And your LEGAL sex life is one of them. The issue with him getting a BJ from someone other than his wife is a personal matter between him and his wife.

Ask Trump.
He got solid gold nads.
So you’re not worried about illegals like trump, just brown people
So you’re not worried about illegals like trump, just brown people

You have reading comprehension problems. No wonder mommy and daddy had to foot the bill for your business to start.

Legal sex would be consensual sex, between two adults. Which even includes hookers who slap you with a magazine that has your picture one it. No matter how weird that is.

Illegal sex would be with engaging in sexual activities that are illegal, such as the illegal sex trade/slave market. Or lying to a military tribunal about not doing sexual activities, rather than tell the person straight up it's none of their business and to go screw themselves.
You have reading comprehension problems. No wonder mommy and daddy had to foot the bill for your business to start.

Legal sex would be consensual sex, between two adults. Which even includes hookers who slap you with a magazine that has your picture one it. No matter how weird that is.

Illegal sex would be with engaging in sexual activities that are illegal, such as the illegal sex trade/slave market. Or lying to a military tribunal about not doing sexual activities, rather than tell the person straight up it's none of their business and to go screw themselves.
Obstructing a congressional investigation is a felony

making hush money payments with campaign funds to a prostitute you banged 10 years ago while your racist prostitute wife sat at home with your unloved newborn is a crime too. Just ask Michael cohen

illegal border crossings are misdemeanors
Except for the sex slave smugglers and cartels who pay off the police and military personnel with hush money which is obstruction to look the other way, those are definitely felonies. Everyone's dirty.
Why didn’t trump call the cops when his good friend and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein got caught recruiting sex slaves out of mar a lago?
As I said, I would respect him more if he had the guts to tell congress to fuck off.
THAT takes balls.
I have told cops, judges, bosses, wives and mistresses that when it's true.
Some things are just none-ya-business.
And your LEGAL sex life is one of them. The issue with him getting a BJ from someone other than his wife is a personal matter between him and his wife.

Ask Trump.
He got solid gold nads.
As I said, I would respect him more if he had the guts to tell congress to fuck off.
THAT takes balls.
I have told cops, judges, bosses, wives and mistresses that when it's true.
Some things are just none-ya-business.
And your LEGAL sex life is one of them. The issue with him getting a BJ from someone other than his wife is a personal matter between him and his wife.

Ask Trump.
He got solid gold nads.
Funny looking mushroom headed penis boy used campaign money to pay for the BJ though. $250.000 for 2 minutes work on his little orange kumquats. He made it everyone's business because he covered it up to get elected.