sarahs 1st journal!


Well-Known Member
niiice dude!!! thats awesome!
i hope you get all females!!! you will get lots of bud =)
i hope so to!!! Lol theres one sprout...its already showing signs of being indica dominant cuz the leaves are coming in really fat and but it looks wicked!!


Well-Known Member
very nice!
i was nevery lucked to get a indica! only one my by boyfriend broke it in half by accident :evil: i was so pissed
but it was ok cuz then there was veronica hahaahh!!!


Well-Known Member
very nice!
i was nevery lucked to get a indica! only one my by boyfriend broke it in half by accident :evil: i was so pissed
but it was ok cuz then there was veronica hahaahh!!!
lol thats why NO ONE touches sarahs secret garden...hahahahaha im literally the only one allowed in the back room...touch my plants...and you'll feel my wrath!!! lol i really hope i do ok with the 12/12 tho...i've read that sativa dominant plants tend to do better this way...but this little sprout looks im hoping she does ok (well...hopefully its a she).


Well-Known Member
if u can i would like to know the time from sprout till u can sex them on 12/12 from seed i know u dont know now but when ever u see some hairs let me know plz ;-)


Well-Known Member
if u can i would like to know the time from sprout till u can sex them on 12/12 from seed i know u dont know now but when ever u see some hairs let me know plz ;-)
lol it will all be in my so excited about this grow...every time they get a millimeter bigger i post it on here! hahaha but from what i've read its about 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
good point :wall: long day at work i feel stupid for asking that lol but 3 weeks isnt shit to wait considering normally its more like 6-7 when u veg then flower


Well-Known Member
That's too cool that you made all of that. Looks great! Makes me feel like a wuss for buying most of my stuff. :) LoL


Well-Known Member
so i have 2 more sprouts today!...8 out of 11 have come up above the soil...3 more plants to go! i'll have new pics tomorrow. :D


Well-Known Member
My plants are at about the same stage as yours...
2 out of soil starting their first real set of leaves
well see how yours matches to mine timewise and what not
im doing 24hourveg and an early flower