Would You Defoliate? 2.5x weeks from 12/12


Well-Known Member
Hey all. Just wanted to gather some opinions here. I’ve been reading about doing a 21 day defoliation, and it the results seem great. Just wanted to gauge the potential of defoliating my girls when they hit day 21.



Active Member
I wouldn't do it to those girls, I just did a day 21 defoliation like 5 mins ago, and my plants look about as leafy as yours do after defoliation. Just my opinion :) I'd like to see more opinions on this


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't do it to those girls, I just did a day 21 defoliation like 5 mins ago, and my plants look about as leafy as yours do after defoliation. Just my opinion :) I'd like to see more opinions on this
I *have* done a moderate amount of defoliation this grow in very late Veg/early flower. But I’ve seen some advocacy for HEAVY (damn near all the fan leaves) defoliation at days 0 and 21 of 12/12. I’m a relatively new grower still (about a year of experience), so I just really appreciate informed input.


Well-Known Member
I think it's better to do it the last few weeks. Just tuck the leaves under the bud sites until then, prob have to tuck everyday or other. Just my .02. A lot of people on here do it. Always thought tucking was better


Well-Known Member
Black dog does a monster trim at flip and then day 21. Your plants don’t seem too too bunched so you probably don’t need to go super aggressive like they do but I would take any mature leaves off at minimum at week 3.


Well-Known Member
Hey all. Just wanted to gather some opinions here. I’ve been reading about doing a 21 day defoliation, and it the results seem great. Just wanted to gauge the potential of defoliating my girls when they hit day 21.

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Strip those now you don't want to do it any later imo it's best to do right when you see buds forming like a couple days after the first hairs pop up it's right when they are done stretching but haven't fully gone into bud making mode

f series

Well-Known Member
Strip those now you don't want to do it any later imo it's best to do right when you see buds forming like a couple days after the first hairs pop up it's right when they are done stretching but haven't fully gone into bud making mode
I like to wait until all the pistols are at that 1 square inch size if you know what I mean, then compare the tops to the lowers, any lowers that aren't as big or clustered as the tops gets snipped