What did you accomplish today?

That sux. I never knew back injuries were this painful. The sharp pain and spasms are the worst pain I've ever felt next to teeth abscesses. I try to move as slowly and carefully as possible, but randomly I'll get a shooting pain that makes me scream out and see stars. It's like someone jabbed me right in the spinal cord with an icepick! Fucks with you mentally. I hope you don't feel this pain regularly, I don't think I could live that way...
Right before my surgery I couldn't walk. I would roll out of the bed and crawl to the bathroom, and then to the couch. My daughter would bring me food on the couch. I was eating percocet like candy and it didn't even dull the pain. The DR said he didn't know how the hell I stood up and walked into his office, just a stubborn old Norseman I guess. Ice pick to the spine pretty much describes it. I had my surgery in '97 and it just comes and goes depending on where my vertebra moves to. They didn't fuse it. I totally understand how it feels, and it is big time debilitating. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
Lol thanks it was fun

Hormone levels returning to Sloth Factor One, Alpha slouches back to where the grazing was marginally better. He plops noisily onto the Cretaceous veldt and contemplates, for the Nth time, that if only his horns were prehensile he wouldn't have to bribe a fucking bird to pick his nose for him.
Thanks for that you two, I was giggling like a schoolgirl, my wife thought I'd lost my mind (again?).:clap::D
well, the stretch finally ended and now the buds are falling all over the place :face_palm:

Got some supports tied up and yoyos on order, will grab a ladder and hang em once they arrive. Next time I'll def be putting a screen or cage of some kinda around the hydro gear before putting in a new cycle.
I wrecked my back at work once when half of me fell into a pit. There was a narrow gap in the floor where hydraulic plates moved in and out.

Three of us were trying to pull a 24" wide 20' long piece of steel out of a mill housing and my right leg went into the pit while my left leg was still on the floor.

Took a couple months to get over that one, lots of flexeril, steroids and a few pain pills. The flexeril helped a lot, muscle relaxer. I started wondering if it would relax my heart muscle because I felt like I melted after a couple of those. I avoid lifting with my back and bend knees and get help these days.

Why beat yourself up?

Also, moist heat works best. They had these moist heat pads at the dispensary at work. The nurse would get you fixed up, they didn't want you on the disabled list for very long. Ice and steroids when you first hurt it, moist heat and muscle relaxers a day later was the protocol back then.
well, the stretch finally ended and now the buds are falling all over the place :face_palm:

Got some supports tied up and yoyos on order, will grab a ladder and hang em once they arrive. Next time I'll def be putting a screen or cage of some kinda around the hydro gear before putting in a new cycle.
Did you say you’re using hps, I do as well. Stretch was an issue for me, until I added side lighting and and some diy led , it’s kinda ghetto but my node spacing is super tight now with large dense nuggs.
Made some chip dip last night/this morning, but I messed myself up with a bit too much ghost chilli oil... the stuff smells poisonous lol...


Woke up this morning and had one of these...

...This afternoon I totally fluked these savoury scones, check this out... cheese, bacon, basil feta, capsicum, and onion scones...
Most people cut them before cooking but I like it like this..


The piece in the corner looks like LG's melting heart after seeing me and cannabineer duel it out this morning. That was some hard work.