Trump's Xmas present to the poor in the USA


Well-Known Member
The Anti-Christ's 2019 budget released last week proposes to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) by more than $213 billion over the next ten years — nearly a 30 percent cut — through radically restructuring how benefits are delivered, cutting eligibility for at least 4 million people, and reducing benefits for many others.

The unemployed, the elderly, and low-income working families with children would bear the brunt of the cuts, further driving them closer to the doors of death.

These proposals come on the heels of a tax law the President championed that will mainly benefit the wealthy and corporations and that’s expected to add $1.5 trillion to deficits over ten years.

Sounds good right?

That's the way to make people self-sufficient, right?

It's good for their character, right?

That's what has made America great right?

Fucking over the poor & making the wealthy even more fucking wealthy, right?

Fuck you Trump & all your cunt supporters, your all miserable piece's of scum & I'll see you in Hell & make it even worse for you.

Bet on it

Oh, and while I'm at it, have a Merry fucking Christmas :)

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The Anti-Christ's 2019 budget released last week proposes to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) by more than $213 billion over the next ten years — nearly a 30 percent cut — through radically restructuring how benefits are delivered, cutting eligibility for at least 4 million people, and reducing benefits for many others.

The unemployed, the elderly, and low-income working families with children would bear the brunt of the cuts, further driving them closer to the doors of death.

These proposals come on the heels of a tax law the President championed that will mainly benefit the wealthy and corporations and that’s expected to add $1.5 trillion to deficits over ten years.

Sounds good right?

That's the way to make people self-sufficient, right?

It's good for their character, right?

That's what has what has made America great right?

Fucking over the poor & making the wealthy even more fucking wealthy, right?

Fuck you Trump & all your cunt supporters, your all miserable piece's of scum & I'll see you in Hell & make it even worse for you.

Bet on it :)
He should be impeached.......oh wait...haha
The Anti-Christ's 2019 budget released last week proposes to cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) by more than $213 billion over the next ten years — nearly a 30 percent cut — through radically restructuring how benefits are delivered, cutting eligibility for at least 4 million people, and reducing benefits for many others.

The unemployed, the elderly, and low-income working families with children would bear the brunt of the cuts, further driving them closer to the doors of death.

These proposals come on the heels of a tax law the President championed that will mainly benefit the wealthy and corporations and that’s expected to add $1.5 trillion to deficits over ten years.

Sounds good right?

That's the way to make people self-sufficient, right?

It's good for their character, right?

That's what has what has made America great right?

Fucking over the poor & making the wealthy even more fucking wealthy, right?

Fuck you Trump & all your cunt supporters, your all miserable piece's of scum & I'll see you in Hell & make it even worse for you.

Bet on it :)

the good news is, it'll apply to the largest group of able bodied SNAP recipients..the white trash hillbilly. since they don't (won't) read, this'll come as a surprise when they re-certify which is the true brilliance of the SNAP cut..they'll need a job and fast. therefore there will be no certification and they can toddle off with their pre-made and kept signs 'anything helps; god bless' outside Walmart. the ones that think they can use their dog to tug at heart-strings and i run into Walmart and buy their dog a bag of Blue and huge bone (scratching off the UPC so it can't be returned) should see them all happy i'm coming with a bag..but it's for the dog..wah-wah-wah:lol:
cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) by more than $213 billion over the next ten years — nearly a 30 percent cut —
Those benefits are for people who need them
The sick, injured, unable to care for themselves.
There is lots of jobs out there if people get hungry.
That's what I have to do.
I have to work - or I don't eat.
you don’t even pay taxes

I pay 30% of the price of a gallon of gas in taxes.
I pay 7.25% of the price of everything I buy.
I pay taxes when I pay my electric bill, my phone bill.
I pay five cents tax when I buy something in a container.
I pay ten cents for a shopping bag.
I pay a little under $3k a year in property taxes.

Even if you believe that I don't pay income taxes ... we all pay all or most of these taxes.

I pay 30% of the price of a gallon of gas in taxes.
I pay 7.25% of the price of everything I buy.
I pay taxes when I pay my electric bill, my phone bill.
I pay five cents tax when I buy something in a container.
I pay ten cents for a shopping bag.
I pay a little under $3k a year in property taxes.

Even if you believe that I don't pay income taxes ... we all pay all or most of these taxes.

Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming don't tax earned income, period. Does that mean all the people living in those states are a bunch of freeloaders too?