Trump's Xmas present to the poor in the USA

Actually more are killed by coal etc. The retention ponds in mining kill tons. He is good at using emotions. As are most of the gop. Religious types are more suggestible.
And cats. Cant forget those sneaky bastards, lol!
The first "native" Americans crossed over to Alaska. That means they're Russians! OMFG the invasion of America started over 11,500 years ago!
You do realize that other types of people exist? You are not the center of the universe. True fact. Mothers of homosexual children have 25% more children compared to heterosexual families. We are talking about straight mothers who have children, even one are more fertile that mothers of straights. Evolution is amazing. Survival of the species. Google that too. I can provide links to a very informative documentary. You can't make this stuff up.
The portion of the USR1 gene all Native Americans share comes from a single ancestoral group that migrated to Siberia about 25,000 years ago until migrating to Alaska about 11,500 years ago. Hence, all Native Americans were originally Russian.

If we go back far enough we're all related in some way. Which is why I think racism and nationalism, and blaming the Russians or any other nationality/race for your problems is stupid.

But you have one thing in common with white supremacists that I don't, an irrational hatred of Russians!
I don't mind Russians at all, I am however very unhappy about the Russian military attacking our citizens online. See the difference?

You are a troll, so I don't expect you to answer that honestly.
Actually that is a major cause of quail disappearing. They nest on the ground. Man changes lots of things. I had a relative challenge that what she does causes damage. Amazing.
Yep. They do. And I'm not against barn cats. They can be very effective pest control but there's no denying the damage feral cats have done to bird populations.
Yep. They do. And I'm not against barn cats. They can be very effective pest control but there's no denying the damage feral cats have done to bird populations.
The real problem around me is the collapse of the bug population. Except mosquitoes. The spraying of pesticides on soybeans and corn I believe is the cause. I still see a few birds but the last two years has been eerie. Silence is stunning. I may hear a blue jay now and again. Most don't notice.
And cats. Cant forget those sneaky bastards, lol!
One of the reasons I converted my nice backyard lawn into a bird/polinator sanctuary is that I feel horrible at how murderous my cats are, but I need them to keep mice in check.
The real problem around me is the collapse of the bug population. Except mosquitoes. The spraying of pesticides on soybeans and corn I believe is the cause. I still see a few birds but the last two years has been eerie. Silence is stunning. I may hear a blue jay now and again. Most don't notice.
All of the dumping of cleaning chemicals down the drain that ends up in the water systems worry me on this one too. A lot of the bacteria become resistant to all of the anti-bacterial soaps too. We need to get a lot smarter with how we live on our planet.
Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming don't tax earned income, period. Does that mean all the people living in those states are a bunch of freeloaders too?
It doesn't.
Just because income isn't taxed in a state doesn't mean that it escapes tax by the feds.
Are there are a lot of taxes we pay, every day.
Actually not true. The first upright walkers existed ~3 million years ago. Neanderthal relatives lasted until about 15000 years ago. Africans were the first. Pangea and all. How do you define human?

Who's defining human? I'm only defining last known whereabouts, which would be Russia ie Siberia, for the Native Americans before they came here.

The Paiute from Nevada have a legend that there were these giants who were 8 to 10 feet tall with red hair who they called the Tule Eaters and accused of being cannibals, who they exterminated. What does that sound like? So that's why I say "natives" is a stupid and pretty much racist term.

There's also DNA evidence the dogs native Americans originally bred had European dog ancestry, so the native Americans would apparently had to go through Europe first.

Also the first humans from Africa is debatable. There's evidence the first "humans" came from northern Asia and became the Africans,Neanderthals, and Denisovians.

Therefore all this who came first stuff is nonsense, and everyone should stop it.
Who's defining human? I'm only defining last known whereabouts, which would be Russia ie Siberia, for the Native Americans before they came here.

The Paiute from Nevada have a legend that there were these giants who were 8 to 10 feet tall with red hair who they called the Tule Eaters and accused of being cannibals, who they exterminated. What does that sound like? So that's why I say "natives" is a stupid and pretty much racist term.

There's also DNA evidence the dogs native Americans originally bred had European dog ancestry, so the native Americans would apparently had to go through Europe first.

Also the first humans from Africa is debatable. There's evidence the first "humans" came from northern Asia and became the Africans,Neanderthals, and Denisovians.

Therefore all this who came first stuff is nonsense, and everyone should stop it.
Who's defining human? I'm only defining last known whereabouts, which would be Russia ie Siberia, for the Native Americans before they came here.

The Paiute from Nevada have a legend that there were these giants who were 8 to 10 feet tall with red hair who they called the Tule Eaters and accused of being cannibals, who they exterminated. What does that sound like? So that's why I say "natives" is a stupid and pretty much racist term.

There's also DNA evidence the dogs native Americans originally bred had European dog ancestry, so the native Americans would apparently had to go through Europe first.

Also the first humans from Africa is debatable. There's evidence the first "humans" came from northern Asia and became the Africans,Neanderthals, and Denisovians.

Therefore all this who came first stuff is nonsense, and everyone should stop it.
Racists define human heritage.
Actually that is a major cause of quail disappearing. They nest on the ground. Man changes lots of things. I had a relative challenge that what she does causes damage. Amazing.

ughhh feral cats and people "releasing" animals in the "wild" because they can't be bothered to care for them is a major annoyance of mine. Don't get something and get tired of the responsibility just because it inconveniences you occasionally. "It feeds itself outside" bullshit.....
Who's defining human? I'm only defining last known whereabouts, which would be Russia ie Siberia, for the Native Americans before they came here.

The Paiute from Nevada have a legend that there were these giants who were 8 to 10 feet tall with red hair who they called the Tule Eaters and accused of being cannibals, who they exterminated. What does that sound like? So that's why I say "natives" is a stupid and pretty much racist term.

There's also DNA evidence the dogs native Americans originally bred had European dog ancestry, so the native Americans would apparently had to go through Europe first.

Also the first humans from Africa is debatable. There's evidence the first "humans" came from northern Asia and became the Africans,Neanderthals, and Denisovians.

Therefore all this who came first stuff is nonsense, and everyone should stop it.
The Asian theory is debunked. One of my favorite species was the hobbit. I think the Indonesia area? Some believe homosapiens wiped out the other homo species. We know of a dozen or so. We know they wiped out other species through time.
The Asian theory is debunked. One of my favorite species was the hobbit. I think the Indonesia area? Some believe homosapiens wiped out the other homo species. We know of a dozen or so. We know they wiped out other species through time.

There have been many new discoveries, just Google them. Chinese paleontologists have found new fossils that put doubt on the "out of Africa" theory.