24 or 36 hour darkness??


Well-Known Member
hey can someone explain what the deal is with giving plants 24 or 36 hours of darkness before harvesting. before you cut it after?? what does it do?


Active Member
If you leave your plants in darkness for the last two days before their harvest date the plants will squeeze out the last of their resin. I've tried this technique with white widow and it worked wonders, I tried it with lowryder and got nothing noticeable. Its worth it if you like a little extra frosting on your nuggets.


New Member
The common theory behind 48 hours of dark before harvest: The plant will believe it is it's "dying day" and it will push out more resin (THC) to help the "seeds" have a higher chance of getting spread around by any kind of contact.

Personally I feel a better idea would be 3 days of running them lights on for 8 hours, off for 16. That would probably decrease the chance of getting mold or mildew.


Well-Known Member
Another reason folks do it, and one that is proven by science, when plants are in their dark period, they store their nutrients in their roots. This means that if you cut your plants after they have been in the dark, and you cut during the dark, the plants don't have a chance to draw up starches and sugars that were stored to use during the day time. This causes the cure to take less time, and creates a smoother smoke. All higher plants, other than CAM plants which open their stomata at night, store nutrients like this at night, not just weed.

Also Batman, it is not the lack of light that causes you to get mold or mildew, it is humidity. If you leave your exhaust fans on during the dark period, you will not have these issues and you can keep the lights off as long as you want. The plants may die from no light, but there won't be any mildew.

Some strains respond better to the dark period than others. I have strains that do great with a 24hr dark period, but going to 36hrs causes them to get a weird squishy feeling to them. So I just give them 24hrs dark before harvest, and 24hrs of dark 1 week before harvest. I also give them 24hrs of dark just before going into flower as well. The length of the dark period triggers flowering. While in the dark period, there is a build up of a certain hormone that initiates flowering. Giving the plant 24hrs of dark instead of just 12hrs causes there to be a larger build up of the hormone, and thus flowering starts sooner.


Well-Known Member
What bongrippinbob said is true but i prefer harvesting in the morning because its proven that early in the morning is the best time to harvest because the trichs are at their full potential.


Well-Known Member
What bongrippinbob said is true but i prefer harvesting in the morning because its proven that early in the morning is the best time to harvest because the trichs are at their full potential.
I don't think you are right on this one. How would they be at their "full potential"? How would the trichs be any different in the morning than in the dark? The trichs don't change from morning to night.

Please explain what you mean by full potential, because I don't think there is a difference from morning to night.


New Member
I don't think you are right on this one. How would they be at their "full potential"? How would the trichs be any different in the morning than in the dark? The trichs don't change from morning to night.
yea i agree. i mayb b on my first grow but even i kno that. more resinus weed might help add a lil more bad appeal, but def wont affect the potency.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Another reason folks do it, and one that is proven by science, when plants are in their dark period, they store their nutrients in their roots. This means that if you cut your plants after they have been in the dark, and you cut during the dark, the plants don't have a chance to draw up starches and sugars that were stored to use during the day time. This causes the cure to take less time, and creates a smoother smoke. All higher plants, other than CAM plants which open their stomata at night, store nutrients like this at night, not just weed.

LOL... I have no idea if that's true or not but it sure sounded good.... and also very logical. I'll keep that in mind next time I harvest.... Thanks for the info. +Rep


Well-Known Member
it helps the plant to produce more resin and I also read that you should harvest when its dark so that the plant isn't trying to absorb any thing in your medium since its sleeping


Well-Known Member
LOL... I have no idea if that's true or not but it sure sounded good.... and also very logical. I'll keep that in mind next time I harvest.... Thanks for the info. +Rep :D
I can guarantee you its true! I have a degree in environmental horticulture, and this is one of the things we learned.


Well-Known Member
I can guarantee you its true! I have a degree in environmental horticulture, and this is one of the things we learned.
can it also be proved when a person goes to make oil from the left over (ie. have more oil per plant left over compared to a plant that didn't get the 36 hour dark time?)


Well-Known Member
It allows the resin to flow. In some strains it does wonders for eye candy in others there is minimal difference.


Well-Known Member
Another reason folks do it, and one that is proven by science, when plants are in their dark period, they store their nutrients in their roots. This means that if you cut your plants after they have been in the dark, and you cut during the dark, the plants don't have a chance to draw up starches and sugars that were stored to use during the day time. This causes the cure to take less time, and creates a smoother smoke. All higher plants, other than CAM plants which open their stomata at night, store nutrients like this at night, not just weed.

Also Batman, it is not the lack of light that causes you to get mold or mildew, it is humidity. If you leave your exhaust fans on during the dark period, you will not have these issues and you can keep the lights off as long as you want. The plants may die from no light, but there won't be any mildew.

Some strains respond better to the dark period than others. I have strains that do great with a 24hr dark period, but going to 36hrs causes them to get a weird squishy feeling to them. So I just give them 24hrs dark before harvest, and 24hrs of dark 1 week before harvest. I also give them 24hrs of dark just before going into flower as well. The length of the dark period triggers flowering. While in the dark period, there is a build up of a certain hormone that initiates flowering. Giving the plant 24hrs of dark instead of just 12hrs causes there to be a larger build up of the hormone, and thus flowering starts sooner.
Good stuff. +rep for you.