Trump's Xmas present to the poor in the USA

Obviously youre an asshole
witless dolt

Hard to be both ... I guess its possible.
And, you're not the first to make the observation of 'asshole'. I wear that badge proudly, depending on who says it.
From you, I consider it a compliment. Thank you.

And, I take offense to the "witless" part ... I have worked my way up to 'half wit'.
See? Look ^^
You have the first word capitalized, a comma in the right spot. The noun, verb and adverb in the right spot ... the only thing you missed was the period at the end.

But, watch; in six hours it will all be ... RACIST! TRUMPTARD *impeached
Check it out buddy.
I worry about you, ya know.

Is it organic? or a result of an injury?

Obviously youre an asshole but relentlessly shitting yourself, is that your only trick?
Don't change for me my friend.
Change for your own health.
Talk with your doc about the observations I made - he may need to adjust your meds.
You'll feel better.

Cringe. Scram witless dolt.
Ok buddy.
Stuff that trump toy back up your thought hole, the shit flowing out is wretched.
do you even know how fucking ignorant you sound.. autists lack imagination.. you're clearly uneducated. I hope you have children and they are born autistic, maybe then you will take the time to learn about this condition instead of talking down about those who have it as if you had a fucking clue. communist scum.

I'll just take that as you meant that post for UncleBuck and were too high to know any better.
do you even know how fucking ignorant you sound.. autists lack imagination.. you're clearly uneducated. I hope you have children and they are born autistic, maybe then you will take the time to learn about this condition instead of talking down about those who have it as if you had a fucking clue. communist scum.
Sorry man, you stepped in foreign troll grease. Don't let it get to you, they are not worth it.
Sorry man, you stepped in foreign troll grease. Don't let it get to you, they are not worth it.

@DailyBlastin who's the one talking smack against those with autism? What I said wasn't against autistics, but was sarcasm. Maybe you too have autism?

You are like an annoying autistic child

The content of the emails is unverifiable you autistic dupe

Are you fucking slow like your autistic ritalin kid?

Our current system of health insurance is twice as expensive as the systems other countries use and gets worse results

Even if we implemented Bernie’s shitty plan we’d be saving a ton of money

God you’re slow

barron is even more autistic than you are.

you simply can't find an example of that which you were complaining about.

your presence in the politics section makes you appear mildly autistic. you are about as useful here as an asshole on my elbow.

i take that back. an asshole on my elbow seems like it might be quite useful.

it's like some kind of sick hybrid between trolling, autistic austin, and failspammy.

one star.
About 6k years old we believe. I wonder how 100000 years ago or more language sounded like. Before Indo English times. Prehistory I find interesting.

Have you heard of the Library at Alexandria? Many of your questions would've been answered if ignorant people hadn't destroyed it because they were scared of something they didn't understand. I ask because today I had a dream about it, where a genie asked me for one of my three wishes. My first one was to be able to ask him any question wearing a VR helmet, and see into any past time. That was my first thing I went to see.
Those benefits are for people who need them
The sick, injured, unable to care for themselves.
There is lots of jobs out there if people get hungry.
That's what I have to do.
I have to work - or I don't eat.
That program creates jobs. SNAP is little more than a subsidy to agriculture. This cut will remove jobs and cause increases in food prices.

You're dumb.
That program creates jobs. SNAP is little more than a subsidy to agriculture. This cut will remove jobs and cause increases in food prices.

You're dumb.
It will remove gov't make-work jobs. We don't need those any more. Haven't you heard? The economy has never been better. Jobs are going empty because there isn't enough people to fill them.
The people who are doing the jobs you talk about can go out and get a job that actually produces something - that contributes to the GNP.
And the people who are forced to work in order to eat will gain pride in themselves. They'll be able to buy new stuff and, yes, even food.

Capitalism cures a lot of ills.
We should try it for a change.