Trump's Xmas present to the poor in the USA

It will remove gov't make-work jobs. We don't need those any more. Haven't you heard? The economy has never been better. Jobs are going empty because there isn't enough people to fill them.
The people who are doing the jobs you talk about can go out and get a job that actually produces something - that contributes to the GNP.
And the people who are forced to work in order to eat will gain pride in themselves. They'll be able to buy new stuff and, yes, even food.

Capitalism cures a lot of ills.
We should try it for a change.
Trumps* socialist $28 billion dollar handout to farmers cost more than food stamps and didn’t create a single job

you’re a fraud, grandpa racist

you make being impeached sound like a good thing. it is not. hurts his chance to win again. Pay attention

No it doesn't. It makes his chances greater. He'll use it to again show how much of an outsider he is. That's the only reason why he won the first time, by complaining how the other candidates were professional politicians during the primary, and it was an unfair. He's made it a carrier to whine how everyone is against him. Also the incumbent has always had the advantage. His not getting an impeachment vote at all would've been worse, then Democrats could accuse him of being shady and his billions prevented his impeachment. Now Trump can claim how they only claimed with no evidence.
I grow cannabis.
No you don't you lying sack of shit. You got fucking caught talking out of your ass claiming that you pull 2.5 pounds per 1k watt while harvesting 6 week bloomed plants. You then doubled down on this lie then next day while spelling out the word six before you actually went and read enough about growing to see how fucking stupid your lie was. Then and only then did you recant and claim that you were just tired when you mistakenly said 6 weeks instead of 8 weeks.

You also got caught red fucking handed by @hanimmal lying about where you went to college.

Just dispense with it. You're a fake internet personality spamming our site because that's what you get paid to do.
No it doesn't. It makes his chances greater. He'll use it to again show how much of an outsider he is. That's the only reason why he won the first time, by complaining how the other candidates were professional politicians during the primary, and it was an unfair. He's made it a carrier to whine how everyone is against him. Also the incumbent has always had the advantage. His not getting an impeachment vote at all would've been worse, then Democrats could accuse him of being shady and his billions prevented his impeachment. Now Trump can claim how they only claimed with no evidence.
Trump won because people under estimated him and Clinton did not do what she was suppose to do in the mid west states. We also had that Comey shit right before the election. Pay attention. Trump only won due to our very flawed process of how we elect our POTUS. point for point Clinton handed Trump his ass. That shit wont be repeated.