Trump's Xmas present to the poor in the USA

OH you poor oppressed white Trump supporter. So persecuted and racially victimized...

Get a grip cracker.
This forum has really given me a new insight on how truly hateful you never trumpers are. I always thought maybe the conservative media was exaggerating on how hateful . I see the reverse racism, just all around negative vibes that come from all of you. Not 1 sensible lib that allows anyone else to have an opinion that does not align with there own. The way some of you act make me even more proud not to be in your party.
Suggesting someone to commit suicide is pretty pathetic in every way imaginable. You liberals truly have hate deep down in your heart. The shit you'll speak on this forum is 10 times worse than anything the man you guys hate has ever said publically. If he spoke half the way some of you did you'll would be protesting on the lawn of the White House.
Suggesting someone to commit suicide is pretty pathetic in every way imaginable. You liberals truly have hate deep down in your heart. The shit you'll speak on this forum is 10 times worse than anything the man you guys hate has ever said publically. If he spoke half the way some of you did you'll would be protesting on the lawn of the White House.
I didn't read these two emotionally charged pleas for compassion. It's so tedious and boring. You're just not a likeable person.

Have you considered suicide, gringo?
This forum has really given me a new insight on how truly hateful you never trumpers are. I always thought maybe the conservative media was exaggerating on how hateful . I see the reverse racism, just all around negative vibes that come from all of you. Not 1 sensible lib that allows anyone else to have an opinion that does not align with there own. The way some of you act make me even more proud not to be in your party.
Isn’t your party headed by a guy who praised the neo nazis who murdered heather heyer
Unless you live on 100 percent solar power, drive a bicycle to work and grow your own and produce all of your own food. Please shut the fuck about pollution. Every person here is guilty of adding there share of shit to the environment. The only thing those strict epa policies did was moved all that shit overseas. Where china makes lead and refines all the oil just to be shipped back to the us. Guess how all that shit gets here so you can have electricity, food to eat, transportation. Yeah you guessed it. As long as your part of the problem you are far from the solution.
Sorry but you need to stay the fuck off occupy democrats facebook page. Racist
I saw it all with my own eyes

trump supporters had a torchlit nazi march while chanting “Jews will not replace us”. They made sure to pass by a synagogue just as services were getting out. They beat the shit out of a black man. They murdered heather heyer and injured dozens of others. Their event was called “unite the right”

The next day trump* called them “very fine people”.

that is your party now.

youre nazis
I saw it all with my own eyes

trump supporters had a torchlit nazi march while chanting “Jews will not replace us”. They made sure to pass by a synagogue just as services were getting out. They beat the shit out of a black man. They murdered heather heyer and injured dozens of others. Their event was called “unite the right”

The next day trump* called them “very fine people”.

that is your party now.

youre nazis
I do not support that type of behavior. You speak as if trump has ever condoned any of that shit. That's what makes me sick about you guys. You think every racist rally is backed by trump and that's a load of horseshit. Your a racist because you think every person that votes Republican is a racist. Racist
I do not support that type of behavior. You speak as if trump has ever condoned any of that shit. That's what makes me sick about you guys. You think every racist rally is backed by trump and that's a load of horseshit. Your a racist because you think every person that votes Republican is a racist. Racist
Shut the fuck up, gringo.

Every Trump rally is a racist gathering. The only people left who still support Trump are racists and fucking morons like you.

Also, you're means you fucking are and your means it fucking belongs to you.
I do not support that type of behavior. You speak as if trump has ever condoned any of that shit. That's what makes me sick about you guys. You think every racist rally is backed by trump and that's a load of horseshit. Your a racist because you think every person that votes Republican is a racist. Racist
He called them very fine people the next day

that’s him condoning it and you supporting it

Shut the fuck up, gringo.

Every Trump rally is a racist gathering. The only people left who still support Trump are racists and fucking morons like you.
You called me a gringo. That's a racist slur. Yet your calling me a racist. Your in fantasy land spoof fed by the left media into believing that stupidity. That's why you will lose in 2020 and why you lost in 16. If you could grasp reality, you would see your talking out of your ass
He called them very fine people the next day

that’s him condoning it and you supporting it

He said there was fine people.on both sides. It was a support of the peaceful protest by the people that did not want the statue removed. Trump was not there. He did not know all the details but he condemned the hate and the nazi bullshit. You libtards hang onto every word and twist shit into something it's not. The majority of america sees it for what it is and knows your tactics dont work. Racist
You called me a gringo. That's a racist slur. Yet your calling me a racist. Your in fantasy land spoof fed by the left media into believing that stupidity. That's why you will lose in 2020 and why you lost in 16. If you could grasp reality, you would see your talking out of your ass
The fucking world lost in 2016 you dumb racist cracker. You aren't a victim of any kind of racism but your own fucking stupidity.
The fucking world lost in 2016 you dumb racist cracker. You aren't a victim of any kind of racism but your own fucking stupidity.
President Donald Trump is still defending his infamous remarks in the wake of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, when he said, “You also had some very fine people on both sides.”

The latest attempt came Friday: “I was talking about people that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee,” Trump told reporters. “People there were protesting the taking down of the monument to Robert E. Lee. Everybody knows that.”

Trump isn’t alone in attempting to recast his “both sides” Charlottesville remarks; his supporters are, too. Within the past few months, Dilbert creator Scott Adams, Morton Klein, head of Zionists of America, and writers for Breitbart and the Federalist have done the same, as the Daily Beast’s Will Sommer reported a few weeks ago.

These writers argue that Trump’s “very fine people on both sides” comments were meant to refer to the protesters in attendance who were attempting to stop the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from a public square in Charlottesville, not the neo-Nazis and white nationalists who made up the bulk of the event’s attendees.

As RealClearPolitics’ Steve Cortes argued, “Despite the clear evidence of Trump’s statements regarding Charlottesville, major media figures insist on spreading the calumny that Trump called neo-Nazis ‘fine people.’”