Are Republicans afraid of Trump? Hell, no — he's destroying democracy and they love it

Its actually very easy considering the communist , new green deal, open border , turn us into Europe and take our gun opposition. I don't know how them loony fucks have any supporters at all. Must be the chem trails lol

It's the radioactive Isotopes in the fracking fluid, so what's alternative, Solar.?

Trees grow in Russia, go west young man. (soon to be a famous novel)
Why does equality bother trumpsheep so much?

Oh, that's right they're sexist, racist, uneducated, unamerican, literal pieces of human shit.

I think Hillary went too light with the basket of deplorables thing.

because they're afraid they might have to share their SSDI with them.

wait until the hillbillys find out they need a job courtesy of their Messiah for their next SNAP's projected in the millions to be thrown off.

Its actually very easy considering the communist , new green deal, open border , turn us into Europe and take our gun opposition. I don't know how them loony fucks have any supporters at all. Must be the chem trails lol

Yeah,, it would be awful to have everybody with access to healthcare and an end to 300people every day being shot and injured or killed by guns. It would be awful to have higher social mobility and overall less stressed out/happier people. It would be awful to have a good ground transportation system. It would be awful to have stronger environmental protections. It would be awful to have stronger privacy protection laws. It would be awful to have all that and the same freedom of movement, right to vote, free education through college for those who qualify for it. Must be awful to be part of an economic cooperative union that together makes the largest economic power in the world.

Yeah, what a shithole Europe is.

true Trump believer. lol
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Yeah,, it would be awful to have everybody with access to healthcare and an end to 300people every day being shot and injured or killed by guns. It would be awful to have higher social mobility and overall less stressed out/happier people. It would be awful to have a good ground transportation system. It would be awful to have stronger environmental protections. It would be awful to have stronger privacy protection laws. It would be awful to have all that and the same freedom of movement, right to vote, free education through college for those who qualify for it. Must be awful to be part of an economic cooperative union that together makes the largest economic power in the world.

Yeah, what a shithole Europe is.

true Trump believer. lol
Well id be happy to help start a fundraiser so you can afford to relocate there.
Well id be happy to help start a fundraiser so you can afford to relocate there.

Deflect away Trump cocksucker.

You were talking as if Europe were some shithole. I refuted that and your response was to pussy out and deflect instead. I get it, you have no good response.

Your concession of defeat is not accepted. Pussy.
Deflect away Trump cocksucker.

You were talking as if Europe were some shithole. I refuted that and your response was to pussy out and deflect instead. I get it, you have no good response.

Your concession of defeat is not accepted. Pussy.
Trump is gonna be elected AGAIN and I'm gonna rub it in your face Daily . gonna be a fun few years for me. You and UncleBitch can jerk each other off and dream of your communist oasis and cry socialist tears .
Well I'm off to work now. I bet you guys have no idea what that feels like . Bums
Trump is gonna be elected AGAIN and I'm gonna rub it in your face Daily . gonna be a fun few years for me. You and UncleBitch can jerk each other off and dream of your communist oasis and cry socialist tears .
Well I'm off to work now. I bet you guys have no idea what that feels like . Bums
Night shift at the 7-11 again eh

prestigious work if you can get it
Trump is gonna be elected AGAIN and I'm gonna rub it in your face Daily . gonna be a fun few years for me. You and UncleBitch can jerk each other off and dream of your communist oasis and cry socialist tears .
Well I'm off to work now. I bet you guys have no idea what that feels like . Bums
What business isctha

gas station clerk

I own my own business and pay way more taxes than you btw

Oh and the slurpee machine is broken, kid. Go fix it
What kinda business UncleBitch? You have an awful lot of free time on your hands lol