White people, particularly men:


Well-Known Member
If you don’t want the answer then don’t ask the question
Here's a question, if you think I'm really a sock puppet, it should be quite obvious who I am. Easily identified by my commenting style and writing habits.

Let's hear your ridiculous theories, smart guy.


Well-Known Member
Here's a question, if you think I'm really a sock puppet, it should be quite obvious who I am. Easily identified by my commenting style and writing habits.

Let's hear your ridiculous theories, smart guy.
Meh, you’re kinda boring and not really worth any effort but I’ll still figure it out anyway

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Jesus Dude! What's with the angry old man syndrome? Don't they have any good bud in Alaska? If they do, you should smoke a bunch in the morning before you post. :lol:

Then you throw a hissy fit, denounce liberals, and threaten to ignore any members who disagree with you! If you are actually 70, then why do you act like a teenage girl? :roll:

Ulp, now you're going to put me on ignore! Go on, try it. :lol:

Roid rage perhaps lol. Yup the old hotrod needs to chill or I see an anger induced stroke :(.


Well-Known Member
My white friend who has a 20 year old job travelling Europe selling software for commercial financial trading was telling me the hardship he faces now being the only guy in his position not to have a university degree. Poor white guy is being oppressed by his lack of intelligence.


Well-Known Member
It's no different in the rest of the US.
I think the polling statistics of white male support for Trump at this point in history say more than anything else can about the current level of bigotry in the USA. You have to be jerked around by strong emotions to be blinded to the treason, incompetence, corruption and unfitness of Trump. He is probably the worst human being imaginable for the job of POTUS and bigotry blinds his supporters to his many flaws. He did shoot someone one 5th Ave. a guy called Uncle Sam and it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt to any reasonable person, in spite of massive obstruction by Trump. The impeachment trial was a public display of witness tampering and intimidation and a very public demonstration of jury intimidation.

Why would someone support Trump? Ideology, that changes all the time, perhaps his upright character and brilliant intellect, is what his fans like? Now they have and information bubble to exist within that helps them to filter reality, supports their delusions, provides rationalizations and binds them together into a community. Hostile foreign powers have now learned how to use American social division to weaken the country from within and to interfere with US elections using the internet. They have willing partners in the dissemination of their disinformation in the GOP, POTUS and fox news, among others.

Donald dropped the dog whistle and took up a bullhorn of bigotry and racism, MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN is the real slogan behind MAGA, everybody knows this. Just look at the white trash that supports him here, all the socks and trolls are Trumpers, they can't stand up to an honest argument based on facts for a minute, most are moral (or actual) morons. Almost all are really driven by fear and one of the things humans do when that happens is to go tribal, to band together under a strong leader. That's what the big worry is for most democrats and others who oppose Trumpism, selecting a strong leader that people will follow to defeat Trump. That's also what the GOP did, band together, to try and hold back the changes in America and the rise of other peoples in American society. They might as well try to hold back the oceans tide, as try to hold back the tide of history.


Well-Known Member
Everyone I ever meet is always giving me free shit. Pussy, weed, free groceries. Everything ls free. It’s fucking great. The police stop me just to say hi and see if there’s anything they can do to help me.