CUTTINGS > Can i plant the Rockwool cube into the soil on Day 1?


New Member
What happens if i take a Cutting, put it in a Rockwool Cube, plant that directly into cup of soil & then put it under a Humidity Dome.
Will it dry out, stay too wet? How do i water it? Is ph a major issue? etc...


Well-Known Member
Best way for me with rock wool, is soak in PHed water with 1ml/L h202.
Spin in salad spinner to get almost all of the water out. Poke a hole and stick it in. Give the RW about 2-4mil water. Keep in dome 80F.
When you get roots coming out then go to dirt. The dirt you are using may have something in it that may attack the cut. After it has healed and rooted it can handle some pathogens.
I cut narrow tall cubes out of a brick. The trick is keep sterility and not too wet. Water with a 1ml dropper.


Well-Known Member
What happens if i take a Cutting, put it in a Rockwool Cube, plant that directly into cup of soil & then put it under a Humidity Dome.
Will it dry out, stay too wet? How do i water it? Is ph a major issue? etc...
i think putting it in something like a rapid rooter (peat) would give less problems in soil.


Well-Known Member
I usually spin before I stick the clone in LOL. However I have rinsed a rooted clone and spun. As long as you lay them against the side they survive the gravitron.


New Member
Thank you Mellow.
I think you are correct. I am monitoring hourly to see how fast the cube dries out.
24hrs so far & cube is still wet, & dirt is now slightly moist near the cube.


New Member
- 10 of 15 Clones have roots after day 15.
- It seems like the only difference was that it takes up more space.
*But If the soil has too much nutrients, the cutting will turn yellow, curl & burn up.