Why is this happening to my plant??


Hey guys so I have been growing GDP for about 2 months and in the early stage of the plants growth it had a lack of nitrogen which caused a nutrient lock and it's been stunted ever since even after I gave it some nutrients. But now I'm noticing that the bigger leaves are turning yellow and the tips are curling inwards.i cut of the yellow leaves and the tips but I can't figure out what's going on.
Please help me out y'all !!1577805573913-1581611863.jpg15778055978611130238136.jpg
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Get some epsom salts and mix a tablespoon to a gallon of water with a bit of nitrogen and foliar spray them during lights out
Include Epsom salts in your next watering as well
What @Herb & Suds said is 100% a good idea. But I've had this problem before and what I did is patted all the soil from the roots had a new bag of FF ocean forest and replanted with great white microrizia no nutrients for 3 weeks as ff is rich anyway and boom no more problem. Make sure your watching you ph as well 6.5 to 6.8 dechlorinated water. Skip using salt based nutrient just water with 10ml of liquid seaweed every other water. But remember your gonna have to wake those microbes up in the soil cause they go dormant after awhile and no nutrients will hold up and you'll get nutrient lock out again.