Male????Before flowering stage???


Active Member
I've been vegging for 75days now with about 13~16hour lights/day.

One of em started showin BALLS!!! i had 5 of em is outdoors now at my friend's apartment balcony..i have indoors: 3 healthy female lookin plants and 1 healthy plant that started to piss me it possible to grow balls even before i started the flowering stage? im gonna start flowering in about 2 weeks. they look like balls...if i jus get rid of it? :( what can i make of it if it is a male...i dunno if i can jus get rid of it after spendin 75days with it..with all my passion and care..FUCK...someone giveme a solution please..



Well-Known Member

24/0 - 18/6 veg

12/12 flower.........your lights are more towards this

some plants will show sex after that long of veg.........yes


Active Member
my lighting schedule is messed up..i tried 12/12 and failed within 3 decided to veg more slowly increasing light:dark ratio. Its pretty steady now..the plants look great..tall and jus waitin for my HPS..right now theyre under 5 floros and 6cfls. i already transplanted twice..but im gonna do it again before flowering to HUGE pots...all else is good..jus the lighting problem i had..hopefully HPS will make things easier.
so...i should burn..destroy..kill...the male??no use to keep him whatsoever rite? :(


Well-Known Member
12/12 is for flower only.

you need more light hours for veg 24/0 18/6 , on/off...........o.k.

get a timer for this......set it and forget it

unless you want alot of seeds, get rid of the male.....asap!

this is your first grow...enjoy and learn.........good luck :->-"""""""


Active Member
i jus transplanted the male outside....i jus wanna see how tall it gets with all that sunlight now :) im thinkin of smokin a part of him...wut will happen?jus sore throat and no hi and a headache? left with 3 healthy girls now..goin to get a timer tomorrow first thing. ill update with pix


Active Member
do not smoke the males..jus get rid of em...i jus got a realli bad headache and my throat hurts like shit..
i had to smoke another bowl of good weed to soothe the pain...
ugh..males r good fo nothin


Active Member
can you use the mail trimming to make hash? or would they need to be fully mature to do this, in that case it would ruin all the females. always kind of wondered this


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by cloud9
males r good fo nothin
Males are good for some things, without them we would not be able to crossbreed... so If you have two strains growing take the pollen from the nuts and get a small paint brush and dab the pollen onto the smallest cola.
Then when you grow the seeds from that it has two traits.